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A palace seen from a distance

Palaces are the seats of power of the rulers of any and all Settlements usually located on one extreme of the city with a gate separating the palace in the distance from the rest of the city. The main chamber of the palace is the Audience Chamber where the ruler, its royal guard and occasionally jesters and other NPCs are located. There are also other adjacent forbidden chambers where able thieves or capable enough warriors may steal all sorts of loot.

Audience Chamber Welcome MessagesEdit

Whenever you enter the audience chamber of a palace, you may receive any of these messages according to the present season in the Calendar and other factors.

  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber, noticing the fine trappings and furniture that decorate the area. A cool breeze wafts through the area, drying the sweat from your body and bringing a welcomed sigh to your lips. You relish in the brief respite. Ahead of you waits [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]. It is well known that [Settlement Name] is currently at [war/peace] with its neighbor, [Rival Settlement Name]."
  • "Outside the sun batters relentlessly on the citizens of [Settlement Name], but in the audience chamber of [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of the [Settlement Type], the shadows are deliverance. The rewards of power and wealth decorate the room. Obviously, being at [war/peace] with the [Settlement Type]'s neighbor, [Rival Settlement Name], has been profitable for the [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]. Perhaps you too can benefit from this situation..."
  • "You enter the audience chamber of [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]. Despite the season, not a warm ray of sunshine has touched this room. You breath in the musty air and wipe the sweat from your brow as you wait for the [Ruler's Title] to finish business with some messengers from [Rival Settlement Name], [Settlement Name]'s neighbor. The behavior between the [Ruler's Title] and the messengers is peculiar, considering the two have been at [war/peace] for some time..."
Rainy Summer
  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber, noticing the fine trappings and furniture that decorate the area. Outside you can still hear the raindrops as they fall, soaking everything in sight and creating a humid haze which causes your clothes to cling to you like a second skin. Ahead of you waits [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]. It is well known that [Settlement Name] is currently at [war/peace] with its neighbor, [Rival Settlement Name]."
  • "You enter the audience chamber, wiping the warm water of the summer rain off of your face. At the center of the opulently decorated room, [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name] is speaking with the [Settlement Type] councilmen of [Settlement Name]. You overhear them mention [Rival Settlement Name], their neighbor to [Direction], with which [Settlement Name] is at [war/peace]."
  • "Like an unwanted dog, the steam from the hot summer drizzle has followed you to the audience chamber of [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]. They whisper, but you think you hear one of the counselors remind the [Ruler's Title] that they are at [war/peace] with [Rival Settlement Name], the [Settlement Type]'s neighbor to [Direction]."
Cloudy Summer
  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber, noticing the fine trappings and furniture that decorate the area. Even though the clouds outside have made everything seem dull and gray, you find that the interior is brightly lit and cheerful. Ahead of you waits [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]. It is well known that [Settlement Name] is currently at [war/peace] with its neighbor, [Rival Settlement Name]."
  • "You enter [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name]'s audience chamber, finding the [Settlement Type] elders in conference with the [Ruler's Title]. The mood in the room reflects the weather outside; hot and dark with rain clouds. The elders continue to whisper nervously one to the other."
  • "The audience chamber of [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name] of [Settlement Name] is alive with activity. The [Ruler's Title] and an elder discuss a discontented local group who wish [Settlement Name] no longer to be at [war/peace] with its neighbor, [Rival Settlement Name]. [he/she] next turns attention to a merchant whose shop is under suspicion of housing a Thieves' Guild..."
  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber, noticing the many fine trappings and furniture that decorate the area. Outside the golden fall sun lends its warmth, holding back winter's hand for a few moments more. Ahead of you waits [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]. It is well known that [Settlement Name] is currently at [war/peace] with its neighbor, [Rival Settlement Name]."
