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< Castles:Rulings
(Uncle / aunt), you have always been like a (father / mother) to me. You've taught me so much, you should choose me as your heir.[up]

Min. Recurrence Time: 1 hour
Dynasty Level >= 14
Ruling Requester Subject Ruling Flags: SuccessionChallenge (disabled)
Ruling Requester Any of: relationship to Ruler is Nephew/Niece
Ruling Requester All of: relationship to Ruler is not Enemy
Ruling Co-requester Subject Ruling Flags: Heir
Ruling Co-requester All of: relationship to Requester is not Lover
Random Weight: 25

You, <Requester's First Name>, ruler? That is both hilarious and sad. or

Be thankful I'm not your (father / mother), or I'd give you a whippin' for asking. or
Trying to take my place, you little sneak? Get out!


Ruler Traits include all of: not Tribal, not Considerate, not Leader


Requester Flags: SuccessionChallenge

I'm sorry, (nephew / niece), but this is not for you. or

I don't see this in your future, <Requester's First Name>.


Ruler Traits include all of: not Heartless, not Reckless, not Devious, not Volatile


Requester Flags: SuccessionChallenge
Requrester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

Perhaps if you gave generously to your dear (uncle / aunt)...

Ruler Traits include all of: not Tribal, not Considerate, not Leader


Requester Flags: Heir
Co-Requester Flags: Heir (disabled)

What you say rings true. I agree to your request.

Requester Flags: Heir
Co-Requester Flags: Heir (disabled)

You dare challenge the line of succession? You are banished!

Requester All of: relationship to Ruler is not Friend
Co-Requester All of: relationship to Ruler is not Enemy
Subject Kill Chance: 100%
Subject Killed: 1

I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
Not at this time, (nephew / niece).


Requester Any of: relationship to Co-Requester is Friend

I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
Not at this time, (nephew / niece).


Requester All of: relationship to Co-Requester is not Friend


Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png