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Skyrim talk:Season Unending/Archive 1

< Skyrim talk:Season Unending
This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Season Unending discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Stormcloaks/Imperials Jagged Crown Bug

I do not know what happened on the Stormcloak side other than what I've read on the wiki, but for the Imperials the bug ended when I gave Tullius the crown. Message to Whiterun was also messed up until I finished the whole thing with Odahviing. Anyone else have similar experiences? -Aresvallis 01:12, 21 November 2011 (UTC)

Battle For Whiterun Bug?

I've started the Battle for Whiterun quest on the Stormcloak side, and it seems to have bugged Season Unending, as while I have quest pointers to both leaders, neither of them have the conversation options needed to send them to the Greybeards. I'm going to continue with the Battle for Whiterun quest to see what happens, I only hope it hasn't bugged the game completely, as The Fallen still asks me to negotiate a truce. Can anyone confirm this condition so it can be documented? Haravikk 11:45, 23 November 2011 (UTC)

This is probably an extension of the bugs already listed with Ulfric and Tullius. I've had issues with A Message to Whiterun not working until the Fallen was completed, and that was Jarl Bulgruuf not working. Most people I've read discussing it only mention they didn't do the Civil war in favor of fighting dragons, so they usually got it unlocked doing Jagged Crown. I did that, too, but there seems to be more issues with the Stormcloaks. It's possible it's a problem with the way the quest system works, the quests may be taking priority or setting conditions that override everything else. You should finish the quest and as soon as you can talk to the leaders, go see if they have the option then. Aresvallis 12:08, 23 November 2011 (UTC)
It seems to have resolved itself in my case; after liberating the second last hold (before Solitude, can't remember if it's Markarth or Dawnstar's hold), several of the quests updated, with The Fallen jumping ahead to the Dragon Shout learning objective. Still a bug though, as it marks Season Unending off as having spoken to Tulias and Ulfric about the Greybeard's meeting, and as convincing the Greybeards to help negotiate peace. Completely understandable that it's not simple to keep these quests in-sync, but I'm surprised at how broken that it seems to be, as I would have thought Bethesda would have seen issues coming when planning the multiple ways of resolving the war and planned failsafes into each section. Oh well, it seems that in this case at least that none of the missing conversation options really break anything, though it did make the peace treaty option impossible, as I would have preferred to switch to that in favour of completing the Stormcloaks. Anyway, I'm wondering if it's worth noting that at present players need to either resolve the war prior to fighting Alduin for the first time, or aim for peace without joining either the Stormcloaks or the Imperials? This seems the only way to currently avoid these conflicting quest states at present. Haravikk 23:51, 23 November 2011 (UTC)
It skipped several steps??! Did you try talking to Ulfric and Tullius after Battle for Whiterun for the peace treaty option? But, I'm not really surprised at the brokenness. These are the same people that released it with the incredibly bad Ebsern breaking bug on the main quest, and the Brynjolf/Market bug in Riften. I'm a bit against stating an either/or because there's worth in pursuing a personal route, that's part of what makes Skyrim awesome. Although, I think players should be aware of the choices, and given information on how to avoid bugs if they want to pursue a their own course. Either way, we should gather as much information as we can on how this bug affects the quests. I actually enjoyed the way mine turned out because I had to get involved with the Imperials and then do the peace treaty. I liked the peace treaty process because you don't get to actually have a direct hand in politics very often in these games. Definitely enjoyed kicking Elenwen out. At any rate, I hope Bethesda next patches things that are actually broken instead of breaking the .exe file and the LAA tweak... Aresvallis 04:40, 25 November 2011 (UTC)
It didn't skip ahead exactly, it just finally marked off the peace option as successful, even though it wasn't, and went on to the step needed to get the call dragon shout. This is presumably what things would have been like had I already succeeded in the war, since Whiterun would be happy to help with the war resolved. I did try speaking to both general tulius and ulfrik at several points in the war, but the negotiation options never appeared. So I think to negotiate peace mid-war is either impossible, or it became impossible for me, so I'd fully recommend either pursuing peace with no prior involvement in the war at all (don't join either side) or fully resolve the war before getting to the first fight with Alduin (after Blackreach).Haravikk 11:52, 25 November 2011 (UTC)
I've made notes to that effect on the bugs page. Maybe the dialogue locks up again after Message to Whiterun. On my next character I'll try to duplicate what you did on the Imperial side. I'm really beginning to think it's the quest system itself that's having issues. I ran into a bug involving the Companions quest Blood's Honor and the Helm of Winterhold conflicting because they went to the same dungeon. I've also noticed that in several dungeons if you take the back way in, instead of the way the quest wants you to go, it won't trigger and you have to go back the way it wants you to. Aresvallis 01:55, 26 November 2011 (UTC)

