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Reverse magnitude, Second stage and maximum damage enchantments

-These concepts were developed by Enchantment guru SR71, on the GameFAQ message boards a while ago. These posts are now hard to find and in danger of being lost. I hope to create an article that does these concepts justice.


Reverse Variable MagnitudesEdit

By: SR71

What is the purpose of a RVM?Edit

RVMs are used to squeeze that last little half a point to one full point of magnitude into the available EP of an enchantment.

By reversing a variable magnitude setting you can actually change the way the game program reads your enchantment. Described below are magnitude settings and the way they are perceived by the game's programming.

Reverse Variable Magnitude (RVM)Edit

To set an effect with Reverse Variable Magnitude, first, enter the effect with any normal magnitude, then exit the effect using the "X" button, then reselect the same effect and enter the Reverse Variable Magnitude, then exit the effect using the "B" button. The enchantment will not read correctly, but the Reverse Variable Magnitude will remain set.

Game Settings = Actual Result

1 to 100 is actually 1 to 99 100 to 1 is actually 2 to 100 100 to 0 is actually 1 to 100

10 to 10 is actually 10 11 to 9 is actually 10 to 11 9 to 11 is actually 9 to 10

4 to 5 is actually 4 5 to 4 is actually 5

Almost every enchantment can benefit to a greater, or lesser, degree from the correct application of a RVM.

Maximum Damage Weapon Enchantment ProcessEdit

By: SR71


This process may be used to achieve the maximum damage for any weapon having 4 to 21 enchantment points.

Maximum Damage Weapon Enchantment ProcessEdit

1. Set the 1st Damage/Weakness spell effect to Target range. That's all for now. Note: The 1st spell effect determines the color of the weapon.

Damage/Weakness Effect Range: Target Magnitude: 0 to 0 Duration: 1 Area: 0

Note: Setting the Range to Target on the 1st spell effect, doubles the magnitude of the 2nd Damage/Absorb spell effect, or makes the 2nd Drain spell effect permanent.

2. Next add the 2nd Damage/Drain/Absorb spell effect, and set it to the highest possible non-variable Magnitude on Touch, without going over the enchantment point limit of the weapon.

Damage/Weakness Effect Range: Target Magnitude: 0 to 0 Duration: 1 Area: 0 + Damage/Drain/Absorb Effect Range: Touch Magnitude: X to X Duration: 1 Area: 0

Note: If X is less than 25, and you used a Weakness spell as the first effect, you may want to re-do the first 2 steps, and replace the Weakness spell with a Damage spell that gives the weapon a more appealing color/visual effect. This is because, when X is less than 25, the Weakness spell effect (which will never have a magnitude beyond 11) will only enhance X by 2 points, and changing to a Damage spell effect will do that, or better.

3. Now go back to the 1st Damage/Weakness spell effect, and set it to the highest possible non-variable Magnitude, without going over the enchantment point limit of the weapon. Note: Make sure the Range still reads Target when you finish adding the Magnitude points.

Damage/Weakness Effect Range: Target Magnitude: Y to Y Duration: 1 Area: 0 + Damage/Drain/Absorb Effect Range: Touch Magnitude: X to X Duration: 1 Area: 0

Note: If Y is a Damage spell effect, it will always be at least 2. If Y is a Weakness spell effect, it will range from 9 to 11.

4. Finally, set the cast type box to Cast When Strikes.

Second Stage EnchantmentsEdit

To Perform a 2 Stage Enchantment:

First, set the enchantment formula exactly as it says in the 1st Stage.

Next, attempt to finalize the enchantment by pressing the "X" button. You will receive a message which states "You cannot add more enchantment to an object than it can hold".

Now, go back into each effect in the enchantment and change the formula to exactly as it says in the 2nd Stage.

After re-setting everything to the exact 2nd Stage formula, you may now actually finalize the enchantment by pressing the "X" button.

The "2 Stage Process" and "Reverse Variable Magnitudes" are not the same thing. Although, enchanting an item with an RVM takes 2 steps to do, there is no need to attempt to finalize the enchantment during the process. What the 2 Stage Process does is trick the game program into making the effect last longer than normal. The durations of the effects intended to be prolonged in the enchantment formula are always set higher/longer in the 1st Stage, and the formula always exceeds the EP of the item being enchanted. Then, an attempt is made to finalize the enchantment, and the warning window appears saying "You cannot add more enchantment to an object than it can hold". This part is very necessary, because this is the place in the process where the program is actually tricked into increasing the duration of the effect. Then the enchantment is adjusted to the 2nd Stage formula. The common characteristic of all 2nd Stage formulas is that the duration of the effects intended to be prolonged is always 1 sec, and the formula doesn't exceed the EP of the item being enchanted. Now, you have tricked the game, and have set the formula the way it was intended to be, and can actually finalize the enchantment.

A normal Cast When Used enchantment set with a 1 sec Duration will only register as a blip when looking at the magic icons at the top of the screen. A 2 Stage Process Cast When Used enchantment set with a 1 sec Duration will last much longer when looking at the magic icons.

The uses for the 2 Stage Process vary from simple effect prolongation to permanent visual effects. It is quite useful for the purpose of enchantment economy, and will enable an enchantment to have the abilities of an enchantment requiring much more EP.

I often incorporate the 2 Stage Process and RVMs in the same enchantment, and I can see where many would be confused. I hope my explanation helped.

Most of my "advanced" enchantment techniques are the result of the re-creation and study of uncommon effects that happen unintentionally. --End Quote

All findings and words described here are by SR71, I merely added headers