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Location Rebel's Retreat
Race Reachman Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Merchant
Other Information
Faction(s) Wayward Guardians
Ansvyn in Ancestral Reach Armor
Ansvyn in Wayward Guardian armor

Ansvyn is a Reachman merchant who runs a shop at Rebel's Retreat. Initially, she wears armor in the Ancestral Reach style, but after you've completed a certain number of Story Quests in the Reach, she changes her attire to armor in the Wayward Guardian style.


When you speak to her, she will say one of the following:

"You're wondering what goods I have to sell among these righteous rebels, yes? Plenty, I say!"
"You look like you need something. Maybe I can help?"
"The folk out here are tougher than any hiding in a stone city, for certain. I help as I can to raise coin for them."