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Online:Hedge Wizard's Claw Cap

< Elder Scrolls Online: Hats
Hedge Wizards, those itinerant folk-mages who cast minor spells for farmers and peasants, garner respect by wearing gear that's just a bit outrageous and intimidating—like the Claw Cap favored by the Hoodoo Tinkers of the Dragontail Mountains.
Hedge Wizard's Claw Cap
ON-icon-hat-Hedge Wizard's Claw Cap.png
Hedge Wizard's Claw Cap
Type Hat
Acquired From Storm Atronach Crate
Reward Level Epic
Price 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor

The Hedge Wizard's Claw Cap is a hat available as an Epic-level reward in the Storm Atronach Crown Crates.


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(The (?) is/are not dyeable)
