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Oblivion Mod:Die Legenden & Märchen von Ash'Kale

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Die Legenden & Märchen von Ash'Kale (The Legends and Fairy Tale of Ash'Kale)Edit

Mod Information
Author(s) Sagantor and team
Current Version 1.4
Last updated 27 Nov 2009
Links Pagan TES Mods
Language German
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests) 1


If you have Oblivion started, go to the Blue Road, which leads to Cheydinhal; there you will find a tavern...

Be attentive and take a look at everything closely... only then will you solve each puzzle and find the greatest treasures. If you run blindly through the area, you will missing a lot, so look closely and pay attention. Many traps are not just there to cause you harm, they can also be used against opponents.

Books are for reading and not for gathering dust - read and you will educate yourself!

We want to point out that the catacombs of Ash'kale are very dark (pitch black!), so you should definitely bring enough torches. Light or nighteye magic disturbs the atmosphere and makes the long work in the venues mean nothing - do yourself a favor and use the "Ash'kale torches" - they can be found everywhere in the castle! They were developed specifically for this mod and should be used.



  • When casting the spell "holy prayer", you must be in third-person view or nothing will happen.