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Legends:Moment of Clarity

< Legends: Cards
Moment of Clarity
LG-card-Moment of Clarity.png
Deck code ID kF
Card Set LG-icon-Core Set.png Core Set
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png2
Attribute Intelligence Intelligence
Rarity Epic Epic
Reveal three random cards, then choose one to draw.

Moment of Clarity is an epic Intelligence action card. It is available as part of the Core Set.



  • This card is called "Syldarim Astrologer" in the files. In The Elder Scrolls Online's original version of Summerset, the Syldarim were an Altmeri Kinhouse found around The Orrery that would help the player restore the planet of Auri-El back to the sky. The cut drafts also state that "The Sapiarch of Astronomy at the Crystal Tower has nearly always been a Syldarim. Genivra, now High Kinlady of the Syldarim, held that position herself before the Ascendance of the previous High Kinlady." which may help explain what the card was intended to depict.