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Daggerfall:Daggerfall (Region)/Laboratories

< Daggerfall:Daggerfall (Region)

The Daggerfall region has 21 laboratories. Other Dungeons.


Andane Laboratory
Andynak Laboratory
Bedard Laboratory
Castle Kinghouse
Dunore Laboratory
Dunyn Laboratory
Edworyan Laboratory
Gondistyr Laboratory
Gondyrick Laboratory
Kinghart's Hold
Peristair Laboratory
Perynak Laboratory
Ruins of The Wicking Farmstead
The Citadel of Buckingsmith
The Hold of Buckington
The Tristyrick Academy
Theodynak Laboratory
Theodyrick Laboratory
Theodyval Laboratory
Tower Hearthhart

Laboratories have interesting enemy spawns.

Area Type Enemy Player Level Range
Laboratory Imp 1-3
Laboratory Mage 1-4
Laboratory Sorcerer 1-5
Laboratory Battlemage 1-6
Laboratory Zombie 1-7
Laboratory Mage 1-8
Laboratory Sorcerer 3-9
Laboratory Flesh Atronach 4-10
Laboratory Battlemage 5-11
Laboratory Ice Atronach 6-12
Laboratory Fire Atronach 7-13
Laboratory Iron Atronach 8-14
Laboratory Gargoyle 9-15
Laboratory Daedroth 10-16
Laboratory Sorcerer 11+
Laboratory Lich 12+
Laboratory Mage 13+
Laboratory Sorcerer 14+
Laboratory Lich 15+
Laboratory Ancient Lich 16+