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Oblivion Mod:Die Verliese von Ivellon

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Die Verliese von Ivellon (The Dungeons of Ivellon)Edit

Mod Information
Author(s) L@zarus
Current Version 1.8
Version Date 16 Aug 2007
Links Elder Scrolls Portal, Planet Oblivion, World of Elder Scrolls
Language German

English: Nexus Mods (v1.8)
French: Confrerie des Traducteurs (v1.8)
Polish: Nexus Mods (v1.8)
Russian: Annals of Tamriel (v1.8)

Requirements N/A
Playing Time 4-6 hours
Quests (Side Quests) 1 (3)


"The Dungeons of Ivellon" is a quest- or adventure mod respectively for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The player can expect a vast dungeon full of mysteries to be unraveled, secrets to be disclosed and dangers to be defied.

To start the adventure, search for the ancient book that countess Narina Carvain of Bruma preserves in her rooms. Caution: the hidden dangers in the lower vaults are great and tremendous - by no means venture into the dungeons before you are at least level 20-25.

The dungeons are pitch black - torches or light spells are mandatory. However, there will be extinguished torches at the walls and drop-lights at the ceilings, that can be set on fire by means of activation or a well-aimed fire spell in order to illuminate the dark. The dungeons are full of hidden mysteries and secrets that are not always part of the main quest. Explore them in detail and keep your eyes open, for only that way will you acquire the greatest treasures.


  • A patch for UL Cheydinhal Falls is available here.
