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Battlespire:Dark Seducer (Si'ess)

< Battlespire: NPCs(Redirected from Battlespire:Master of the Hunt)
Si'ess, the Master of the Hunt

Si'ess (see note below) is a Dark Seducer encountered in Level 5: The Chimera of Desolation at Point A, and serves as your greeter to the Chimera of Desolation. According to The Posting of the Hunt, she is given the role of the Master of the Hunt whose role is to sanctify the Ritual of the Innocent Quarry, also known as the Wild Hunt. As part of the Ritual, the Master of the Hunt is made invulnerable to nearly all weapons and magic for the duration. Outside her duties to the Hunt, she serves Dagon directly as a spy, while the other Dark Seducers in the level function as Xivilai Moath's gamekeepers.



Listen mortal, and listen well. Here are your masters and here is your hell.
The Wild Hunt begins this day. We are the hunters and you are the prey.
But we shall grant a sporting chance to 'scape your death by Huntsman's lance.

Player Response Result
That's big of you. Reply 1

Reply 1Edit

Six keys we've hid upon this isle. Find them all, and flee this isle.
But find them not or halt with doubt, and Dogs will Drag to flush you out.
Hounds will Chase to feed their fill, then Huntsman calls me to View his kill.
From the Drag to the Chase to the Call to the View, the Victor I see becomes Huntsman anew.

Player Response Result
So it's a game we play? And what, pray are the rules? Reply 2

Reply 2Edit

Hark, mortal, the Innocent Hare. The Hunt is up, and the Game is afoot. Flee for your life, you miserable wretch.

Player Response Result
I will flee forthwith, but I demand as my right a reading of the rules. Reply 3

Reply 3Edit

Seek about the island. In accordance with the Law, the Offices are posted.

Player Response Result
And that would be the letter of the Law, I'm sure. Very well. Indeed, the Game is afoot, so catch me if you can. Only be very sure you know what to do with me if you DO catch me. END

Return GreetingEdit

Do you savor the sweet pain of the Hunt, mortal?

Player Response Result
Going marvelously, isn't it. Refreshing exercise. Bit disappointed in the quality of the pursuit, but local standards vary, I suppose. Reply 5
[&Tattle] A little chunk of ice told me to tell you that Faydra Shardai, not Xivilai Moath, was the architect of the plan to invest and plunder Shade Perilous. Reply 4

Reply 4Edit

If you think that my master or I care about any such squabbles, you are denser than the Frost Daedra. Such favors and punishments are but means to keep our allies in line.

Player Response Result
I told the chunk of ice I'd report to you, and I live by my word. Reply 5

Reply 5Edit

I've heard that mortals are a short-lived race, too short-lived to acquire wisdom. Let us put this proposition to the test. Perhaps first a lesson on showing proper respect is in order.

Player Response Result
Oh. Thank you. How nice of you. I'll be leaving, then. END Teleport_0


[[She stares at you haughtily and ignores your entreaties.]]

[[She wrinkles her nose disdainfully and ignores you.]]

[[She says nothing, but observes you cautiously.]]


  • Although she is simply referred to as Dark Seducer in-game, her name is revealed in page 148 of the Battlespire Athenaeum.