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Morrowind:Aengoth the Jeweler

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Aengoth the Jeweler (aengoth)
Home City Ald'ruhn
Location The Rat In the Pot
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Level 16 Class Scout
Training Block (58)
Long Blade (58)
Medium Armor (58)
Other Information
Health 149 Magicka 112
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Thieves Guild 8(Mastermind)
Aengoth the Jeweler

Aengoth the Jeweler, a Wood Elf scout, is a Mastermind in the Thieves Guild. He's the leader of the Ald'ruhn Guild, and can be found at The Rat In the Pot in the cellar just below the bar. Besides being a primary quest giver for the Guild, Aengoth also offers medium training in Block, Long Blade, and Medium Armor to higher-ranking members. He wears a common shirt with matching pants and shoes. He also carries a steel dagger. Aside from his natural resistance to disease, and the ability to command animals, he knows no spells.


  • Greetings:
    • "You were sent to fetch Anareren's [sic] Devil Tanto from the Guild of Mages. What happened?"
    • "Do you have that Redoran Master Helm, %PCRank?"
    • "Any luck getting hold of Boethiah's Pillow Book? I'm sure Gandosa has a copy."
    • "Have you returned with a copy of Withershins?"
    • "We still need four pieces of scrap metal to fix the centurions. Have you found some?"
    • "Well, %PCRank, have you been able to recover the Darts of Judgement?"
  • Anareren's [sic] Devil Tanto:
    • "Like I said, my source in the Mages Guild says they'll all be gone for a while. Go in there and take whatever you want, but be sure to bring me Anareren's [sic] Devil Tanto."
    • "Did you run into any trouble?"
      • Yes, there was a guard: "Damn. Seems like the Mages Guild always knows when we're planning something. Did you get the Devil Tanto?"
        • Yes, here it is: [Disposition +10] "Yes, this is just what I wanted. You can keep anything else you found."
        • No, not yet: "Well what's keeping you? You're not going to let some apprentice get in the way, are you?"
      • No: "Good. I guess the Mages Guild didn't know about our plans this time. So did you get the Devil Tanto?"
        • Yes, here it is: [Disposition +10] "Yes, this is just what I wanted. You can keep anything else you found."
        • No, not yet: "Well what's keeping you? You're not going to let some apprentice get in the way, are you?"
    • "You already gave me the Devil Tanto."
  • Boethiah's Pillow Book:
    • "A client of ours wants some dirt on the Arobar family. Apparently Gandosa Arobar has a copy of this book, which has been banned by the Temple. Fetch the book and return it to me. I have to admit I'm a bit curious myself."
    • "Did you get the book?"
      • Yes, here it is: [Disposition +10; Boethiah's Pillow Book has been removed from your inventory; Amulet of Far Silence has been added to your inventory; Chameleon Ring has been added to your inventory] "Hm. Interesting books these Dunmer have. We're getting paid well for this job. I looked over the emergency supplies here and found a ring and amulet you might like. Just don't tell anyone I gave them to you, eh?"
    • "You already gave me that book."
      • No, not yet: [Disposition -10] "I need that book. I can't keep my client waiting forever. I might have to hire someone else to get that book, if you know what I mean."
  • Darts of Judgement:
    • "Eindel has four Darts of Judgement. They're very rare arrows made in my home province of Valenwood. Eindel is a guard at Llethri Manor in Ald'ruhn. If you find the Darts there, feel free to use them, but the Guild will pay good money if you don't want them."
    • "So you found the Darts of Judgement. Do you want to keep them or sell them to the Guild?"
      • Give him the darts:
        • [Disposition +5; Dart of Judgement has been removed from your inventory; 500 Gold has been added to your inventory] "Here's 500 septims for the Dart. You've done pretty good work for me, %PCRank. If you've got a price on your head, I'll see if I can't take care of it."
        • [Disposition +7; 2 Dart of Judgement has been removed from your inventory; 1000 Gold has been added to your inventory] "Here's 1000 septims for the Darts. You've done pretty good work for me, %PCRank. If you've got a price on your head, I'll see if I can't take care of it."