  • "It is the busiest season of the year in [Settlement Name], and the palace's audience chamber is filled with area farmers discussing their harvests with [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name]. Many linger in the room after their business is through, procrastinating the return to the burning field work. They seem to be talking mostly about [Settlement Name] being suddenly at [war/peace] with its nearest neighbor, [Rival Settlement Name], and how this will change the trade throughout the province."
  • "It is unusually warm for the autumn in [Settlement Name], but the audience chamber of [Ruler's name] reflects little of the sunshine outside..."
Rainy Autumn
  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber shaking the cold rain from your shoulders. The first thing you notice is the many fine trappings and furniture that decorate the area. The warm air serves to quickly dry you from the fall shower outside. Ahead of you waits [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]..."
  • "You had hoped that the chamber of the [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name] would provide relief from the cold autumn rain outside, but it is as damp and chilly as a mausoleum. Others seeking audience wait with dripping hair and chattering teeth, as [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name] talks with a representative from [Rival Settlement Name], the [Settlement Type]'s neighbor that [Settlement Name] is at [war/peace] with..."
  • "It has been an uncomfortably warm autumn in the [Settlement Type] of [Settlement Name], so the recent shower has actually improved the mood in the audience chamber of [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name]. You know that [Rival Settlement Name], [Settlement Name]'s temperamental neighbor, is only recently at [war/peace] with [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name], but foreign diplomacy is not being discussed among the [Ruler's Title] and the circle of counselors."
Overcast Autumn
  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber, noticing the many fine trappings and furs that decorate the area. Even though autumn's clouds outside have made everything seem cold and gray, you find that the interior is brightly lit and warm. Ahead of you waits [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]. It is well known that [Settlement Name] is currently at [war/peace] with its neighbor, [Rival Settlement Name]."
  • "You enter [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name]'s audience chamber, shaking the chill of the gray autumn day from your skin. Being currently at [war/peace] with its neighbor [Rival Settlement Name], the leading citizens of [Settlement Name] have met to discuss the resultant implications with their [Ruler's Title]..."
  • "As you enter the audience chamber of the [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name], you feel the autumn chill from the outside is actually intensified within. The thick furs and darkly beautiful ornaments that decorate the walls make you feel as if you're being watched. [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name] looks up from the conference [he/she] is having with the council of elders..."
  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber, noticing the many fine trappings and warm furs that decorate the area. Even though the sun outside is strong, winter's hand has chilled you to the bone. You find that you welcome the brightly lit and warm interior. Ahead of you waits [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]..."
  • "You enter the audience chamber of [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name] of the [Settlement Type] of [Settlement Name], lips chapped from the cold, flesh burned by the sun. Representatives from [Rival Settlement Name], meeting with the [Ruler's Title], leave the room as you enter. It appears not to have gone well, for the council of elders and [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name] seem to be in a sour mood..."
  • "[Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name]'s audience chamber is alive with excitement. [Settlement Name] and [Rival Settlement Name], the [Settlement Type]'s neighbor to [Direction], are at [war/peace] talks. Naturally, this has caused a lot of the internal stress within [Settlement Name]. The [Ruler's Title] is remarkably calm, hearing each of the citizen's concerns about trade and commerce..."
Snowy Winter
  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber, noticing the many fine trappings and warm furs that decorate the area. You feel your frozen limbs begin to thaw in the warm heat of the brightly lit interior. You welcome the brief respite from the cold. Ahead of you waits [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]..."
  • "The audience chamber of [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name] is drier than the snowy streets of [Settlement Name], but not any warmer. You rub your hands together and watch your breath come like smoke from a chimney..."
