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Online:A Little on the Side

< Elder Scrolls Online: Quests: Grahtwood / Side Quests
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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: not written

Quest Stages: written by Jeancey, not checked

Recover the goods needed for the inn's "side business".
Zone: Grahtwood
Quest Giver: Khezuli
Location(s): Haven
Prerequisite Quest: Lost Treasures
Concurrent Quest: Unsafe Haven
Reward: Quartermaster's Secret
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
ID: 4405
Mix the ingredients and create the special mixture
Khezuli wants my help to keep her "side business" going. She assures me it isn't technically illegal.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Khezuli inside the abandoned house in Haven.
  2. Find the stashes of goods.
  3. Head to the Mages Guild and look for Khezuli's contact.
  4. Mix the ingredients.
  5. Meet the buyer on the beach.
Meet up with Khezuli's contact on the beach

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

After you have rescued the inn's workers and spoken to Khezuli inside the abandoned house, she offers you some additional work. Due to the high taxes in Haven, the inn has a little side business of selling mixture which is, according to Khezuli, "not illegal, not exactly, but which the Dominion dislikes." As the Jackdaw pirates are roaming around the city, the delivery of the next batch is late. Your task is to collect the ingredients and bring them to Khezuli's contact in the Haven Mages Guild.

The ingredients consist of mangrove juice, hist sap and moon-sugar cane. All these can either be found around the area or looted from the pirates' bodies.

After collecting all the ingredients, head to the Mages Guild to meet up with Khezuli's contact. However, all you find is a note from them, saying they cannot meet in public for fear of exposing the business. You are instructed to mix the elixir yourself and meet Khezuli's contact on the nearby beach.

Mix the ingredients following the orders given in the note - first, the moon-sugar cane, then mangrove juice and finally the hist sap. You've created a strangely smelling warm sticky mixture! Now you just need to meet with Khezuli's contact and deliver them the product. Head to the beach where you will find the contact sitting at a campfire. As it turns out, it is Captain Jimila's crew member Quartermaster Oblan. He thanks you for delivering the mixture, saying that he uses it to boost the crew's morale, and that there is no need to tell Captain Jimila of this little business.

Quest StagesEdit

A Little on the Side
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Khezuli asked me to find moon sugar cane, hist sap, and mangrove juice. If I can't locate her stashes, I should check the pockets of any pirates left in the area.
Objective: Collect Moon Sugar Cane: 0/3
Objective: Collect Hist Sap: 0/3
Objective: Collect Mangrove Juice: 0/3
Objective Hint: Find Stashes or Search Pirates
I need to bring Khezuli's goods to her contact in the Mages Guild.
Objective: Find Khezuli's Contact in the Mages Guild
Khezuli's contact wasn't in the Mages Guild, but I found a note. If I hope to get paid, it looks like I'll need to mix the ingredients together correctly. If I make a mistake, I'll need to collect new ingredients.
Objective: Mix Ingredients
Objective Hint: Examine the Note from Khezuli's Contact
Finishes quest  I've created "Khezuli's Special Mixture" from the ingredients. If I hope to get paid, I should go to the beach and see if I can find her contact, someone named "O."
Objective: Meet the Buyer on the Beach
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.