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Daily Job Broker
Home Settlement Root-Whisper Village
Location Near the Hist tree
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Root-Whisper Tribe

Tuwul is an Argonian daily job broker who can be found in Root-Whisper Village after you complete the quest By River and Root.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Daily QuestsEdit

The first time you approach her she will say:

"The Hist has reawakened from its long slumber, and Root-Whisper village lives once more. Many have traveled to join us , and many more will come. But this is both blessing and curse, for as our numbers grow our supplies dwindle."
Anything I can help with?

When she offers a daily she will say one of the following motivational phrases:

"May we one day be as strong and proud as the Hist which guides us."
"So long as the Hist remains, so too will the Root-Whisper Tribe."
"The Root-Whisper Village has only just started its long journey to prosperity"
"Our tribe may now be small, but with your aid it shall grow strong."
"The Hist has awakened, the village lives. But still we are in need of aid. Will you help us once more, Rootmender?"
"The Root-Whisper Village is young and tender, like the sapling that sways in the wind. Will you help us grow strong?"

While you are performing a task for Tuwul she will thank you.

"May the Hist watch over your journey."
"Your aid is most appreciated, Rootmender."
"Completion of this task will greatly help the Root-Whisper Village. Thank you."
"I had no doubt you would accept this task, Rootmender. Still, I wish to thank you all the same."

When you completed the task before turning in the quest:

"So you have returned to us, Rootmender. How did you fare in your task?"
"Ah, Rootmender. I am glad to see you have returned."
"Was your task successful, Rootmender?"
"I am relieved to see you in good health, Rootmender. Were you able to complete your task?"

Aloe That HealsEdit

When approaching her:

"I rue about our festering supplies. What are we to do?"

Speaking to her: Vakka-Bok Xanmeer grows strange aloe with great healing properties, and the healers are running low on the stuff. The Xanmeer contains powerful creatures, and none of the warriors are prepared to fight them off. Thus Tuwul requests your aid.

Anything I can help with?
"Within Vakka-Bok grows a most useful aloe. It's properties are unlike anything our healers have ever seen before. Wounds heal in days, burns are soothed in seconds.
Yet our supplies of this aloe run desperately low."
Why is that?
"Though it grows abundantly, the aloe is surrounded by creatures most dreadful. Even our greatest warriors balk to enter Vakka-Bok.
But you are Rootmender, Bringer of the Remnant. Surely you can help us?"
I'll collect the aloe in the Vakka-Bok Xanmeer.

After agreeing to gather the aloe, you can ask Tuwul more questions about it.

What can you tell me about this aloe?
"The aloe within Vakka-Bok has great medicinal properties. It keeps wounds from festering and helps soothe burns. Our healers are unsure why the plant heals so well.
Perhaps the answer lies within the power of the temple itself."
What's so special about the temple?
"The Vakka-Bok was thought to be used by our ancestors to honor the sun. I suspect that some of the sun's arcane power still lingers, giving the aloe its curative properties.
That is only my suspicion, though. We know very little of the xanmeer."
Is there a way to use this arcane power?
"Potentially. First, however, we must clear the xanmeer of it's current dangers. No easy task, as I'm sure you well know."

Once you have collected enough Xal-Vakka Aloe you can return to Tuwul.

"Was your task successful, Rootmender?"
I've collected the aloe.
"Our injured are most grateful, Rootmender. This aloe shall be used to both heal their wounds and lessen their suffering.
Here, a reward for your kindness."

Envoys Who CowerEdit

When approaching her:

"Uhmm, those poor envoys. How could this happen?"

Speaking to her:

What can I help you with?
"A few days ago, several envoys from our tribe left to travel to local villages. We wished to introduce ourselves, establish relationships, and, most importantly, request aid.
However, it seems these envoys never arrived at their destinations."
Any idea what happened?
"I have no doubt it was the Blackguards. We've already had a few skirmishes with them, and they continue to attack our hunters. They probably saw our envoys as easy targets.
We need someone to search the Blackguard Caravan and rescue them."
I'll search for the envoys in the Blackguard Caravan.

You will have option to ask her for more information:

What more can you tell me about the envoys?
"The envoys were sent to Lilmoth, Bright-Throat Village, and Dead-Water Village. We hoped to both establish positive relationships and request much needed aid.
That was the plan, of course, until the Blackguards got involved."
What would the Blackguards want with envoys?
"They were most likely in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Blackguards are well known for kidnapping Saxhleel and demanding ransom from their tribes.
But such a ransom, should it come, would be impossible for our village to give."

After you have found all the envoys, you can return to Tuwul:

"So you have returned to us, Rootmender. How did you fare in your task?"
I found two of the envoys alive, but one died. Here's his ring.
"My thanks, Rootmender. I will make sure his loved ones receive it.
Despite our loss, I am relieved you were able to find the other envoys in good health. Next time, I'll insist they are accompanied by guards."

Leather That ProtectsEdit

If you approach her, she will murmur:

"Hackwing leather…Who can help us gather such a thing."

When you start the quest:

"With all the dangers surrounding us, our warriors and hunters are in a desperate need for newly crafted leather armor. Unfortunately, no member of our tribe is skilled enough to hunt the hackwings needed to create such armor."
"Flying lizards that fill the skies and attack our tribes. I've heard the Dark Elves often liken them to cliff striders. Their hide happen to make excellent leather, despite the dangers of hunting them down. Will you aid us?"
I'll collect hackwing hides for you.

Inquiring further:

Why do you need hackwing leather? Why not choose a safer animal to hunt?
"Hackwing hide creates leather which is both supple and strong. It allows for quick movement which also withstanding brutal attacks. With such armor, our warriors and hunters are far more likely to survive."
Any advice on hunting hackwings?
"Hackwings travel in large flocks, and have the tendency to swarm once threatened. They strike quickly, knocking their prey down before ripping them apart. That's ... not very useful, is it? My apologies, Rootmender I am not much of a warrior."

