Endurance is the governing Attribute for Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, and Spear. It affects:
- How much maximum Health you have. Each time you level up, your Endurance is divided by 10 and this value is added to your current maximum.
- Only your base endurance and the Fortify Endurance from abilities (in the original game, only The Lady Sign) are used to calculate your additional health on level up. For example, if you have 50 base Endurance and +20 from a Fortify Endurance effect other than from The Lady Sign, your total Endurance will be 70; however, you will get only an additional 5 health when you level up. Note that increases to endurance do not retroactively increase hit points, so it is advisable to maximize endurance as early as possible.
- If you increase your Endurance when you level up, your new Endurance is used to calculate your additional health.
- The value is not rounded in any way; 45 endurance will add 4.5 health on level up. Note that your displayed Health value is truncated, meaning it will appear as though you only received 4 additional health points in this case, but your actual Health will include any fractional increases.
- How much maximum Fatigue you have.
- How quickly your Fatigue regenerates.
Character CreationEdit
The starting values for Endurance vary by race and gender:
Race | M | F | Race | M | F | |
Argonian | 30 | 30 | Khajiit | 30 | 40 | |
Breton | 30 | 30 | Nord | 50 | 40 | |
Dark Elf | 40 | 30 | Orc | 50 | 50 | |
High Elf | 40 | 30 | Redguard | 50 | 50 | |
Imperial | 40 | 40 | Wood Elf | 30 | 30 |
The following classes have Endurance as a favored attribute and receive a +10 bonus:
The Lady birthsign also grants a +25 bonus to Endurance.
Spell EffectsEdit
These spell effects affect Endurance:
These artifacts have a constant Fortify Endurance effect: