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< Battlespire: Creatures

Dremora are not as strong as other enemies, but can prove dangerous in the early going. They will often cast three or four spells at the start of combat, but it is possible to avoid these by hiding behind something (such as another enemy) or quickly closing the gap into melee range. Their melee attacks are also fairly strong, so you may wish to use ranged attacks instead of engaging in close combat. Dremora are somewhat intelligent; it is possible to speak with them, but they will likely attack you.

35 300 65 50 70 45 50 35 50 45
Location Level 1, Level 2a, Level 2b, Level 4
Spells Minor All Elements

Level 2a: The High Halls and Librarium DialogueEdit


  • Come here, little manling. I won't hurt you. I just want to tell you a... secret.
  • What are you? And what are you doing here. Come closer, so I can talk to you.
  • Hmm. Welcome. I am very happy to see you. I have a present for you.
Player Response Result
I'm a Battlespire guard. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraFoe
I'm a Battlemage. Let me show you my credentials. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraFoe
[&RishaalName] Ask Rishaal. If she wants you to know, she can tell you. Reply 1
[&ZenaideName] You have no right to question me. I serve Zenaide, and do as she wills. Reply 2
[&WonshalaName] Wonshala knows my name. You do not, and will not. Reply 3
[&MethatsName] I come from Methats, who wants a report immediately. Reply 4
[&SumeerName] Sumeer is my master, and I'll brook no interference from the likes of you. Reply 7
I am Wrath and Vengeance. In the name of the Emperor, I abjure thee, and condemn thy spirit to Oblivion for thy crimes. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraFoe

Greeting 2Edit

You do not belong here. Drop your weapons and submit, or be destroyed.

Player Response Result
Oh, very well. If you insist. END DROPREADYWEAPON AND MONSTERAttack &DremoraMad
I hope you've had a good diet and plenty of rest, because I'm going to take a whole lot of destroying, friend. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad


  • [[It doesn't seem to want to speak with you.]]
  • [[Apparently it has nothing to say at this time.]]
  • [[It looks like it isn't listening to you.]]

Greeting 3Edit

You're still here? What in Creation ARE those Scamps and Vermai doing? Can't ANYONE do ANYTHING around here?

Player Response Result
I guess I'm just too tough for a bunch of wimpy daedric lackeys. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad

Reply 1Edit

Ahgh. THAT figures. With the load of Scamps she's got, she'll take ANYTHING in her service... even humans.

Player Response Result
I'm sure you mean no offense. So I'll just be about my business, then. END MonsterWander_120 &DremoraNice

Reply 2Edit

Nice try, but Zenaide likes her soldiers dumb and ugly, and you don't qualify.

Player Response Result
Thanks for the compliment. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad

Reply 3Edit

Oh. I see. Excellent. I have a special message for her. Lean over and I'll whisper in your ear.

Player Response Result
Yes? Yes? Tell me... END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad
Don't come NEAR me. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad

Reply 4Edit

Oh. Yeah. That's extremely likely. I believe I'll be killing you now.

Player Response Result
Oh, don't trouble yourself... END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad

Reply 5Edit

Boy, are you confused. Or stupid. Or both. Please die now.

Player Response Result
Anything to be of assistance. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad

Reply 6Edit

Your pardon, Syndic. So this is the original form, then? No point maintaining the Mariel form any more, I suppose... though it was not an unpleasing form, was it, heh, heh?

Player Response Result
You presume upon my genial disposition. Perhaps that is not wise. Perhaps you would leave me in peace. END MonsterWander_120 &DremoraNice

Reply 7Edit

Indeed, Sumeer is the master of us all, and his every breath is as nectar to his servants. A thousand pardons for disturbing your reflections.

Player Response Result
You are excused. END Command DR_4 &DremoraNice

Level 2b: The High Halls and Librarium DialogueEdit

Greeting [PCFemale]Edit

  • No more tricks, Master Kaid. Cute, but tiresome.
  • Kaid. We know who you are, so spare us the cunning conceits.
  • You are bold to present yourself thus, Kaid. I presume you have something you'd like to say?
Player Response Result
Don't get huffy. It's not my fault if you've been played for fools. Now. Do you want to listen? If you'd rather have extreme violence, that's fine, too. Reply 1
I'm not Kaid. If you insist on that line, we're not going to get anywhere. Reply 2
This is not about Josian Kaid. This is about you, my friend. You can go away, or I can send you away. Far away, into silent darkness, enduring pain, and withering despair. Reply 3

Greeting [PCMale]Edit

  • No more tricks, Master Trenelle. Cute, but tiresome.
  • Trenelle. We know who you are, so spare us the cunning conceits.
  • You are bold to present yourself thus, Trenelle. I presume you have something you'd like to say?
Player Response Result
Don't get huffy. It's not my fault if you've been played for fools. Now. Do you want to listen? If you'd rather have extreme violence, that's fine, too. Reply 4
I'm not Trenelle. If you insist on that line, we're not going to get anywhere. Reply 5
This is not about Vatasha Trenelle. This is about you, my friend. You can go away, or I can send you away. Far away, into silent darkness, enduring pain, and withering despair. Reply 6

Greeting 2Edit

Splendid. I have the pleasure to inform you that you are to be captured, not destroyed, and in keeping with this objective, I guarantee you your life, on my sacred oath of honor to the Great Powers, if you drop your weapons and shed your armor, and give yourself into my custody.

