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Morrowind Mod:AFFresh/Rithleen's Recipes

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Collect local recipes for Rithleen in Balmora
Quest Giver: Rithleen in Balmora
Location(s): Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, Ebonheart, Ghostgate, Pelagiad, Sadrith Mora, Suran, Tel Mora, Vivec, Vos, Wolverine Hall
Prerequisite Quest: Report to Caius Cosades
Reward: 500 gold
ID: AF_RecipeCollection, AF_Recipe_AncestorsRest, AF_Recipe_Banor, AF_Recipe_CodaSoup, AF_Recipe_FancyDreugh, AF_Recipe_Farewell, AF_Recipe_GirlsDaily, AF_Recipe_HackleSalad, AF_Recipe_HerosFeast, AF_Recipe_HoundSticks, AF_Recipe_KagoutiSteak, AF_Recipe_Marshwater, AF_Recipe_MerrowedYams, AF_Recipe_MudcrabShell, AF_Recipe_PuckerSqueek, AF_Recipe_RacerTails, AF_Recipe_Rats, AF_Recipe_RCS, AF_Recipe_Scurryfish, AF_Recipe_Scuttlerice, AF_Recipe_SFSteak, AF_Recipe_SickSoup, AF_Recipe_SweetShalk, AF_Recipe_YamChips, AF_Recipe_Yattle

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Rithleen at her house in Balmora about Orders, then local recipes.
  2. Talk to innkeepers and publicans around Vvardenfell about local recipes.
  3. Return to Rithleen once you have collected at least fifteen recipes.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Rithleen's Recipes (AF_RecipeCollection)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Rithleen in Balmora asked me to find at least fifteen local recipes for her to send to her father in Lainlyn. I should ask innkeepers and publicans if they are willing to share any recipes. Rithleen will give me 100 septims for each recipe I find.
100 Finishes quest  I collected enough recipes for Rithleen and she rewarded me with extra coins. I can still bring her recipes for 100 septims each if I come across any more.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_AncestorsRest)
100 Sorosi Radobar gave me the recipe for Ancestor's Rest. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Ancestor's Rest recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_Banor)
100 Banor gave me a "recipe." I could show this to Rithleen in Balmora, but she probably won't pay for this one.
200 I delivered the "recipe" to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_CodaSoup)
100 Raril Giral gave me the recipe for Coda Soup. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Coda Soup recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_FancyDreugh)
100 Burcanius Varo gave me a recipe that was actually created by Natesse in Tel Mora for Graht-Planked Dreugh. It seems expensive.
200 I gave the Graht-Planked Dreugh recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_Farewell)
100 Ashumanu Eraishah gave me a recipe for an old guar called Farewell Feast.
200 II gave the Farewell Feast recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_GirlsDaily)
100 Desele gave me a recipe for her 'girl's daily meal.'
200 I gave the Girls Daily Meal recipe to Rithleen. She didn't think it would be useful to her father.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_HackleSalad)
100 Brathus Dals gave me the recipe for Hackle-Lo Salad. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Hackle-Lo Salad recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_HerosFeast)
100 Manara Othan gave me the recipe for a Hero's Feast. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Hero's Feast recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_HoundSticks)
100 Boderi Farano gave me the recipe for Hound Sticks. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Hound Sticks recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_KagoutiSteak)
100 Natesse gave me a recipe that was created by Burcanius Varo in Tel Vos for kagouti steaks.
200 I gave the Kagouti Steak recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_Marshwater)
100 Muriel gave me the recipe for Marshwater. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Marshwater recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_MerrowedYams)
100 Benunius Agrudilius gave me the recipe for Merrowed Yams. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Merrowed Yams recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_MudcrabShell)
100 Ery gave me the recipe for Mudcrab in the Shell. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Mudcrab in the Shell recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_PuckerSqueek)
100 Agning gave me the recipe for Pucker and Squeak. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Pucker and Squeak recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_RacerTails)
100 Galore Salvi gave me a recipe for cliff racer tails and trama root. Apparently a bit of a recipe of necessity.
200 I gave the Cliff Racer Tails recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Recipe_Rats)
100 Drelasa Ramothran gave me a recipe for...rats. Rats!
200 I gave the rat recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_RCS)
100 I found a copy of Redoran Cooking Secrets and allowed Rithleen to copy it. She got several good recipes out of the book.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Scurryfish)
100 Thaeril gave me the recipe for Scurryfish. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Scurryfish recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Scuttlerice)
100 Gadela Andus gave me the recipe for Scuttlerice. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Scuttlerice recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_SFSteak)
100 Shenk gave me the recipe for Slaughterfish Steak. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Slaughterfish Steak recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_SickSoup)
100 Dulnea Ralaal gave me the recipe for Sick Soup. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Sick Soup recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_SweetShalk)
100 Fara gave me the recipe for Sweet Shalk. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Sweet Shalk recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_YamChips)
100 Darvam Hleran gave me the recipe for Yam Chips. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Yam Chips recipe to Rithleen.
Rithleen's Recipes (AF_Yattle)
100 Lirielle Stoine gave me the recipe for Yattle. I should bring it to Rithleen in Balmora.
200 I delivered the Yattle recipe to Rithleen.