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Oblivion:Kastus Sintav's House

< Oblivion: Places: Homes
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Summary: not written

House Inventory: written by SitDown (in-game)

Description: written by SitDown (in-game)

Residents: not written

Related Quests: written by SitDown (in-game - none)
Kastus Sintav's House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
ICElvenGardensKastusSintavsHouse, ICElvenGardensKastusSintavsHouseBasement, ICElvenGardensKastusSintavsHouseUpstairs
Imperial City, Elven Gardens District
Kastus Sintav's House

Kastus Sintav's House is a common house located in the southeastern part of the Elven Gardens District, right across the street from Jastia Sintav's residence. It is the residence of Kastus Sintav, and his brothers Beran and Vontan.


Kastus Sintav's HouseEdit

Kastus Sintav's HouseEdit

The home of three brothers is sparsely decorated. Only the essentials are found on the main floor; various foodstuffs can be found on the shelves and tables, in the cupboard, and in the barrel. Eleven bottles of cheap wine are in the wine rack. An enticing looking locked chest against the stairwell only holds clutter.

Kastus Sintav's Private QuartersEdit

In the very practical private quarters, a jewelry box containing gold and a chance of jewelry and nuggets is found in a niche by the single bed in the alcove. The locked chest that is just beside the door contains two or three pieces of weapons or armor. There are two cupboards and a chest of drawers, all containing clothes. On the table up against the northwestern wall lies some assorted food.

Kastus Sintav's BasementEdit

In the back southwest wall of the basement is a locked chest containing gold and a chance of jewelry and some silverware to be found. A second locked chest on the floor on the northeast wall holds only clutter. Two watermelons and four pumpkins are found on a shelf. All other containers hold clutter except for two open-topped sacks, which hold five pieces of grain each.