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Oblivion:Exterior Test Cells

< Oblivion: Places

Exterior Test Cells are exterior regions (or "Oblivion:Worlds") that exist in the game's data files but are not part of gameplay. These are defined as worldspaces in the construction set. Interior Test Cells lists similar interior regions. These locations cannot be accessed in-game except through console commands. These worldspaces can be accessed by typing cow [editor ID] [coordinate 1,coordinate 2] into the console.


Form ID: 0000568F

This world consists of 4 cells, only one of which is not identified as Wilderness.

The world is not actually empty, but it is slightly unusual: the ground is transparent. NOTE: this is actually a blank version of Cyrodiil; it was used to make the alternative worldspaces for the separate towns and each Imperial district (including Prison and the Arcane University)

EditorID FormID Coord. Name Description
EmptyCell 00005690 (0,0) empty
Wilderness 0009097C (-1,1) empty
Wilderness 0009097D (-1,0) empty
Wilderness 0009097E (0,1) empty


Form ID: 0000145B

This world consists of 44 cells, all of which are just identified as Wilderness.

EditorID FormID Coord. Name Description
Wilderness 000014BD (-3,2) empty
Wilderness 000014BE (-3,1) empty
Wilderness 000014BF (-3,0) empty
Wilderness 000014C8 (-3,-1) empty
Wilderness 000014CB (-3,-2) empty
Wilderness 000014CC (2,3) empty
Wilderness 000014CD (1,3) empty
Wilderness 000014CE (0,3) empty
Wilderness 000014D1 (-1,3) empty
Wilderness 000014D2 (-2,3) empty
Wilderness 000014D3 (3,2) empty
Wilderness 000014D4 (3,1) empty
Wilderness 000014D5 (3,0) empty
Wilderness 000014D6 (3,-1) empty
Wilderness 000014D7 (3,-2) empty
Wilderness 00001680 (2,-3) empty
Wilderness 00001681 (1,-3) empty
Wilderness 00001682 (0,-3) empty
Wilderness 00001683 (-1,-3) empty
Wilderness 00001684 (2,2) empty
Wilderness 00001685 (2,1) empty
Wilderness 00001686 (2,0) empty
Wilderness 00001687 (2,-1) empty
Wilderness 00001689 (2,-2) empty
Wilderness 0000168A (1,2) empty
Wilderness 0000168B (1,1) empty
Wilderness 0000168C (1,0) empty
Wilderness 0000168D (1,-1) empty
Wilderness 0000168E (1,-2) empty
Wilderness 0000168F (0,2) empty
Wilderness 00001690 (0,1) empty
Wilderness 00001691 (0,-1) empty
Wilderness 00001692 (0,-2) empty
Wilderness 00001694 (-1,2) empty
Wilderness 00001695 (-1,1) empty
Wilderness 00001696 (-1,0) empty
Wilderness 00001698 (-1,-1) empty
Wilderness 00001699 (-1,-2) empty
Wilderness 0000169A (-2,2) empty
Wilderness 0000169B (-2,1) empty
Wilderness 0000169C (-2,0) empty
Wilderness 0000169D (-2,-1) empty
Wilderness 0000169E (-2,-2) empty
Wilderness 0000169F (0,0) empty


Form ID: 0018AE30

This world consists of 6 cells, all of which are just identified as Wilderness.

EditorID FormID Coord. Name Description
Wilderness 0018AE32 (1,1) Leveled West Weald Bear
Wilderness 0018AE33 (1,0) Leveled West Weald Bear
Wilderness 0018AE34 (0,1) Leveled West Weald Bear
Wilderness 0018AE35 (0,-1) 2 Leveled West Weald Bears
Wilderness 0018AE36 (-1,0) Leveled West Weald Bear
Wilderness 0018AE37 (0,0) 2 Leveled West Weald Bears + marker


Form ID: 00025E52

This world consists of 40 cells, of which 20 are not identified as Wilderness.

EditorID FormID Coord. Name Description
CastleRuins01DoorSmall 00024A85 (1,0)
CastleRuinsWallsOnly01 0002505E (0,-1)
Castle01TestRobertW 00025E53 (0,0)
CastleRuins06DoorSmall 00053368 (2,-1)
CastleRuins07DoorSmall 00053369 (2,-2)
CastleRuins04DoorSmall 0005336A (1,-2)
Castle02FortCaractacus 0005336B (1,1)
Castle08DoubleStairsDoorLarge 0005336C (0,1)
RuneStones01 0005336D (-1,1) Runestone testing area. Contains several Sidri Ashak Runestones and "Doom Stone 2"'s.
WallsRuins01 0005336E (-1,0) Ruin wall testing area.
CastleRuins02DoorLarge 00053370 (1,-1)
Castle04RandomDoorLarge 00053371 (0,-2)
TestArrangements03 000548B8 (2,2)
Castle03WizardsTower 000548B9 (1,2) Testing area for different castle ruins.
CastleRuinsWallsOnly03 000548BD (2,1) Testing area for castle ruin walls.
Castle07FortGrief 000548BE (0,2) Interior of a castle ruin.
CastleRuinsWallsOnly02 000548BF (2,0)
Castle06RandomDoorLarge 0008E0A7 (0,-4)
Castle05RandomDoorLarge 0008E0A8 (0,-3)
CastleRuins0506DoorSmall 0008E0AB (1,-3)


Form ID: 00023ECF

This world consists of 2618 cells, of which 8 are not identified as Wilderness.

