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Tamriel Data:Mages Guild Charter (Cyrodiil)

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Data: Items: Books: Faction Books
Book Information
Mages Guild Charter
Added by Tamriel Data
ID T_BkFaction_MagesGuildPC
SeeĀ Also Lore version
Value 30 Weight 3
Faction Cyrodiil Mages Guild
Found in the following locations:
  • Nowhere
Imperial Charter of the Guild of Mages
Rules for membership of the Mages Guild

Note: This book is similar to the Morrowind version, but has different attachments.

I. Purpose

The Guild of Mages provides benefits to scholars of magic and established laws regarding the proper use of magic. The Guild is dedicated to the collection, preservation, and distribution of magical knowledge with an emphasis on ensuring that all citizens of Tamriel benefit from this knowledge.

II. Authority

The Guild of Mages was established on Summerset Isle in the year 230 of the Second Era by Vanus Galerion and Rilis XII. It was later confirmed by the "Guilds Act" of Potentate Versidue-Shaie.

III. Rules and Procedures

Crimes against fellow members of the Guild are treated with the harshest discipline. Whether a member may regain their status in the Guild is determined by the Arch-Mage.

IV. Membership Requirements

The Guild of Mages only accepts candidates of keen intelligence and dominant will. Candidates must exhibit mastery in the great schools of magic: Destruction, Alteration, Illusion, and Mysticism. Candidates must also display practical knowledge of enchantments and alchemical processes.

V. Applications for Membership

Candidates must present themselves to the Steward of the Guild Hall for examination and approval.

ATTACHMENT A: Mages Guild Chapters in the Province of Cyrodiil

Chapters are established in Guild-owned, free-standing guildhalls in the cities of Anvil, Bravil, Bruma, Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Kvatch, Leyawiin, Mir Corrup, and Skingrad. Many other towns feature privately-owned houses of study and repose, whose location and field of study may be inquired into by members of the guild.

ATTACHMENT B: The Imperial University

The Imperial University is a Guild-owned institute of higher learning, located in the Imperial City. While laymen may inquire in the University for Guild services and aid, study within its halls is restricted to members of the Mages Guild in good standing.