() Ok, I finished my test run of trying to duplicate your bug on the Imperial side. It was kind of weird for me. A Message to Whiterun leads directly into Battle for Whiterun, so I tried to hold off on doing that quest. It forced me to go out the gates because I couldn't fast travel from Dragonsreach anymore. So I made a run for it. Hilariously, after I got to a certain point, the objectives on Battle for Whiterun completed and it told me to go report to General Tullius... which I did, about a week later. Then he reprimanded me for fleeing from the battle. But after Battle for Whiterun his dialogue opened up again and I was able to get him to go to the Peace Negotiations during Reunification. I suppose if I had continued with the civil war it eventually would have skipped the peace treaty objectives, too. Aresvallis 23:43, 2 December 2011 (UTC)

Esbern Voice Bug

I want to clarify here that no, Esbern bugging out during the negotiation does not occur if you have unpacked the voice bsa for Esbern's bug in the Cornered Rat. I suffered from Esbern's Rat bug and unpacked the bsa. From then on, I had no trouble with him ever again. Aresvallis 12:14, 23 November 2011 (UTC)

Bug workaround (console) ?

When confronted with the Joining the Stormcloaks bug, which prevents you from talking to Ulfric about the peace treaty, is it possible to join the Legion instead, complete the Skyrim campaign (giving victory to the Legion), and then skipping the peace treaty by talking to the jarl again ? Or is this impossible to do once you've spoken to the jarl and agreed to talk to both Ulfric and Tullius about the treaty ? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:04 on 26 November 2011

The bug affects both sides, but it's not certain what would happen if you joined the Legion and completed the civil war. Haravikk said that on the Stormcloaks side after he completed the civic war the quest skipped the peace treaty objectives. I would expect something similar to happen on the Legion side. I'm in the process of confirming this right now, actually. Aresvallis 02:57, 28 November 2011 (UTC)

Finished civil war quest bug?

the says you need to talk to tulius and ulfric stormcloak but I already finished the stormcloak questline so tulius is dead can this mess up the quest? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:29 on 27 November 2011

I posted above about a similar case, however for me the quest advanced, as I was still doing the Stormcloak liberation, so I hadn't killed Tulius at that stage. However, just before the attack on Solitude's fort, my quest skipped the peace treaty stages. If you've already killed Tulius and the quest hasn't done this then you may be stuck unless you're on PC and can use the console to set a later stage. Haravikk 22:12, 27 November 2011 (UTC)

Bug/fix confirming. Let's do this.

Quest interference with Message to Whiterun fixed as of 1.2? I didn't update to 1.2 myself due to the breakingness of that patch, so I can't verify this. Can any one else confirm? I'm pretty skeptical about it. The bugfix list released with 1.2 didn't include any mention of fixing quests, nor does 1.3. And this is the first time I've seen anything claim that patch... actually... fixed something. I'm not saying it's not possible, but why would they slip something that relatively minor in?

