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UESPWiki:Oblivion NPC Redesign Project/Disabled NPCs

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Disabled NPCsEdit

This list might be too long to truly be helpful, but nevertheless I figured I'd dump it here just in case. It's a list of all the named NPCs who start out disabled, including NPCs from Shivering Isles and all the plugins. I manually removed the generic NPCs from the list, so it's possible there are a few entries here who still don't belong (e.g., test NPCs). Also, pay attention to the EDIDs. For example, Jeanne Frasoric and Irlav Jarol are in the list, but in both cases it's the dead versions (JeanneFrasoricDead, IrlavJarolDead). But it should at least give you some idea of when to be suspicious about non-existent NPCs. --NepheleTalk 16:06, 1 June 2009 (EDT)

| Name                        | Base EDID                         | Ref EDID                        |
| J'Ghasta                    | JGhasta                           | JGhastaRef                      | 
| J'skar                      | Jskar                             | JskarRef1                       | 
| Rellian                     | Rellian                           | RellianREF                      | 
| Dubok gro-Shagk             | DubokgroShagk                     | DubokREF                        | 
| Vantus Prelius              | VantusPrelius                     | VantusPreliusREF                | 
| Marguerite Diel             | MargueriteDiel                    | MargueriteDielRef               | 
| Styrbjorn                   | Styrbjorn                         | StyrbjornRef                    | 
| Larthjar the Laggard        | Larthjar                          | LarthjarRef                     | 
| Gwinas                      | Gwinas                            | GwinasRef                       | 
| Atraena                     | Atraena                           | AtraenaRef                      | 
| Faelian                     | Faelian                           | FaelianRef                      | 
| Lashana                     | FGD06DeadGuy06                    | NULL                            | 
| Ariente                     | FGD06DeadGuy05                    | NULL                            | 
| Mattius Wotrus              | FGD06DeadGuy04                    | NULL                            | 
| Cartrus Gavinius            | FGD06DeadGuy01                    | FGD06DeadFGREF                  | 
| Cargas Laftrius             | FGD06DeadGuy03                    | NULL                            | 
| Ashtus Chenius              | FGD06DeadGuy02                    | NULL                            | 
| Hlofgar                     | Hlofgar                           | HlofgarREF                      | 
| Ashanta                     | Ashanta                           | AshantaREF                      | 
| Astav Wirich                | MQ05AstavWirich                   | MQ05AstavWirichRef              | 
| Kurdan gro-Dragol           | KurdangroDragol                   | KurdanRef                       | 
| Hrol Ulfgar                 | HrolUlfgar                        | HrolUlfgarREF                   | 
| Minx                        | Minx                              | MinxRef                         | 
| Rolgarel                    | MS29AgarmirThug                   | MS29AgarmirThugRef              | 
| Pale Lady                   | TG06PaleLadyVampire               | TG06PaleLadyVampireRef          | 
| Theranis                    | TheranisDeadBody                  | TheranisRef2                    | 
| Francois Motierre           | FrancoisMotierreFaked             | FrancoisMotierreFakedRef        | 
| Lynch                       | Lynch                             | LynchRef                        | 
| Nivan Dalvilu               | NivanDalvilu                      | NivanDalviluREF                 | 
| Caenlin                     | Caenlin                           | CaenlinRef                      | 
| Tyrellius Logellus          | TyrelliusLogellus                 | TyrelliusLogellusRef            | 
| Lord Lovidicus              | LordLovidicus                     | LordLovidicusRef                | 
| Lucien Lachance             | LucienLachance                    | LucienLachanceFarragutRef       | 
| Azani Blackheart            | AzaniBlackheart                   | AzaniREF                        | 
| Slythe Seringi              | SlytheSeringi                     | SlytheSeringiRef                | 
| Thiirchel                   | Thiirchel                         | NULL                            | 
| Idrolian                    | Idrolian                          | NULL                            | 
| Githriian                   | Githriian                         | NULL                            | 
| Dennilwen                   | Dennilwen                         | NULL                            | 
| Cingaer                     | Cingaer                           | CingaerREF                      | 
| Nedhelfin                   | Nedhelfin                         | NULL                            | 
| Niraegaer                   | Niraegaer                         | NULL                            | 
| Thrangirfin                 | Thrangirfin                       | NULL                            | 
| Elidor                      | Elidor                            | ElidorREF                       | 
