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Online:Captain Gwyssa

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Captain Gwyssa
Location Outside Eagle's Brook
Race Breton Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Lion Guard
Captain Gwyssa

Captain Gwyssa is a Breton member of the Lion Guard found outside the town of Eagle's Brook.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

When you approach the village of Eagle's Brook from the west, you'll find Captain Gwyssa on the road leading to the village with a number of Lion Guard:

"The Bloodthorn attacked the town and took control of the place. We've been sent to keep an eye on things, but we're not to engage the enemy.
Still, something about all this bothers me. I just can't put my finger on it."
Tell me what you're thinking.
"Something's definitely not right in the village. Whatever the Bloodthorn are up to, it's taking a lot of effort. They're moving around a lot, and we've seen boats sailing into and away from the docks.
Maybe the Red Rook bandit we caught knows more."
You captured a Red Rook bandit?
"He says his name's Tamien Sellan. We caught him trying to sneak past us into the village. Dame Clarique's convinced he's up to no good, but I'm not so sure.
Maybe you could talk to him?"
I'll talk to Tamien Sellan.

Speaking to her again:

"If you haven't talked to Dame Clarique or that bandit yet, you really ought to.
I think there's something else going on here and it has me a bit concerned."

After the quest, if you burned the Bloodthorn ships:

"We heard you were the one who sent the Bloodthorn our way. Damn good work! We'll count this one as a victory when we return to Camlorn.
You're a hero."

If you went into Oblivion to save Tamien's father, she'll instead say:

"Dame Clarique filled us in on what happened. I wish we could have gone in there with you instead of that bandit."