Player Response Result
That's great news. Okay. Here's my stuff. END ENDFRAME_1035
Please forgive me, but I must decline your gracious offer. I have a previous commitment which obliges me to refuse your hospitality. END &DremoraNice


  • [[It politely but firmly refuses to speak with you.]]
  • [[With a dismissive gesture it declines your offer to parlay.]]
  • [[It does not appear willing to enter into conversation with you.]]

Greeting 3 [&DremoraMad]Edit

You are being difficult. You've only yourself to blame if we are forced to discorporate you permanently.

Player Response Result
Don't trouble yourself on my account. And accept my apologies in advance if I should inadvertently cast your spirit into Everlasting Darkness through the intemperate violence of my mighty blows. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad

Reply 1Edit

I'm afraid we're not interested in anything you have to say, Kaid. But if you have not yet spoken with Dremora Tanchelm, do so, please. That is all I have to say.

Player Response Result
I have heard you. END MonsterWander_120 &DremoraNice

Reply 2Edit

To me it is no matter if you are the Emperor of Illimitable Splendor. Your presence is requested in the library. That said, I have followed my orders, and may return to the sport of chastising you.

Player Response Result
Well. I hope I am proving a diverting challenge for you. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad

Reply 3Edit

Nice speech, kid. But let me give you a hint. If Clan Dremora has a fault, it is the fault of pride. Perhaps threats may daunt other daedric clans, but they only inspire Dremora to greater risks and dares.

Player Response Result
Thank you. Then perhaps we should prefer the more proper challenge? Your health, or mine, my lord? END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad

Reply 4Edit

I'm afraid we're not interested in anything you have to say, Trenelle. But if you have not yet spoken with Dremora Tanchelm, do so, please. That is all I have to say.

Player Response Result
I have heard you. END MonsterWander_120 &DremoraNice

Reply 5Edit

To me it is no matter if you are the Emperor of Illimitable Splendor. Your presence is requested in the library. That said, I have followed my orders, and may return to the sport of chastising you.

Player Response Result
Well. I hope I am proving a diverting challenge for you. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad

Reply 6Edit

Nice speech, kid. But let me give you a hint. If Clan Dremora has a fault, it is the fault of pride. Perhaps threats may daunt other daedric clans, but they only inspire Dremora to greater risks and dares.

Player Response Result
Thank you. Then perhaps we should prefer the more proper challenge? "Your health, or mine, my lord?" END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad

Level 4: Shade PerilousEdit


You wish to stop our battle? We Dremora are not appeased by submission. We have no need of mortal captives.

Player Response Result
I'm not surrendering! I'm trying to talk to you! Reply 1
I was planning to accept YOUR surrender, you arrogant imbecile! END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad

Reply 1Edit

That is intriguing. What does a mere mortal have to say to a Dremora?

Player Response Result
I've had a chat or two with some of your oathbrothers, and I get the distinct impression that, despite your threats and assaults, you plan to preserve my skin for some schemes of your own. Reply 3
[PCMale] I want to know where my friend Vatasha is. Reply 2
[PCFemale] I want to know where my friend Josiah [sic] is. Reply 2
THIS mere mortal says welcome to hell! Take the long dark ride, immortal scum! END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad
This mere mortal hasn't such a bad won-lost record in his recent contests with the immortals. Reply 3

Reply 2Edit

Well, we don't all get what we want, do we? Perhaps I know something. But nothing I'm willing to share with you. At present. Now. Is there something else on your mind?

Player Response Result
I'm more interested in what's on your mind. Because I can't match my actions to your interests without a clearer idea of what you're trying to do. Reply 3

Reply 3Edit

Hmmm. You are clever, for a mortal. And you have backbone. Perhaps we can make use of you.

Player Response Result
I'm fed up with these pokes at my mere mortal nature. Let's see how an immortal with a careless tongue proves his honor in the court of war. END MONSTERATTACK
Oh, yes, sir, indeed. Most pleased I am to be your tool. Your willing servant. Lap dog. You don't have lap dogs, do you? Well, you know what I'm saying here. Say the word, and I'm your faithful little manling. Reply 4 MONSTERATTACK &DremoraSpeak
Only if I can make use of you too. Reply 5

Reply 4Edit

You must not be the one we seek. Such a one would never sully his pride by such base groveling.

