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Trader's Cove
Discoverable No
Dungeon No
# of Zones 1
Owned Yes
Restricted Yes
Kindly Contrivers: Vile's Contriver, Vile's Overseer, Vile's Warden
Sanguine's Revelers: Sanguine's Overseer, Sanguine's Reveler, Sanguine's Warden
Shadowbanish Vintners: Shadowbanish Overseer, Shadowbanish Vintner, Shadowbanish Warden
Quest Chain
Dark Brotherhood
Crafting Stations
  • ON-icon-Cooking Station.png Cooking Fire
Loading Screen
It's the rare trader in Tamriel who hasn't tried to evade customs agents now and again. Even a legitimate merchant finds it useful to have a secret storehouse or two.
Trader's Cove

Trader's Cove is a secluded cove that serves as a sacrament location.

You'll be taken here by Speaker Terenus during the related quest. Inside the cove you will encounter one of the following three groups of enemies: Kindly Contrivers of Clavicus Vile, Sanguine's Revelers, or Shadowbanish Vintners.

Possible sacrament targets are Geon Alinie, Mabgrolabesh, Monsashana, Nalosi Orethi, Steidor, and Tebeba.

Related QuestsEdit


Trader's Cove
Trader's Cove hidden rooms
Trader's Cove marked target locations


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