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Online:Sir Edmund

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Sir Edmund
Location Firebrand Keep
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Knights of the Flame
Sir Edmund

Sir Edmund is a Breton member of the Knights of the Flame who can be found at Firebrand Keep. He and a few others were exiled from the keep after questioning recent orders.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

The Flame of DissentEdit

When you approach him, he will say "Taking a stand for what's right is never easy."

He can be found on the stairs leading to the keep where he will be turning away recent visitors.

"If you've come to Firebrand Keep to petition for help from the Knights of the Flame, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.
Our leader, Sir Hughes, seems to have gone mad, and the knights are divided over whether or not to follow his last order."

Prior to completing The Safety of the Kingdom, you can ask:

Why are the Knights of the Flame divided?
"Our leader, Sir Hughes, sent us a confusing message—to attack the Redguard army camped outside Alcaire Castle—an act that would destroy the Daggerfall Covenant.
Some of us want to hear a justification before we do such a thing."
What about the others?
"Sir Croix and others are making preparations for the attack even now. We must stop them.
I know some of the other knights in the keep share our concerns, but I have been banned. I need someone to go in and rally knights to our cause."
I'll rally knights to the cause.
"Thank you for aiding in our cause. When you find knights in the keep who would stand up for what's right, send them to me out here.
We will make preparations to storm the keep and stop Sir Croix and this rash attack."
Couldn't Sir Hughes clarify his orders?
"I sent a messenger to Alcaire Castle asking for Sir Hughes to explain the situation, but I haven't heard back. I suspect he may be preoccupied with whatever chaos transpires at the castle.
If only Sir Croix would just wait."
Why won't Sir Croix wait?
"If you ask me, it's because Sir Croix is a bloodthirsty brute. He's never believed in the Covenant.
Croix himself simply maintains that we should follow Sir Hughes's orders whether they make sense or not."

If you're on the trail of a killer, you can say:

Sir Hughes is mad. He killed the Duchess.
"This is far worse than I thought, and makes our cause all the more critical.
Sir Hughes just returned to the keep, acting strangely. He's in there with Sir Croix, who is making preparations to attack the Redguards at Alcaire Castle."
We have to stop them?
"Indeed. Myself and these others were exiled for standing against Sir Croix, but we are too few at present to retake the keep.
There are other knights in the keep who are questioning Sir Croix. Could you go in and look for those who would join us?"
I'll rally knights to the cause.
"Thank you for aiding in our cause. When you find knights in the keep who would stand up for what's right, send them to me out here.
We will make preparations to storm the keep and stop Sir Croix and this rash attack."

You will then need to convince some of the knights within the keep to join your cause. While some can be persuaded, others will remain unconvinced and you will be forced to put them down. Afterwards, you can speak with Sir Edmund.

"I knew more of my fellow knights would come to see the insanity Sir Croix means to unleash at Alcaire Castle.
I think we have enough knights now to retake the keep. I've sent them to take up strategic positions."
Are we ready to attack then?
"Indeed. Taking up arms against our fellow knights is something I know none of us wishes to do, but Sir Croix has forced this upon us.
This is unpleasant business, but let's get on with it."

Retaking Firebrand KeepEdit

Before starting the quest, he will say "The Knights of the Flame stand fast."

Speaking to him to start the quest. With some allies assembled, you will play a key role in helping Sir Edmund's group take back the Keep:

"I dread the prospect of having to do battle with my fellow knights.
Nonetheless, it must be done. I've ordered the knights who have joined our cause to take up strategic positions around the keep."
What part would you have me play?
"I've told the knights positioned around the castle to attack on our signal.
There's a siege horn mounted atop Firebrand Keep's main hall. If you are willing, I would ask you to go there and blow the horn. That will signal everyone to attack."
I'll blow the horn. Be ready.

Speaking to him again:

"We'll be ready to attack on your signal."

Once you make your way to the horn, the knights will succeed in taking back the hall, however Sir Edmund will have been injured in the fighting.