I'd like to keep the bugs page to confirmed things, lest we fall into what's going on with Esbern's page. I mean, we've got a ton of bug info already here, and it's probably a good idea to start listing new bugs/fixes on the discussion page for confirmation before adding them to the article. It'd probably be a good idea to reconfirm some of the ones already up. Aresvallis 20:27, 11 December 2011 (UTC)

Can you recapture areas you give away?

For example, I'm sided with the imperials and gave Markarth to the stormcloaks. Will I still get the quest to capture it? 02:44, 13 December 2011 (UTC)

Yes. Aresvallis 00:03, 15 December 2011 (UTC)
How did you side with the imperials and gave Markarth to the stormcloaks? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:57 on 10 January 2012

Possible mistake

I have not even started the civil war questline and my choices are Riften and Winterhold, i have captured nothing. Dawnstar doesn't even enter the options. I am fairly sure this needs correcting on the main page, posting here first to get others exp with the negotiations. — Unsigned comment by Killerchronic (talkcontribs) at 23:30 on 15 December 2011

You should probably read the article in full. Winterhold, Riften, Dawnstar, and Falkreath are all options you can get.
Taken from the main article:
You may not receive Dawnstar as a possibility for trade for Markarth, you will receive only Riften or Winterhold.
Since we don't know the full extent of what you can receive as options and under what conditions, the article is still very much a work in progress. Feel free to describe your experiences. The more people that do, the better the article will be. A major portion of it is what I've written down... and I refuse to join the Stormcloaks, lol. So I don't know what happens if you're part way through capturing the Imperial cities. Aresvallis 07:36, 17 December 2011 (UTC)

Dialogue Mistake by writers

When Tullius asks for a new jarl for Winterhold, he requests that 'Jarl Kraldar' step down. Not only is this not the current jarl, Kraldar is also the appointed jarl after conquering Winterhold. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:13 on 17 December 2011

I think he is the jarl the imperials choose for windhelm, even if ulfric is alive. Ulfric is not rightfully in power, so to them kraldar is jarl, rightfully in windhelm; I'm not quite clear on jarl names though..--Br3admax 04:58, 18 December 2011 (UTC)
"Jarl *something*(can't remember his first name) free-winter" is the appointed jarl of windhelm after defeating and killing Ulfric, the Kraldar mistake may be a glitch where Tullius says Ulfric's line, however that is highly unlikely as they would need to record the actor who voices Tullius saying that. It is highly possible however that Bethesda made a mistake and got the wrong actor to say the line and in turn programmed the wrong character to say the line. — Unsigned comment by Mattrimkevx (talkcontribs) at 00:36 on 2 February 2012

If you handle the council in favour of your oathbound faction...

You will receive a weapon. i have tested and EVERY time I did it in favour, I got the same item. At level 46 I was given a Daedric Sword of fire. If you do it in favour of the opposition you will be approached by your leader who will berate you no matter which of the two dialogue options you choose — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:32 on 17 December 2011

Blades presence at peace treaty

I'd rather dismiss Delphine than Elenwen. The only reason the Blades are there is because they stole the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller which the Greybeards sent you to get. They invited themselves into the storyline! — Unsigned comment by Trep35 (talkcontribs) at 04:54 on 18 December 2011

The main motivation for the negotiations is to stop Alduin. Historically, the Blades have been fighting dragons for centuries and had huge success - this is why the dragons disappeared (as I understand it). Esbern and Delphine show signs of belonging to this great lineage by often seeming to be several steps ahead of everyone else in the game: knowing who Alduin is, where he will strike next, and the great danger he poses to Tamriel. Am I right in saying if the Aldmeri Dominion had succeeded in capturing these 2 then nobody in the world would have a clue about Alduin or why the dragons had returned?
Furthermore it may be that General Tullius may (theoretically) listen to and respect the Blades due to their long history as the Emperor's bodyguard. For these reasons the Blades belong at the table in my opinion.
As for Elenwen: the Aldmeri Dominion (probably deliberately and deviously) divided the Empire into 2 warring factions (by demanding a ban on Talos) - I kicked her out straight away since I feared she may try to hinder the peace process. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:52 on 19 December 2011
Read the Thalmor dossier on Ulfric Stormcloak next time you run the embassy mission. There's no "probably" about it. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:56 on 20 December 2011

What if I've already taken the Reach for the Stormcloaks?