EditorID FormID Coord. Name Description
TestSkingradCastle 00023ED7 (-1,0)
thehill 00023EDA (0,0)
TestCloudRuler 000347FD (8,2) This area is the same area as BrumaTests. It's a replica of the Cloud Ruler Temple, except all doors are bricked off.
BrumaTests 00034801 (7,2) The infamous Frostcrag Spire glitch takes you here. Mace of Doom is found here, as well as the house with the Sigil Stones.
TestJMRegion2 0008A0F1 (25,2) You start off inside a house, which turns out to be the house from TestJMRegion
TestJMregion 0008A34D (20,2) Barren area. Has 1 house, with a nonfunctional door.
TestHackdirt 000920D6 (12,2) Despite the name, it only contains an NPC named Dewey Decimal and several burn marks on the ground.
MiniMountain01 0009C46C (7,4) Just what you would expect: a miniature mountain


Form ID: 0000CD21

This world consists of 25 cells, all of which are just identified as Wilderness.

EditorID FormID Coord. Name Description
Wilderness 0000CD22 to 0000CD3A
(25 cells)
(2,2) to (0,0)


Form ID: 000AAAAA

This world consists of 88 cells, of which 13 are not identified as Wilderness.

EditorID FormID Coord. Name Description
TestMattCathedral 00000DBD (-2,0)
TestMattCastle 00000DC0 (-3,1)
TestMattCenter 00000F76 (0,0)
TestMattHouse 0000FD95 (-4,1)
CastleWalls01 0000FD9C (6,1)
CastleTowers 0000FD9E (5,0)
CastleGates 0000FD9F (5,1)
TestMattSidewalk 00010577 (-5,0)
TestWayshrine 0002387F (0,-1)
TestMattGate 00027252 (1,-3)
TestMattCloister 00028BAB (-2,-1)
TestMattCobblestone 0002AE83 (-6,-1)
TestStatues 000462AB (-5,-3)


Form ID: 0000CC48

This world consists of 24 cells, only one of which is not identified as Wilderness.

EditorID FormID Coord. Name Description
Center 0000CC5E (0,0)


Form ID: 0002525F

This world consists of 65 cells, of which 7 are not identified as Wilderness.

EditorID FormID Coord. Name Description
DeerPath 0001CB5A (-2,3)
Hawkhaven02 00023233 (0,0)
Hawkhaven 00025261 (0,1)

Hawkhaven appears to be an early development test of town layouts. The residents of Hawkhaven mostly consist of NPCs from other test cells such as the Fighting Dojo, and some of their dialogue consists of scripting explanations, like, "Talking to a merchant will present the Trade button, which will open the Trade window." Almost everything in the game can be accessed here; creatures, weapons, armor, quest items; even a few items that were created early on but cut from the game (such as Knight of Order armor).

The Testing Hall can be accessed by entering one of the town's houses, specifically the one behind the player if they access Hawkhaven via Console Commands. Other buildings that can be accessed include the Trespass Warehouse and a prison test cell known as the "Crime Warehouse". Although there are other buildings including a chapel, their doors don't function, as they aren't connected to other cells.

One NPC serves as a vendor with various services, and can be found just beside the door to the Testing Hall. There is also a guard (simply named "Guard") in full Imperial Legion armor (minus the shield) that will display typical city guard behavior. If any of the monsters from the nearby CreatureGrove approaches, he will attack. He will also arrest you if you commit a crime, and if you opt to go to jail, you will be locked up in the Crime Warehouse. You will also be brought just outside its front door if you choose to pay the fine instead.

Hawkhaven can be accessed from the WarehouseTrespass and TestingHall interior test cells.

CaldwynsDomain 00025262 (0,2)
GoblinGrove 00028635 (-4,8)
RatGrove 0002864B (-6,8)
CreatureGrove 0002864F (-5,7)

Contains a large variety of different non-leveled enemies, including Daedra, undead, regular animals, and Marauders. As soon as you enter the TestWorld, either via the console or via the Testing Hall, many of these creatures will immediately start fighting with each other.


Form ID: 00000858

This world consists of 360 cells, of which 2 are not identified as Wilderness.

EditorID FormID Coord. Name Description
ToddTestForestTavern 0000085A (1,-1)
ToddTestForest 00000894 (1,-2)


Form ID: 00000879

This world consists of 42 cells, only one of which is not identified as Wilderness.

EditorID FormID Coord. Name Description
TestRender 000018F0 (0,0) Hundreds of inter-connecting Chapels, all of which cannot be entered, and mostly underwater.