| Brag gro-Bharg              | BragGroBharg                      | BragGroBhargREF                 | 
| Rienna                      | Rienna                            | RiennaREF                       | 
| Roliand Hanus               | RoliandHanus                      | RoliandHanusRef                 | 
| Servatius Quintilius        | ServatiusQuintilius               | ServatiusQuintiliusRef          | 
| Glarthir                    | Glarthir                          | GlarthirRef                     | 
| Raven Camoran               | RavenCamoran                      | RavenRef                        | 
| Ulmug gro-Cromgog           | UlmuggroCromgog                   | UlmugRef                        | 
| Roderick                    | Roderick                          | RoderickRef                     | 
| Neesha                      | Neesha                            | NeeshaRef                       | 
| Laenafil                    | Laenafil                          | LaenafilRef                     | 
| Gerard Melie                | GerardMelie                       | GerardRef                       | 
| Gogan                       | GoganGuard                        | GoganGuardRef                   | 
| Maelona                     | MaelonaGuard                      | MaelonaGuardRef                 | 
| Faustina Cartia             | FaustinaCartia                    | FaustinaRef                     | 
| Signy Home-Wrecker          | SignyHomeWrecker                  | SignyRef                        | 
| Tsarrina                    | Tsarrina                          | TsarrinaRef                     | 
| Jeanne Frasoric             | JeanneFrasoricDead                | JeanneFrasoricDeadRef           | 
| Termanwe                    | Termanwe                          | TermanweREF                     | 
| Vlarimil Orius              | VlarimilOrius                     | VlarimilOriusREF                | 
| Jaras Invel                 | JarasInvel                        | JarasInvelREF                   | 
| Britta Invel                | BrittaInvel                       | BrittaInvelREF                  | 
| Rufio                       | Rufio                             | RufioRef                        | 
| Raelynn the Gravefinder     | RaelynntheGravefinder             | RaelynntheGravefinderRef        | 
| Dovesi Dran                 | DovesiDran                        | DovesiDranRef                   | 
| Matilde Petit               | MatildePetit                      | MatildePetitRef                 | 
| Nels the Naughty            | NelsTheNaughty                    | NelsTheNaughtyRef               | 
| Neville                     | Neville                           | NevilleRef                      | 
| Primo Antonius              | PrimoAntonius                     | PrimoAntoniusRef                | 
| Celedaen                    | Celedaen                          | CeledaenRef                     | 
| Raynil Dralas               | RaynilDralas                      | RaynilRef                       | 
| Adamus Phillida's Bodyguard | Dark09PhillidaBodyguard           | Dark09PhillidaBodyguardRef      | 
| Grantham Blakeley           | GranthamBlakeley                  | GranthamRef                     | 
| Gaston Tussaud              | GastonTussaud                     | GastonTussaudCabinRef           | 
| Kylius Lonavo               | KyliusLonavo                      | KyliusLonavoRef                 | 
| Kathutet                    | MQ15Kathutet                      | KathutetRef                     | 
| Orthe                       | MQ15Orthe                         | OrtheRef                        | 
| Ranyu                       | MQ15Ranyu                         | RanyuRef                        | 
| Amkaos                      | MQ15Amkaos                        | AmkaosRef                       | 
| Eldamil                     | MQ15Eldamil                       | EldamilRef                      | 
| Elante of Alinor            | ElanteofAlinor                    | ElanteREF                       | 
| The Gray Fox                | GrayFox                           | GrayFoxRef                      | 
| Vontus Idolus               | VontusIdolus                      | VontusIdolusRef                 | 
| Carsten                     | Carsten                           | CarstenRef                      | 
| Shamar                      | Shamar                            | ShamarRef                       | 
| Eridor                      | Eridor                            | EridorRef                       | 
| Irlav Jarol                 | IrlavJarolDead                    | IrlavJarolDeadRef               | 
| Biene Amelion               | BieneAmelionDEAD                  | BieneAmelionREFDEAD             | 
| Amminus Gregori             | AmminusGregori                    | AmminusGregoriRef               | 
| Harrow                      | Harrow                            | HarrowRef                       | 
| Arnora                      | ArnoraCorpse                      | ArnoraCorpseRef                 | 
| Kurdan's Nord Hunter        | MS08NordHunter                    | MS08NordHunterRef               | 
| Kurdan's Imperial Hunter    | MS08ImperialHunter                | MS08ImperialHunterRef           | 
| Eduard Hodge                | EduardHodge                       | EduardHodgeREF                  | 