What are the trades available if the Imperials only have Hjaalmarch and Haafingar? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:48 on 19 December 2011

I think it's Riften or Winterhold, not Riften or Dawnstar

On two characters, I've progressed here without doing anything in the civil war. My first option is always to give Riften or Winterhold to the Empire, not Dawnstar. Oblivion nerd 05:33, 24 December 2011 (UTC)

The only way Dawnstar becomes available is if I try to give the Empire Winterhold, in which case they want more.Oblivion nerd 06:21, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
I think both are possible depending on some other aspects of how you played your game. I played through and I am able to give the empire either Dawnstar or Riften. Niffweed17, Destroyer of Chickens 18:56, 6 January 2012 (UTC)
I've got Rift or Dawnstar too. I wish I had the option of Rift and Winterhold, but I can't seem to make it happen. I wonder if it's because I never visited Dawnstar yet?--RumblePen 10:34, 20 March 2012 (UTC)

No Peace Treaty Quest with Civil War Unfinished

  • Spoilers*

I have sided with the Stormcloaks and completed the quest line up to and including the battle for Fort Snowhawk (Morthal). When the time came to convince Jarl Vigmar to trap Odahviing, nothing was mentioned about a treaty. He just agreed to do it. I'm not completely sure on the order I did it.

Captured up until, but not including Morthal. Learned Dragonrend and defeated Alduin. Convinced the jarl of Whiterun to allow trap. Saw Paarthurnax and learned Odahviing. Trapped and released Odahviing.

Somewhere in there (definitely before visiting Paarthurnax to learn Odahviing and most likely after Alduin's Bane) I completed A False Front and The Battle for Fort Snowhawk, as well as reporting to Ulfric Stormcloak and receiving my next mission (and Stormcloak Officer's gear).

I have never completed the Liberate Haafingar objective within Liberation of Skyrim. Has anyone else had a similar situation? It may be that fully completing the Civil War quests is not necessary, only completing to a certain point. More information needs to be gathered. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:20 on 24 December 2011

Well, I'm impressed to be the first to ever mention that, but if you pass the persuasion check when Baalgruf/Vignar asks you about capturing a dragon in his palace, you won't need to negociate the treaty nor to end the war. I actually never did Season Unending before learning about the quest here, and even then I could've miss the thing entirely 06:59, 1 January 2012 (UTC)


The detail of the possible of the treaty is so messy. I think we need to make a list for possible outcome for transfering of land(Vvardfell 01:42, 25 December 2011 (UTC))

Possible bug after completion...

After giving the Rift to the Imperials, Maven Black-Briar becomes Jarl. If you're with the Stormcloaks, you are then given the quest after finishing the Main Quest to recapture the Rift. This reinstates Laila Law-Giver as Jarl but Maven never loses the title of Jarl. (PC) 04:15, 31 December 2011 (UTC) Anon

Quest Conflict

If Search and Seizure is active, it will automatically fail upon completion of the negotiations. Reference also added to Search and Seizure discussion page. Ilysanna 23:39, 2 January 2012 (UTC)

bug note;

You don't have to complete up to the jagged crown for the Stormcloaks, I just finished killing the ice wraith and immediately talked to Ulfric and he said "You made it! blahblahblah" then I told him about the peace treaty. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

I had the quest to liberate markarth but it got traded.

Ok, so I had the quest to liberate the Reach from the Imperials. However, before I did that, i decided to go ahead and complete the dragons' quests and kill Alduin. In the process however, Markarth is now stormcloak and Riften is Imperial and It says that I have liberated the reach in my quest text, but there is nothing else. I can't finish it or continue it.

