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User:MolagBallet/Sandbox 20

< User: Archive


Originally published . The original article can be found [ here].

[[File:|500px|thumb|center|Sample caption]]



(A video is embedded at the bottom of the article. The video can be found here.)




Missing image: broken file link on source.

Loose Archival GuidelinesEdit

These aren't rules for archival, these are loose guidelines I follow to ensure the articles I preserve are consistent. Follow them or don't, but we should try to maintain a semblance of consistency in a general sense.

Element: Trail and italicized message. The link is at the top of the page like so for ease of navigation.

{{Trail| Archive}} The original article can be found [ here].

Element: The image at the top of the article.

The top image's caption should be italicized, just like in the articles. Top-of-the-article image size should be 500px, and it should ideally be centered. The thumb tag is there to allow the caption to show. [[File:|500px|thumb|center|Sample caption]]

Element: Article content.

Article content should go below the first image, with images placed wherever they are on the articles from the ESO website.

Element: Body images.

Here's an example of an image in the body of an article. Not all body images have captions. See: Creating ESO. [[File:|300px|center]]

Element: Broken image indicator: {{huh}}

{{huh|Missing image: broken file link on source.}}

IF AN IMAGE IS MISSING OR BROKEN: It is okay to put a {{huh}} tag as such on the page. Make sure you indicate **why** the {{huh}} tag is on the page, whether the image is missing, if it looks like there's supposed to be something there, but there isn't, etc. Indicate what is wrong with this section of the article, what's missing, and/or how to fix it.

{{huh}} tags are expected on older articles. It appears ZOS used a different database to host their images a few years ago, and when they changed it to the current database, the file links may not have been updated.