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Home City Vivec City
Location Saint Delyn's Inn
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner

Narwende is a High Elf commoner who can initially be found on the road just north of Seyda Neen. Upon completion of the quest Divine Conundrum, she will move to Saint Delyn's Inn in Vivec City and become justice neutral. She has no unique dialogue.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

During Divine Conundrum, while speaking to Canon Valasa, Tanisa will convulse then start to glow and levitate:

Narwende: "Tanisa! What's wrong? Someone, help!"
Novor Sarothran: "By the Three! First a wounded Armiger, now this!"
Azura (through Tanisa): "By dawn and dusk, evil creeps through the shadows of my beloved Vvardenfell! But an Outlander arrives to aid my people, just as I have foreseen."

Tanisa collapses as the Daedric Prince leaves her:

Narwende: "Those words, what do they mean?"
Tanisa Drothan: "What … what happened?"
Narwende: "Merciful Azura! The Mother Soul spoke through you. It's a miracle!"