  • "Your eyes, squinting from the glare of the snow outside, grow accustomed to the gloom of [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name]'s audience chamber."
Overcast Winter
  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber, noticing the many fine trappings and warm furs that decorate the area. The freezing temperature and iron gray clouds outside have made everything frozen and dull, though you find that the interior of this chamber is brightly lit and cheerful. Ahead of you waits [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]..."
  • "Frozen to the core, you stumble into the audience chamber of [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name], only to feel a chill that pierces your soul. The room itself is physically warm and pleasing to the eye, but you sense an undercurrent of tension..."
  • "You are admitted into the presence of the good [Ruler's Title] of the [Settlement Type] of [Settlement Name]. A thick cloak of wolf hide is gently wrapped around your shoulders, and as feeling returns to your skin, you feel that parts of your face were dangerously close to frostbite..."
  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber, noticing the many fine trappings and expensive furniture that decorate the area. The warm spring air wafts through an open window, bringing along with it the scent of newly budding flowers and fresh green grass."
  • "It is hard to believe that anyone can think of politics on such a day, but people are lining up to be heard by [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name] while outside newly bloomed flowers perfume the air..."
  • "Inside the audience chamber of [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name], the new sprouts of spring die young and the perfume of the fresh blossom turns to a sickly stench. [Ruler's name] is rumored to have angered the [Settlement Type] oracle who placed upon the [Ruler's Title] a curse of poor health. The political change has been very noticeable in such a [Settlement Type] where tradition is of highest importance..."
Rainy Spring
  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber, noticing the many fine trappings and expensive furniture that decorate the area. The warm spring shower has left you pleasantly refreshed, if a bit wet, but a breeze seems to be blowing through here and you feel yourself dry quickly..."
  • "For an agriculture-based [Settlement Type] like [Settlement Name], a good spring rain makes all the difference during the seeding. Everyone seems in a good mood, and the preparations for the traditional new year celebrations is the conversation on all lips..."
  • "Through an open window in the audience chamber of [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name], you can smell the spring rain and newly blossomed flowers out in the streets of [Settlement Name]. The floor is wet with the tread of many visitors..."
Overcast Spring
  • "You walk into the [Ruler's Title]'s audience chamber, noticing the many fine trappings and expensive furniture that decorate the area. The day has been overcast, iron gray clouds that hint of a spring storm. You find yourself welcoming the sun's return. Ahead of you waits [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name]. It is well known that [Settlement Name] is currently at [war/peace] with its neighbor, [Rival Settlement Name]."
  • "The government of [Settlement Name] is like the weather outside, pleasantly temperate but dark with clouds threatening catastrophe. In the audience chamber of [Ruler's Title] [Ruler's name] no one even whispers their theories about the ulterior motives behind the [Settlement Type]'s recent declaration of [war/peace] with its neighbor, [Rival Settlement Name]."
  • "You like the looks of the audience chamber of [Ruler's name], [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement Name] the moment you enter. Beautiful music rings through the room and the walls hang with rich tapestries of spring scenes much nicer than the gray day outside..."


  • Normally, palaces could have massive piles of gold at night, but this is inaccessible. However, village palaces contain torture chambers that contain a dead body. Due to how pre-generated dead bodies work, these will contain a massive amount of gold, usually 10,000 gold pieces. Note that guards will attack when you leave the audience chamber. The following is a list of all village palaces.

Black MarshEdit

  • Chasecreek
  • Portdun Mont
  • Glenbridge (normally inaccessible)


  • Markgran Brook
  • Chasemoor
  • Darkarn Place
  • Duncori Walk


  • Chaseguard
  • Corten Mont
  • Nimbel Moor
  • Karnver Falls
  • Dragon Grove

High RockEdit

  • Eagle Brook
  • Thorkan Park
  • Karthgran Vale


  • Riverbridge
  • Corkarth Run
  • Sailen Vulgate


  • Laintar Dale
  • Neugrad Watch
  • North Keep
  • Lainalten
  • Amber Guard

Summerset IslesEdit

  • Silsailen Point
  • Holly Falls
  • Glenview
  • White Guard
  • Karnwasten Moor
  • Graddun Spring
  • Karndar Watch


  • Heimdar City
  • Lynpar March
  • Marbruk Field
  • Glenpoint