Player Response Result
Nuts. Guess I laid it on a bit too thick, eh? Well, better luck next time. Goodbye. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraSpeak

Reply 5Edit

Hah hah! But of course! Let us both use one another, and see who gets the greater use of the other!

Player Response Result
Good plan. So. Tell me how to free my friend! Reply 6

Reply 6Edit

To do that one would travel beyond the gates of this land, thru the Chimera of Desolation, thru the Havok Wellhead, and finally to Dagon's personal pleasure palace.

Player Response Result
How do I do that? Reply 7

Reply 7Edit

Only Jaciel Morgen, the immortal Nocturnal Lieutenant, can send you through the great locks that separate this realm from the next. But she has somehow hidden herself within the Shade Perilous. The great Daedra Lord, Mehrunes Dagon, was persuaded that this realm would be an essential waystation toward the conquest of Battlespire, and sanctioned our passage. But he did not sanction the overthrow and occupation of this realm.

Player Response Result
Get to the point, please. Reply 8 &JacielName

Reply 8Edit

Understand. Dagon's Oathkin and Proteges, Faydra Shardai and Xivilai Moath, crushed this realm where they should have simply obtained passage by negotiation, or with limited force. These spawn of Dagon became -- overzealous in carrying out Dagon's orders. The dark temptations of this Nocturnal land proved far too appealing to them, and they overthrew the Shade Perilous while their Oathfather was occupied with weightier matters.

Player Response Result
Okay. So you think Dagon will be none too pleased by what has happened here? And you Dremora are trying to distance yourself from Faydra Shardai and Xivilai Moath and their retainers, just in case the wrath of Dagon might fall upon them. Reply 9 &FaydraName AND &XivilaiName

Reply 9Edit

Yes. Faydra unleashed her Fire Daedra and Xivilai's unchained his Frost Daedra, granting them free rein to lay waste to this precious corner of the Nocturnal realm. They relished the chance to revenge themselves on their ancient enemies, the Nocturnals.

Player Response Result
Well, you can't embark on a campaign of conquest without ruffling a few feathers. Reply 10

Reply 10Edit

Quite true, but they have gone too far, and must be chastened. Now that Battlespire is ours, we no longer need to hold this land. But many Daedra minions of Faydra and Xivilai decided that this land was now their domain, and remained here instead of continuing to the next step on the invasion route. They must be expunged and good order restored -- in order to redress the balance.

Player Response Result
What order and balance would that be? Reply 11

Reply 11Edit

The order to be restored is the order of the Nocturnals. As for the balance... well, that is more wisdom than you require.

Player Response Result
How do I go about expunging all these miscreant Daedra? Reply 12

Reply 12Edit

Invoke the names of their lords, and they will grow docile and circumspect. Exploit their divisions and they will fall like barley before the scythe.

Player Response Result
How will that get me to my friend? Reply 13

Reply 13Edit

One who would free your friend must gain the secret of passage from Shade Perilous to the Chimera of Desolation through the fugitive, the Nocturnal Lieutenant, Jaciel Morgen. But I have said too much. No one must know of our discussion. I will deny all knowledge of our colloquy. Now be off. Count yourself luckiest among all mortals that we have deemed you useful to our purpose. For had our goals not come into alignment, the last wisps of steam would now be rising from your lacerated lungs.

Player Response Result
I will never forget -- never -- the respect you have shown me and the candor with which you have shared your aims and means. I promise you that I will return the favor in time. Goodbye. END &DremoraDone
Thank you ever so much for the information, But excuse me if I take offense at your boorish threats, and insist on proving my honor upon your body with cold steel and hot sorcery. On guard! END MONSTERATTACK
I thank your lordship for such kindness. But tell me, who do you serve? Who is the prime mover behind your schemes? Surely not Lord Dagon himself? Reply 14

Reply 14Edit

That is not for you to know. All you need know is that I and my fellow Dremora serve the Exalted and Most Puissant Lord, Gerent of Dagon, Mehrunes.

Player Response Result
Yes. Well. That's all, then. Goodbye. END &DremoraDone


[[The bold Dremora is silent and menacing.]] &DremoraSpeak

[[The Dremora eyes you significantly, but pointedly avoids acknowledging your presence.]]

Greeting [&DremoraSpeak]Edit

If you have something worthwhile to say, say it quickly.

Player Response Result
I suspect it is YOU who has something to say, and I'm eager to listen. Reply 1
Nope. Nothing to say, Really. Just Teasing you. Hah-hah. Isn't this fun? Bye. END MONSTERATTACK &DremoraMad