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Joined 3 July 2012

I'm writing random stuff on a page no one will look at... Woop!

And now I have drawn a blank... Hmm...

First Oblivion character: crazy stealthy sniper Breton called Anna

First Skyrim character: Crazy stealthy sniper wood elf called Teyucha

Most frequent playing style: crazy stealthy sniper. I see a pattern here... Which is the same style I play in reenactment so it keeps me happy.

Favourite quotes:

Astrid: Motierre, you naughty, naughty boy.

Festus: It would have been funny, if he hadn't have been trying to murder us all. Well, you know what they say; when life gives you lemons... ...go murder a clown.

Odahviing: Unslaad Krosis. Innumerable pardons. I digress.

Dragon: Skuldafn fen kos dinok!