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Oblivion Mod:Basic Plugin Cleaning

< Mod / Oblivion: Oblivion Mod: Tuning

Plugin cleaning is a good thing to do, but don't over do it. In general, users have limited knowledge of a mod. In other words, a casual user of All Natural does not know what purpose every record in the plugin serves. Authors can have good reason for leaving in seemingly redundant records, etc.

Note: Use the FO3Edit manual if you need help or want to learn more about using TES4Edit.

Quick Steps to Clean A PluginEdit

  1. Launch TES4Edit.exe (It has a pretty nondescript icon along the bottom of Bash's window.)
  2. Right-click in the first window (listing your installed plugins) and choose "unselect all"
  3. Check the ONE plugin you want to clean and all mods it is expected to load with (i.e., plugins it patches)
    • The plugin should be the latest loading plugin checked.
    • TES4Edit automatically loads a plugins dependencies.
  4. Click OK until you are looking at the main screen. (TES4Edit will start loading the plugins' resources.)
  5. Once it is done loading (a message will be displayed in the right pane) right-click on the plugin and choose "apply filter."
  6. In the apply filter menu, make sure only "conflict inherited by masters" is checked, then click apply
  7. Once the filter is done, right-click on the plugin and choose remove identical to master records
  8. Right-click on the plugin again and choose "undelete and disable references"
  9. Click the X button and TES4Edit will prompt you if any changes were made to the plugin. If it prompts you, make sure only the plugin you intended to change is checked and click OK.
    • TES4Edit automatically creates backups of edited plugins which can be found in the Data folder.
Note: If you use BAIN, it may be helpful to create a new project (folder) in the Bash Installers folder to keep all of your cleaned plugins in, separate from and overriding the originals. You can go further and create subfolders (i.e., "Quests," "Tweaks," etc.) and it will still be a BAIN-ready project.

See AlsoEdit

External LinksEdit