"We caught them by surprise and I think we have the upper hand.
I've been wounded, though. I don't think I'd be of any more use in the battle."
You've done enough already.
"I've done what I could, but I failed to find Sir Croix. Now I fear he would best me quite easily.
I need you to do this. I believe the other knights will stand down if we can defeat Sir Croix. Will you face him for me?"
Where do I find him?
"He's in the eastern garrison. Kill him. Put an end to this.
There's another siege horn on top of the garrison. When Croix is killed, blow that horn. The knights will pause, and I'll use that moment to call for an end to the fighting."

Speaking to him again:

"You must kill Sir Croix, or all of this bloodshed will have been in vain."

When you have put down Sir Croix and blown the horn, you can return to Edmund who will have succeeded in stopping the fighting.

"I grieve for Sir Croix and all those who died fighting for him, but there was no other way to save the Knights of the Flame.
Thank you for doing what I could not."
So the battle's over?
"Indeed. With Sir Croix slain, I am assuming command of Firebrand Keep for now.
Needless to say, preparations to march to Alcaire Castle have been called off."

Sir Hughes' FateEdit

With the Keep retaken and the threat of a marching army stopped, there is still the task of dealing with Sir Hughes.

"Killing my fellow knights to restore order was hard enough, but this matter with Sir Hughes is unthinkable.
He's down in the infirmary. I'm told he was raving about killing the duchess before he fell unconscious. I-I don't know what to do."
I'll handle it. The duke sent me here to find him.
"Then I suppose you must. Whatever crimes he may be guilty of, you should know that Sir Hughes was always an honorable knight.
I simply must believe that his recent actions are caused by some form of insanity."
I'll take that into account. Where is the infirmary?
"The infirmary is below the Great Hall. Speak to the healer there, Odette. Get her assessment of his condition.
Again, I would plead with you—if his actions are truly driven by madness—show mercy."
I'll do what needs to be done.

Speaking to him again:

"Despite what he's done, I still hold Sir Hughes in the highest regard.
Please don't judge him too harshly."

After entering the Sir Hughes dreams and destroying the Omen of Fear, you can both return to the real world so Sir Hughes' fate can be decided. Speak to Sir Edmund before the Duke, and Edmund will tell you:

"Whatever dark influence that dominated Sir Hughes, that was the enemy.
This man is innocent."


If you decided that Sir Hughes needed to be executed, Sir Edmund will be the one to swing the blade, Duke Nathaniel will then make him the new leader of the Knights of the Flame.

Duke Nathaniel: "Then Sir Hughes will have his wish and Lakana will be avenged. Go ahead, Sir Edmund."
Sir Edmund: "Forgive me, my old friend."
Sir Hughes: "One clean blow. Strike swiftly now."
<Sir Edmund strikes and kills Sir Hughes>

Speak with him again before finishing the quest and he says:

"A crime was committed and the price had to be paid. I wish it could have been otherwise, but I have done my duty as you chose."


If you decided that Sir Hughes should be pardoned, you'll hear:

Duke Nathaniel: "Very well. Thank you for your counsel."
Sir Edmund: "Rise, old friend. You will not die this day."
Sir Hughes: "Then my punishment is living in disgrace."

Speak with him again before finishing the quest and he says:

"This decision could not have been easy for you, and it will not be easy on Duke Nathaniel. Sir Hughes is a good man though, and I am glad he will live on."

Speaking with him after the completion of the quest prompts him to say the following:

"Nothing about this has been easy, and it will be hard to look back on these events with anything other than sadness.
I am glad you came along, though. Without you, we might not be able to look back on these days at all."


Sir Edmund can be found at Wayrest Castle after King Emeric is saved from the Nightmare.

"On behalf of the Knights of the Flame, I came here to pay my respects.
You saved my order and now my king, friend. I have a feeling I will hear about many more of your accomplishments in the future. I'm honored to know you."