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Oblivion Mod:Mighty Umbra

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Mighty UmbraEdit

Mod Information
Author(s) Damar Stiehl
Current Version 1.1
Version Date 7 Jan 2008
Links GameWatcher, Nexus Mods
Language English
Translations Spanish: Nexus Mods (v1.1)
Requirements N/A
Playing Time 3-4 hours (?)
Quests (Side Quests) 1


Umbra the Sword is among the mightiest weapons to have ever been forged in Tamriel. Created by an ancient witch who was executed for bringing a weapon of such unadulterated evil into the world, it exists for one thing and one thing only: to slay all things that come in its path and consume their souls. Men and mer, kings and paupers, heroes and villains and even daedra have all bled for Umbra, their Animi devoured by the ever-hungry blade.

A weapon with a mind of its own, Umbra passed from one warrior to another through the ages, imbuing its wielders with great power and slowly but surely, eroding their minds as they killed again and again to feed souls to the vile spirit within. Some turned into mindless automatons that brought forth death and destruction until their bodies failed and they could carry Umbra no more; others sought death willingly, disenchanted with the sword's power and exhausted by the neverending slaughter that the weapon's spirit drove them to commit. It is said that a recent wielder of Umbra, a great and mighty Orc, eventually fled to the wastes of Morrowind where he found peace at last at the hands of the Nerevarine himself. What happened afterwards is a mystery; it is only known that Azura's Chosen did not keep the treacherous blade, and it eventually resurfaced in Cyrodiil.

Umbra the Sword, or more precisely the spirit within, is beholden to the Daedra Prince Clavicus Vile somehow, and the double-dealing Daedra covets the weapon - most likely for its ability to trap and consume souls. One who chooses to deal with Clavicus Vile would be wise to honor the bargain - or throw all caution to the wind in a brazen attempt to harness the might of Umbra for himself...


  • Includes a version that's compatible with OOO/FCOM/OMOBS.
