This is a description of the various model file formats used in Shadowkey.
This file is a text file containing one line per model entry in the format:
[Index] [Unknown1] [Width] [Height] [Filename]
Fields are separated by one space.
- Index -- The 0-based model index.
- Unknown1 -- Either 0 or 2. Is 2 when the width/height fields are non-zero.
- Width
- Height -- Assumed to be a size of some sort, either texture or model size. Is usually a power of 2 but not always.
This file holds model offsets and sizes for the Models.huge file. All fields are Little Endian.
dword NumModels struct { dword Offset dword Size } [NumModels]
- Offset -- Start offset of the model in Models.huge from the start of the file.
- Size -- Size bytes of the model in the Models.huge file.
This file is simply composed of concatenated model data (no header/footer or data between models). Use the Models.idx file to determine model offsets and sizes for reading.
Model FormatEdit
This is the format of individual models contained in the Models.huge file. All fields are Little Endian. It is composed of a short header followed by multiple variable length records.
Header // 14 bytes VertexData[] UVData[] FaceData[] TextureHeader // 6 bytes TextureData[] Footer[]
The model header is a short 14 byte record containing record counts:
word Magic // Always 7 word NumAnimations // Assumed? word NumVertexes word NumUVs word NumFaces word Unknown1 // Doesn't seem to be used? word Unknown2 // Always 1
Vertex DataEdit
The vertex data immediately follows the header data and is composed of word XYZ vertex coordinates. The size and number of vertexes can be calculated from:
TotalVertexes = NumAnimations * NumVertexes ByteSize = NumAnimations * NumVertexes * 6
Note that a fair number of models only have 1 animation.
UV Texture DataEdit
Immediately following the vertex data is assumed to be word UV texture coordinate data. The size of this section can be calculated from:
ByteSize = NumUVs* 4
The values range from 0 to 65535 (confirmed, max value may depend on texture size?).
Face DataEdit
Immediately following the UV data is the face data. The size of this section can be calculated from:
ByteSize = NumFaces * 12
Each face record is 12 bytes composed of 6 word values representing a vertex index (0-based):
word v[6]
Texture Header and DataEdit
Immediately following the face data is a small texture header and the pixel texture data. The header has the format:
word NumTextures word Width word Height
Following the header are the texture data in RGB values stored in word values (each color in 4 bits). Total size of the texture pixel data can be calculated form:
ByteSize = NumTextures * Width * Height
Note that this doesn't use any information from the model header. The RGB value can be extracted from the word value by (not confirmed):
byte r = ((Value & 0x00f) << 4) + (Value & 0x00f) byte g = ((Value & 0x0f0) >> 4) + (Value & 0x0f0) byte b = ((Value & 0xf00) >> 8) + ((Value & 0xf00) >> 8)
The image might be stored from the bottom up (bottom line is first in the data).
Animation DataEdit
After the texture data and at the end of the file is a small footer with animation data. It is composed of a record count followed by that many 6 byte records.
word numAnims struct { word StartFrame word EndFrame word Speed } [numAnims]