        • [Disposition +10; 3 Dart of Judgement has been removed from your inventory; 1500 Gold has been added to your inventory] "Here's 1500 septims for the Darts. You've done pretty good work for me, %PCRank. If you've got a price on your head, I'll see if I can't take care of it."
        • [Disposition +15; 4 Dart of Judgement has been removed from your inventory; 2000 Gold has been added to your inventory] "Here's 2000 septims for the Darts. You've done pretty good work for me, %PCRank. If you've got a price on your head, I'll see if I can't take care of it."
      • Keep the darts: "You put them to good use, then. You've done pretty good work for me, %PCRank. If you've got a price on your head, I'll see if I can't take care of it."
    • "You've already reported back to me about the Darts of Judgement."
  • jobs:
    • "I got a job for you. Something that might add some clink to your pockets. I've heard the Ald'ruhn Guild of Mages has been left unguarded. I want you to get Anareren's [sic] Devil Tanto."
    • "There's a customer who wants a Redoran Master Helm."
    • "Gandosa Arobar is a Councilor's daughter if you know what I mean. I hear she's got a copy of Boethiah's Pillow Book."
    • "There's another book I want you to fetch for me. It's called "Withershins.""
    • "We got some Dwemer Spider Centurions from a friend, and we got Estoril who can fix them up, but we don't have any scrap metal."
    • "Eindel, a Bosmer like me, has some fine arrows, the Darts of Judgement."
    • "I got no jobs for you, %PCRank. Try Sugar-Lips Habasi in Balmora or Big Helende in Sadrith Mora. Or you could talk to the Master Thief himself, Gentleman Jim Stacey. He's in Vivec, but is very choosy about who he has work for him."
  • Redoran Master Helm:
    • "A client of ours wants a Redoran Master Helm. Most of the Councilors in House Redoran have one, but they can be hard to find. I know Miner Arobar has one, probably in his bedroom. You'd have to check Arobar Manor in Ald'ruhn, Under-Skar."
    • "Did you get the Redoran Master Helm?"
      • Yes, here it is: [Disposition +10; Redoran Master Helm has been removed from your inventory; 1000 Gold has been added to your inventory] "Good work. I hope our client appreciates this. Here. Take a little gold for your trouble."
    • "You already brought me a Redoran Master Helm."
      • No, not yet: "Well get us a Redoran Master Helm, %PCName. I can't keep our clients waiting forever."
  • scrap metal:
    • "You can find scrap metal in most Dwemer ruins. I wish I knew a better place to get some, but I don't. We need four pieces of scrap metal to be on the safe side, but you don't need to try and clear out a Dwemer ruin, just run in, snatch some, and get out."
    • "Have you found some scrap metal?"
      • Yes, here it is: [Disposition +10; 4 Scrap Metal has been removed from your inventory; 1000 Gold has been removed from your inventory] "So you found some, eh? Well, I'll give you a fair price for it. How about 250 septims each? That should put some clink in your pockets."
    • "You already brought me some scrap metal. Estoril can keep the Centurions working for a while."
      • No, not yet: "Well, keep looking. We used to have some Spider Centurion guards, and I sure felt safer with them around."
  • Withershins:
    • "Another client wants us to find a copy of this book for him. It's not for sale if you know what I mean. I've heard that Miles Gloriosus over at the Andus Tradehouse in Maar Gan has a copy."
    • "Did you get a copy of "Withershins?""
      • Yes, here it is: [Disposition +10; Withershins has been removed from your inventory; 1000 Gold has been added to your inventory] "That is the right book, %PCName. I'll give you a fair price for it. How does 1000 septims sound?"
    • "You already brought me a copy of "Withershins.""
      • No, not yet: "Well, keep looking. Like I said, I think Miles Gloriosus over in Maar Gan has a copy. I don't know where he keeps it, though."

Quests GivenEdit

Thieves GuildEdit

Related QuestsEdit

Fighters GuildEdit

Imperial CultEdit


  • If you talk to Aengoth about "scrap metal" before being given the quest, he'll skip quests.