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Home City Rimmen
Location The Sugar Bowl, second floor lobby
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Noble

Benzoq is a Redguard noble and patron of the Sugar Bowl in Rimmen. He's leaning against the wall on the second floor, in the corner.


"The Khajiit might be mild mannered when it comes to most social interactions, but have you ever tried to barter with one? That's when their claws truly come out."
"I tell you, Khajiiti traders are slipperier than buttered eels.
Sure, they're all pleasantries and compliments when the negotiations start. But try to cut yourself a fair deal? That's when they show you just how stubborn they can be!"
"The Khajiit here may be tough to trade with, but at least they're willing to negotiate. Last year the High Elves of Summerset wouldn't even let me on the island."