This page contains card art datamined from the game files or taken from illustrator sites and are not used for cards in-game. Some arts are still used in other locations, such as promotional material or social media. The thumbnails are a description of the art or clarification of its usage. They are not official descriptions except for those in-between "quotation marks" which are datamined or from out of game sources.
From Game FilesEdit
"Falkreath Adventurer", unused Midnight Snack alternate art
"Covenant Armorer", unused Bruma Armorer alternate art
"Flame Tempest", old Dawn's Wrath art
"Master of the Thieves", old Master of Thieves art
Unused Wood Orc Headhunter alternate art
Unused Jarl Balgruuf alternate art
Old Winter's Grasp art
Old Dwarven Armaments art
Old Redoran Enforcer art
Old Reive, Blademaster art
Old Loyal Housecarl art
Old General Tullius art
Old Uther Nere card art
Old High Rock Summoner art;
"Knowledge Plagiarist" [UOL 1] -
Old Resolute Ally art
Old Summerset Shieldmage art
Old Relentless Raider art
Old Stormhold Henchman art
Old Nord Firebrand art
Possible old Stormcloak Avenger desing
Possible old Waves of the Fallen desing
Possible old Northpoint Herald desing
Old Orc Clansman art
Old Crystal Tower Crafter art
Used as Kianra Elsinor icon; Possible old Crystal Tower Crafter desing
Used as Taviah Al-Thir icon
Used as Bor the Beggar icon
Used as the opponent avatar in Versus Arena
Used for promotional material of Pauper Rumble
Used for Arena scenarios
Used for Arena scenarios
The Five Tenets; Used in The Fall of the Dark Brotherhood trailer
Used as the enemy avatar for A Knife in the Dark
Used as the enemy avatar for Hilltop Shrine
Used as the Bravil Treasury token
Little Girl; Alternative eye color, probably was used in the old client
Used as the Mecinar token in Return to Clockwork City Act 1
Zombified Laaneth; Used as the enemy avatar for Return to The Inner Curiosity
"Priest of Mania", depicts Dervenin
"No Rat Camp", used as the No-Rat Camp token
Used as Dyus icon
"Gateslayer Sword", old art for Gateslayer Axe
Possible early Ayrenn desing
Early concept version for "Dark Elf Retainer"[2]
Early concept version for Cliffside Lookout
Early concept version for Giant's Camp[3]
"Elixir of Illusion", intended for Strategist's Map
"Talisman of the Nerevarine", intended for Ring of Lordship
"Ancestor Ghost", recolored version is used as Wake the Dead art
"Righteous Resolve", alternative Imperial Reinforcements art from other perspective
"Temple of Two-Moons Dance", may have been related to the Temple line
These portraits are not used in the game and are unnamed in the files, but here a caption is added to describe the art.
The following arts do not have a definite title and element associated with them (such as card or UI), a caption is added to describe the art.
Khajiit, likely M'aiq the Liar based on datamined voicelines
Depicts Karliah
Simillar to "Knife to the Throat" desing
"Sanguinare Vampiris" [UOL 1] -
"Nether Lich" [UOL 1] -
Sithis Ritual;
"Redwater Spring Seeker" [UOL 1]
From IllustratorEdit
Finished "Dark Elf Retainer"[2]
Old Orc Clansman art[3]
"Bull Netch"[5]
Zombified Swims-at-Night[6]; Used as the enemy avatar for Return to The Inner Curiosity
"Doors of Egress"[7]; Used as Heart of the City tokens
"Warriors"[9]; Used in the cinematic for A Knife in the Dark
"Dragon Horn"[11]
Possible old Dres Renegade art[12]
- ^ Official Legends Art Gallery
- ^ a b yw tang on ArtStation
- ^ a b Opus Artz Creatures
- ^ Concept Art House on ArtStation
- ^ Opus Artz on ArtStation
- ^ Scott Altmann on ArtStation
- ^ Robson Michel on ArtStation
- ^ Brian Valeza on ArtStation
- ^ Nuare Studio Unpublished sketches 01
- ^ Nuare Studio Instagram
- ^ Quyen Pham on ArtStation
- ^ Liquid Development official website
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.
- ^ a b c d This name appears only in The Elder Scrolls: Legends Asia