| Corvus Umbranox             | GrayFoxCorvus                     | GrayFoxCorvusRef                | 
| Dremora Kynval              | MQ16DremoraCouncilChamberAttack   | MQ16CouncilChamberAttacker2     | 
| Dremora Kynval              | MQ16DremoraCouncilChamberAttack   | MQ16CouncilChamberAttacker      | 
| Lucien Lachance             | LucienLachance                    | LucienLachanceMurderRef         | 
| Roland Jenseric             | RolandJenseric                    | RolandJensericRef               | 
| Enrion                      | Enrion                            | EnrionREF                       | 
| Dreet-Lai                   | DreetLai                          | DreetLaiREF                     | 
| Eduard Denile               | EduardDenile                      | EduardDenileREF                 | 
| Selene                      | Selene                            | SeleneRef                       | 
| Carmalo Truiand             | CarmaloTruiand                    | CarmaloTruiandRef               | 
| Saveri Faram                | SaveriFaram                       | SaveriFaramRef                  | 
| Jearl                       | Jearl                             | JearlRef                        | 
| Ajum-Kajin                  | AjumKajin                         | AjumKajinREF                    | 
| Mathieu Bellamont           | MathieuBellamont                  | MathieuBellamontRef             | 
| Banus Alor                  | BanusAlor                         | BanusAlorRef                    | 
| Belisarius Arius            | BelisariusArius                   | BelisariusAriusRef              | 
| Arquen                      | Arquen                            | ArquenRef                       | 
| Zahrasha                    | ZahrashaDead                      | ZahrashaDeadREF                 | 
| Ruma Camoran                | Ruma                              | RumaRef                         | 
| Mankar Camoran              | MankarCamoran                     | MankarCamoranRef                | 
| Ra'jhera the Keeneye        | MS08KurdanThug                    | MS08KurdanThugRef               | 
| Dead Argonian Agent         | DeadArgonianAgent                 | ArgonianAgentRef                | 
| Alonzo                      | Alonzo                            | AlonzoRef                       | 
| Roxy Aric                   | RoxyAric                          | RoxyAricRef                     | 
| Black Brugo                 | BlackBrugo                        | BlackBrugoRef                   | 
| Havilstein Hoar-Blood       | HavilsteinHoarBlood               | HavilsteinRealRef               | 
| Marcel Amelion              | MarcelAmelion                     | MarcelAmelionREF                | 
| Ancotar                     | Ancotar                           | AncotarRef                      | 
| Noveni Othran               | NoveniOthran                      | NoveniOthranRef                 | 
| Necromancer                 | MG17Necromancer01b                | MG17Necro1b                     | 
| Mensa Selas                 | MensaSelas                        | MensaSelasRef                   | 
| Ayisha                      | Ayisha                            | AyishaRef                       | 
| J'Baasha                    | JBaasha                           | JBaashaRef                      | 
| Mogens Wind-Shifter         | MogensWindShifter                 | MogensWindShifterRef            | 
| Tyrellius Logellus          | TyrelliusLogellusOffDuty          | TyrelliusLogellusODRef          | 
| Merete                      | Merete                            | MereteRef                       | 
| Iver                        | Iver                              | IverRef                         | 
| Thalfin                     | Thalfin                           | ThalfinRef                      | 
| The Forlorn Watchman        | ForlornWatchmanPre                | ForlornWatchmanRef              | 
| K'Sharr                     | Ksharr                            | KsharrREF                       | 
| Aleron Loche                | AleronLoche                       | AleronLocheRef                  | 
| Bolor Savel                 | BolorSavel                        | BolorSavelRef                   | 
| Arterion                    | Arterion                          | ArterionRef                     | 
| Mondrar Henim               | MondrarHenim                      | MondrarHenimRef                 | 
| Dranas Lerano               | DranasLerano                      | DranasLeranoREF                 | 
| Aenvir                      | Aenvir                            | AenvirREF                       | 
| Storn the Burly             | StorntheBurly                     | StorntheBurlyREF                | 
| Scar-Tail                   | ScarTail                          | ScarTailRef                     | 
| Rallus Odiil                | RallusOdiil                       | RallusOdiil01                   | 
| Antus Odiil                 | AntusOdiil                        | AntusOdiil01                    | 
| Wrath                       | Wrath                             | WrathRef                        | 
| Raven Camoran               | RavenCamoran                      | MQ15RavenRef                    | 
| Ruma Camoran                | Ruma                              | MQ15RumaRef                     | 
