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< Morrowind: Places: Dwemer Ruins
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Walkthrough: not written

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Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by Chezburgar
Dwemer Ruin:
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 1
Dwemer Centurions (or Dwarven Spectres), Scribs
Console Location Code(s)
Ashlands, [4,15]

Bthuand is a Dwemer ruin in the north-central Ashlands just west of the daedric shrine of Zergonipal.

There are three scribs (plain, diseased or blighted depending on your level) and five leveled Dwemer centurions in Bthuand, two of which may be Dwarven spectres (also depending on your level). There are several dead hive scribs and a dead adventurer within.

Related QuestsEdit



  • There is a key sitting on a table in the southeastern room (near the dead adventurer) that will unlock the door to the northeastern room and the chest within.
  • The only way to get Spell Breaker is to do the actual vampire quest. The shield cannot be found before the quest is given.


Bthuand, interior map