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Adalerine (TR_m1_Adalerine)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
Location Tel Thenim: Lower Tower
Race High Elf Gender Female
Level 16 Class Enchanter Service
Training Enchant (68)
Destruction (68)
Alchemy (68)
Other Spellmaking Spellmaker, Enchanting Enchanter
Other Information
Health 93 Magicka 200
Alarm 40 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 5(Spellwright)

Adalerine is a High Elf enchantress and one of the wizards within Tel Thenim who offers services. She is a spellmaker and one of the rare trainers in the magic arts. She can be found directly to the right of the entrance within Tel Thenim. Offering such a diverse range of services to her fellow mages has earned her a high rank in the Great House Telvanni. She is a medium trainer in Enchant, Destruction, and Alchemy, and is the highest Enchant trainer in the mainland.