Morrowind Mod:AddTopic
< Mod / Morrowind: Morrowind Mod: Alphabetical Functions / Categorical FunctionsAddTopic
AddTopic, TopicID Where TopicID = Dialogue ID to add to players known topics. Type: Dialogue Returns: none Example: addtopic "Redoran councilors" Scripts: eotScript MoonandStar
Adds the given dialogue topic to the player's list of known topics. Known topics will appear when the player talks to NPCs that have that topic. When creating a new plugin with new dialogue topics, you will frequently want to add a few topics that the player already knows. To do this, create a temporary object near the related NPC and attach a script like the following:
begin test_AddTopics short DoOnce; if ( DoOnce == 0 ) AddTopic "newtopic01" AddTopic "newtopic02" AddTopic "newtopic03" set DoOnce to 1 endif end