Please help. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:50 on 16 January 2012

Speak to Ulfric Stormcloak, that should debug. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:12 on 27 February 2012

Quest conflict

I realise that doing this quest stops the civil war quests until the main quest is done. What I want to know i if certain decisions made here will stop you from doing specific civil war quests later. If I trade away certain places are these ones that I can no longer invade as part of a quests? If so which ones stop which quests? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:59 on 16 January 2012

No, if you give away whatever territory to either side, you just have to reclaim it later again --DelosFandas 03:59, 25 January 2012 (UTC)


Subsequent to a thorough reading of this page, I have fixed the numerous grammatical and punctuational errors that formerly compromised the legibility of the page. Esoterik 23:41, 17 January 2012 (UTC)

I viewed your corrections in my post-holiday attempt to catch up with UESP. I compared your version with the previous version. Most of the "changes" were unnecessary, and it seems that you made quite a few mistakes yourself, such as point-of-view and clarity errors. Remember, we want EVERYONE that reads this page to be able to understand it; using complicated grammar and overly pretentious words will make it difficult for the younger readers. In addition, it's quite unnecessary to announce your action here on the talk page. It comes across as very bumptious. I couldn't let this pass with such an attitude. I've put quite a bit of hard work into this page, as have other people. Next time, if you find an error, simply correct it and make a note in the comment box. It will show up in the version history page. That's what it's for. Aresvallis 21:14, 29 January 2012 (UTC)
I'm wondering if perhaps he was expecting a pat on the head for his 'improvements', and that is why he decided to announce it. In any case, I lol'ed at the user page. 'Pretentious' doesn't even begin to cover it... 13:45, 30 January 2012 (UTC)

Moved bug

I moved the following because it seemed like speculation:

"One possible bug the player may encounter sometimes as a result of your choices during the negotiation: if you give the Rift to Tullius, he will send you to Winterhold instead of Riften during Reunification of Skyrim. However, this may cause Legate Rikke to not have the dialogue option "reporting for duty", and you will be unable to progress further."

In my experience, the Legate Rikke bug is common and not linked to the performance of this quest (which I've never started due to Ulfric's missing head), and it can be solved by simply walking away for a moment and/or waiting. Minor Edits 02:03, 21 January 2012 (UTC)

Odahviing Options

The page indicated that Odahviing can be obtain from Paarthurnax, when did it happen? I never got the option to get it from him… which would be preferred since I want the Blades to be as useless as possible. 16:34, 21 January 2012 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure you can talk to Paarthurnax before starting this quest. If you don't, you'll learn from Esbern as you're about to leave High Hrothgar (apparently it's very difficult to avoid him, because he immediately begins dialogue the second the negotiations are over) — Unsigned comment by DelosFandas (talkcontribs) at 04:02 on 25 January 2012

What if I talked to Stormcloaks and Imperials?

I have not spoken to Tullius or Ulfric yet, but I spoke to a group of Stormcloaks about joining the Stormcloaks, and the quest for joining the stormcloaks appeared. I do not intend to do any of the civil war quests until I complete the main quest. But I worry now that by merely talking to a Stormcloak, I may have caused a hinderance. Did I? Or does it start when I specifically speak to Tullius or Ulfric about the joining. Nikofeelan 03:45, 15 February 2012 (UTC)

It only applies if you have actually joined either faction. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:57 on 15 February 2012

Stromcloaks only having winterhold

If you have conquered the pale an dthe rift for the empire you can't trade winterhold you can only say that ulfric has nothing besides windhelm. In this case ulfric will become upset and decide to leave but changes his mind after esbern's speech. Winterhold apperently doesn't count anymore when it's the only option. It should be added because in that case the treaty doesn't change the status quo. Ulfric says in this case that it favors the empire. If you send elenwen away Tullius complains that you gave to much away. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:32 on 27 February 2012

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