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< Daggerfall:Mournoth
Name Type Dungeon Modules
Ruins of The Klolpum Farmstead Laboratory 10
Ruins of F'orch Manor Orc Stronghold 8
Castle Sestam Coven 8
Ruins of Kluch Manor Natural Cave 12
The Prison of Rhurpur Prison 10
The Rurg Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Community of Vezca Barbarian Stronghold 12
Ruins of D'ech Manor Giant Stronghold 10
The Citadel of Maeshan Laboratory 13
The House of Duke Baranezzar Vampire Haunt 8
The Circle of Krercja Barbarian Stronghold 8
Ruins of Mhallir Grange Prison 12
Rurmta's Guard Ruined Castle 11
The Nest of Vojker Scorpion Nest 8
The Klightrn Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Fhurt-e Assembly Barbarian Stronghold 8
The Fortress of Raurht Orc Stronghold 8
The Khightar Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hold of Lujten Prison 8
Ruins of Nhestur Hall Crypt 8
The Citadel of Lherchen Ruined Castle 10
Castle Salpur Scorpion Nest 8
Castle Corroboth Vampire Haunt 10
The Dhell'kern Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Shrurta Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Rhis-si's Farm Barbarian Stronghold 13
The Stronghold of Tisom Crypt 8
The Web of Vermten Scorpion Nest 12
The Glactim Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Fhiz Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Crypt of Balthivaror Crypt 14
The Dispiamithivah Shrine Desecrated Temple 8
The Sollem Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle D'elpar Desecrated Temple 8
The Caelder Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Forkir Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle Krovem Laboratory 8
The Conclave of Gherk-i Barbarian Stronghold 12
The Krezer Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Rheron Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
F'iv'kern Tower Laboratory 10
The Crypt of Inverogham Crypt 8
Ruins of Blirg Orchard Human Stronghold 13
The Kragten Graveyard Cemetery 5
The M'ojum Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Fortress of Dhillum Crypt 10
The Tower of Cyugt Scorpion Nest 10
Morotghu Giant Stronghold 12
Azrirock Giant Stronghold 12
Gerorgonuna Minster Desecrated Temple 8
The Hold of T'ashar Ruined Castle 13
THe Crypts of B'usht Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Saoght Cabin Scorpion Nest 8
The Vault of Magnehoth Crypt 12
The Grevrn Pit Mine 10
Balthimus's Tomb Crypt 12
The Laboratory of Rhughte Laboratory 10
Yagloth Orc Stronghold 10
The Klirgar Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Dhact'kern Graveyard Cemetery 5
The B'asur Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Disper Hollow Natural Cave 11
Cerhton's Guard Prison 10
Castle Shrugir Human Stronghold 12
The Boazur Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Cult of Fhisga Coven 12
The Graves of Kugim Forgotten Cemetery 5
The D'orur Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Graves of Burch Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Old Cirn Shack Barbarian Stronghold 10
The Dhuron Prison Prison 8
Ruins of The Dhellon Plantation Prison 8
The Skulrius Web Spider Nest 8
The Rhucher Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Vojnothoth Giant Stronghold 13
Ruins of Krej Hall Natural Cave 8
Border Laboratory Laboratory 8
Castle Sughtan Human Stronghold 12
The Abbey of Baleusulla Desecrated Temple 12
The Boirnem Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Chirnun Reformatory Prison 12
Castle Bauctt Coven 12
The Blordar Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Fortress of Faujem Crypt 8
The Gaol of Sternim Prison 13
Ruins of The Slothte Farmstead Barbarian Stronghold 13
Klalp's Guard Orc Stronghold 10
The Convent of Balulivah Desecrated Temple 12
Nugon Laboratory Laboratory 13
Ruins of The Rusur Farmstead Coven 10
Ruins of Greghtur Palace Orc Stronghold 10
The Gurchur Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Grolgod Giant Stronghold 10
Morkothiah Hollow Natural Cave 8