| Bosmer Thief                | Senannala                         | SenannalaRef                    | 
| Lucien Lachance             | LucienLachanceHunted              | LucienHuntedRef                 | 
| Fafnir                      | Fafnir                            | FafnirRef                       | 
| Adoring Fan                 | ArenaFan1                         | ArenaFan1Ref                    | 
| Giovanni Civello            | GiovanniCivello                   | GiovanniCivelloRef              | 
| Syndelius Gatharian         | SESyndeliusGatharian              | SESyndelRef                     | 
| Lewin Tilwald               | SELewinTilwald                    | SELewinRef                      | 
| Grommok gro-Barak           | SEGrommokgroBarak                 | SEGrommokRef                    | 
| Kiliban Nyrandil            | SEKilibanNyrandil                 | SEKilibanRef                    | 
| Court Healer                | SE14Healer1                       | SE14HealerREF1                  | 
| Dancer                      | SE14Dancer1                       | SE14DancerREF1                  | 
| Aurmazl Zudeh               | SE13GoldenSaintCaptain            | SE13GoldenSaintCaptainRef       | 
| Autkendo Jansa              | SE13DarkSeducerCaptain            | SE13DarkSeducerCaptainRef       | 
| Syl                         | SE07ASESylDouble                  | SE07ASylDoubleRef               | 
| Ajum-Kajin                  | AjumKajin                         | AjumKajinREF                    | 
| Grommok gro-Barak           | SEGrommokgroBarakGhosted          | SEGrommokGhostRef               | 
| Ma'zaddha                   | SEMazaddhaDead                    | SEMazaddhaDeadRef               | 
| Belmyne Dreleth             | SEBelmyneDreleth                  | SEBelmyneDrelethREF             | 
| Adeo                        | SEAdeo                            | SEAdeoRef                       | 
| Issmi                       | SEIssmi                           | SEIssmiRef                      | 
| Mirel                       | SEMirel                           | SEMirelRef                      | 
| Aurmazl Kaneh               | SEKaneh                           | SEKanehRef                      | 
| Dahlia Rackham              | DLC06FirstMate                    | DLFirstMateRef                  | 
| Zedrick Green               | DLC06Pirate01                     | DLCPirate01Ref                  | 
| Scurvy John Hoff            | DLC06Pirate02                     | DLCPirate02Ref                  | 
| Yinz'r                      | DLC06Pirate03                     | DLCPirate03Ref                  | 
| Dark Minion                 | LairVileMinion                    | LairVileMinionREF               | 
| Deepscorn Prisoner          | LairVilePrisoner                  | LairVilePrisonerREF             | 
| Amragor                     | NDAmragor                         | NDAmragorRef                    | 
| Selene Duronia              | NDSeleneDuronia                   | NDChardeRef                     | 
| Ohtesse                     | ND08OhtesseDead                   | NULL                            | 
| Errandil                    | ND08ErrandilDead                  | ND08ErrandilDeadREF             | 
| Carodus Oholin              | NDCarodusOholin                   | NDCarodusOholinRef              | 
| Aron Verethi                | NDAronVerethi                     | NDAronVerethiRef                | 
| Eris Senim                  | NDErisSenim                       | NDErisSenimRef                  | 
| Beem-Kiurz                  | NDBeemKiurz                       | NDBeemKiurzRef                  | 
| Sir Berich                  | NDSirBerich                       | NDSirBerichREF                  | 
| Kinther                     | NDKinther                         | NDKintherRef                    | 
| Esbern                      | NDEsbern                          | NDEsbernRef                     | 
| Inius Colus                 | NDIniusColus                      | NDIniusColusRef                 | 
| Sir Roderic                 | NDSirRoderic                      | NDSirRodericREF                 | 
| Lathon                      | NDLathon                          | NDLathonREF                     | 
| Geimund                     | NDGeimund                         | NDGeimundREF                    | 
| Gukimir                     | NDGukimir                         | NDGukimirREF                    | 
| Brellin                     | NDBrellin                         | NDBrellinRef                    | 
| The Prophet                 | NDProphet                         | NDProphetREF                    | 
| Rona Benanius               | DLCBattlehornMaid                 | NULL                            | 
| Shagrol gro-Uzug            | DLCBattlehornTrainer              | ShagrolgroUzugREF               | 
Oh, also, just to make sure it's clear: these are only the NPCs who start out disabled. NPCs who start out enabled, but are then disabled (e.g., because their related quest is complete) are not on the list. Automatically finding status changes that occur during the game is a bit trickier -- it's fairly easy to manually do each one individually, just not so easy to put together a one-line mysql query that lists them all. --NepheleTalk 16:24, 1 June 2009 (EDT)