This page is for Easter eggs only. Easter eggs include inside jokes, pop culture references, and any similar reference to something outside the Elder Scrolls games. For other points of interest, please see the appropriate pages. |
Easter eggs are secrets that the developers put in games to give people a laugh when they find them (provided that they understand the joke or reference). Easter eggs differ from in-game references in that they have been clearly hidden from the player and are unusual with regards to their surroundings; references are often integrated into the rest of game and no attempt is made to keep them secret.
If you think you have found an Easter egg please post your idea on this article's talk page before adding it to this article.
Easter EggsEdit
Horker Loaf CoffinEdit
- While exploring dungeons, you may occasionally come across a room with an open coffin in the center. Within, you may find a horker loaf, which can be eaten if desired.
Cultural ReferencesEdit
Baby SharkEdit
- The Baby Drake emote is a reference to the dance from the Baby Shark children's song.
- The Love's Triumph decoration depicts a robed character with small wings, a bow, and an arrow, referencing the Greco-Roman god Cupid. Additionally, Cupid is especially related to Valentine's Day, which is the real-world inspiration for Heart's Day, the holiday on which the decoration was available for purchase.
Dark SoulsEdit
- The Painful Lesson references the bonfires in Dark Souls.
Game of ThronesEdit
- The Costly Throne is a reference to the Iron Throne made out of swords from the Game of Thrones.
The Great GatsbyEdit
- The description for the Peridot Beacon mentions that the "bright, magical green beacon can be seen for miles." This wording is a reference to the green light at the end of Daisy Buchanan's dock in The Great Gatsby.
- A popup promoting events is titled: "Events: Something Arcane This Way Comes", a variation on the phrase "Something Wicked This Way Comes" which originates from William Shakespeare's Macbeth.
Monty PythonEdit
- The Mercenaries on the Run quest contains a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. When you talk to the Mercenary at the start of the quest, he demands "State your name and business!" One dialogue choice asks "Want my favorite color, while you're at it?"
Rudolph the Red-Nosed ReindeerEdit
- The name of the Winter & Gold event and the parodied lyrics from Twitter are a reference to the Silver & Gold Christmas song from the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer TV special.
Victoria & Winged VictoriesEdit
- The Fighters' Trophy decoration depicts a winged woman which closely resembles depictions of the Roman goddess Victoria and winged victory iconography. Additionally, the description states that it "represent[s] the spirit of victory", which is true for winged victories.