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< Lore: People: N
Mage Naleldil
Race Unknown Gender Female
A collection of Gloomspore creations
Ice-Glow Salamander, imbued by Naleldi with the use of Ayleid ritual

Mage Naleldil was a mycoturge,[1] and a renowned master of arcane husbandry who created unique and exotic mounts and pets infused with fungal spores known as the Gloomspore creatures.[2][3] Her creations were sought after by scholars, adventurers, and anyone in need of a reliable and sturdy companion.[3][4] Using her extensive knowledge of alchemy and mycoturgy, Mage Naleldil crafted a range of mounts with distinct features and properties. She integrated research left behind by Ahzidal, a grand Nord enchanter in her work.[5]

Among her notable creations were the Gloomspore Bears, which were infused with mora tapinella to provide fortuitous protection to their riders,[3] and glowing bear cubs, crafted from spores acquired from traveling merchants.[5]

The Gloomspore Horses were crafted with giant lichen and were known for their beauty and cautionary nature, providing a sense of safety from ambushes.[6] The pony-fungus creatures were made using manic morels from Dementia.[7]

Mage Naleldil also experimented with hypha facia to create Gloomspore Wolves, which were eerie mounts with howls that sent chills down the spine.[8] The wolf pups were created with oxblood fungus spores instead, to instill fierce guardianship.[9]

It was believed that Gloomspore Guars, created with the use of bleeding crown were among the toughest creations of Naleldil. They were known for their thick fungal hide.[4] The Gloomspore Guar Calf was another popular creation that had calming properties, although it was known to be gassy.[10]

She utilized scaly pholiota for the Gloomspore Camels, which were designed to bear heavy loads without complaint.[11]

The Gloomspore Senches were created with thunder fungi,[12] and the Senche Cubs were known for their cute features.[13] She also created another breed of fungal Senche, known as Nighthaunts. They were imbued by the power of cult of Vaermina curiosities that intensified their glow and gave them a grim appearance. However, Mage Naleldil insisted that they were not evil.[14]

Naleldil's arcane studies were not limited to mycoturgy. She discovered an Ayleid ritual that granted luminescent qualities to common salamanders, which, due to an unexpected population explosion, she was known to gift to those who impressed her.[2]


  • Gloomspore creatures also occur naturally in the caverns of Blackreach.[15][16]
  • It is known that Gloomspore Weapons can be created with the usage of mycoturgy. It is unknown, however, whether or not Naleldil was their creator.[17]
