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Online:Scout Honorata

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Scout Honorata
Home Settlement Vinedusk Village
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Legion of the West Weald
Scout Honorata

Scout Honorata is an Imperial who can be found in the supply tunnels beneath Vinedusk Village.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Gather the admixture and follow Sergeant Herdor further in the tunnel. When you catch up with her, she and Glooredel will have come across some of the Colovians:

Scout Honorata: "You'll get nothing from me!"
Sergeant Herdor: "We can do this one of two ways. The quick way … or the slow way."

Herdor will tell you to start setting the tunnel on fire in order to get the Colovians to talk. Honorata will overhear this to her dismay:

Scout Honorata: "You … you're bluffing. You'd never do something that stupid."
Glooredel: "Oh, you must have missed my fire in the village. It was glorious."

Set one of the crates on fire and Honorata will start to sing:

Scout Honorata: "Gods, you weren't joking? Festius! That's our commander. He and his aides command the assault from inside the ruins! Just stop, please!"

As soon as the scout gives away her intel, Glooredel dispatches her with her blade.

Glooredel: "Very brave. You've earned this."
Sergeant Herdor: "Right. Gloo, get up there. I need to confer with our friend here."


  • Because she is injured her health bar will read 399 out of 39959