Once you have collected the Hackwing hides, you can return to Tuwul.

"Was your task successful, Rootmender?"
I have the hackwing hides.
"I'll take them to our leatherworkers immediately.
Oh, you've helped us once again, Rootmender. With your aid, Root-Whisper Village continues to prosper. Please, accept this reward as well as my tribe's heartfelt gratitude."

Mushrooms That NourishEdit

When approaching her:

"Hmmm the Blight Bog! Who would ever agree to travel there?"

Speaking to her:

What can I do for you?
"The mushrooms that grow in Blight Bog Sump can be used to create powerful fertilizer. Plant a seed within such soil, and the sprouts are assured to grow fast and strong.
Unfortunately, the caverns themselves are filled with dangerous foes."
Are the mushrooms really worth it?
"Our village is new and our supplies are low. If we are to be self-sufficient, we must quickly create farmsteads to sustain us. Such fertilizer is vital to ensuring this.
Will you help us, Rootmender?"
I'll collect the mushrooms in Blight Bog Sump.

You have the option of asking her further questions.

Can you tell me anything about mushrooms?
"The Blight Bog Sump is filled with death and decay, so there is little wonder why the mushrooms there grow abundantly.
However, though you'll have no troubles finding that which you seek to collect, you must always be wary of the Veeskhleel."
The Veeskhleel?
"The Ghost People. Saxhleel with both twisted forms and morals.
They take our dead and feed it to their Hist. There's even rumors that they practice the dark art of necromancy. A repugnant tribe."

Once you have the mushrooms you can return to Tuwul.

"So you have returned to us, Rootmender. How did you fare in your task?"
I've collected the mushrooms.
"And now our farmers can grow the crops which are so desperately needed. In only a few seasons, our farms shall be as abundant as our faith in the Hist.
Our tribe is most gracious for your help, Rootmender."

Offerings That HideEdit

When you approach her:

"Ugh, our offerings…huh. What shall we ever do, ugh?"

Asking her:

Do you need any help?
"It is customary for tribes to send offerings of aid to a newly formed village. Several of these offerings were recently collected by one of our envoys.
Unfortunately, the envoy was attacked by Blackguards before she could return."
What happened?
"Though our envoy escaped, all of her possessions were taken by the Blackguards. If we fail to retrieve them, we risk disrespecting the very tribes who have already offered their help.
Will you aid us, Rootmender?"
I'll search for these offerings.

Inquiring further about your task:

Tell me more about these offerings.
"When a new tribe is formed, it is customary for nearby villages to make offerings of aid.
Our envoy was able to collect such offerings from the Bright-Throat tribe, the Dead-Water tribe, and the town of Lilmoth."
What did the Bright-Throats offer?
"A seed doll, representing an invitation for our tribe to join their bonding ritual.
The Bright-Throats use their bonding ritual in order to ensure a peaceful relationship with their neighboring tribes. It is a great honor to be accepted."
Tell me about the Dead-Water's gift.
"A hunting bow, symbolizing an offer of protection.
The Dead-Water Tribe is filled with great warriors. With so many dangers surrounding our tribe, we cannot afford to lose such needed aid."
I want to know what Lilmoth offered.
"Though Lilmoth may be without a Hist, they are still sympathetic to our plight.
The town has gifted us a wooden bowl, symbolizing the offer of food for our table. This offer may be the most important of all, for our food stocks run dangerously low."

Returning to her with the offerings:

"Was your task successful, Rootmender?"
I found the three offerings.
"May the Hist forever guide you, Rootmender. I feared the repercussions, should the other tribes learn of this loss. Now I have no reason to fear.
You have done much for our village. I give you this reward, as well as my gratitude."


Outside of daily quests, she can asked about herself. Tuwul once trained to be the Tree-Minder of her village. However, those dreams were shattered when Imperial raiders destroyed her home and her Hist. She does not wish to become the Tree-Minder for Root-Whisper Village, though. A Tree-Minder's connection to their Hist is sacred, and when her Hist died, so did a part of her. She still wishes for Root-Whisper Village to prosper, though.

The following exchange illustrates this:

Tell me about yourself.
"I once trained to be the tree-mender of my village. For years I learned the ways of the Hist and how to interpret it's will.
However, that fate was not meant to be. Imperial raiders destroyed my home and destroyed our Hist."
What about now? Can you become the tree-mender of this Hist?
"I … I would not wish that, Root-mender. A tree-minder's connection to their Hist is sacred. We do not simply obey our Hist, or listen to its words. We revere it. We are part of it.
When my Hist died … So too did a part of myself."
I see. Why are you helping out now?
"I simply wish for this village to prosper. That is all.
For many years I have searched for a new home, never truly knowing what I was searching for. But now I realize I was looking for a fresh start. A new beginning."
Do you know a healer named Hands-That-Heal? He may have belonged to your village. (Option appears if you completed The Burnt Branch.)
"Hmm. Hands-That-Heal, Hands-That-Heal …. A healer, you say? Hmm. Tell me, does he carry a burnt branch with him?"
Yes, I helped him find the branch when it was lost. I also buried it.
"You must be speaking of Heek-Betu. We traveled together after our village was attacked, but he quickly decided to leave Murkmire. I've always wondered how he fared.
It sounds like you've helped him greatly. For that, I thank you."
He is in the Bright-Throat Village if you want to see him
"Perhaps I shall. It has been a long time since we last spoke. But first, I must ensure the Root-Whisper Village prospers. With your help, Of course."