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Location Outside of Fauns' Thicket
Species Faun
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Mohair is a young faun who can be found outside of Fauns' Thicket with Druid Edaen.

Related QuestsEdit

Fauns in PerilEdit

He will be right next to Druid Edaen outside of Fauns' Thicket.

While you're planting the seeds inside the delve, he will follow Edaen and be happy whenever a seed is planted.

When you complete the quest: As you leave, you may overhear the following conversation:

Druid Edaen: "All right Mohair, want to say goodbye to the herd before we leave?"
<Mohair runs inside the Thicket.>
Druid Edaen: "I keep hoping he'll rejoin a herd, but he always comes back to me."