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Online:Cold Flame Atronach Wolf

< Elder Scrolls Online: Mounts: Canines / C(Redirected from Online:Cold-Flame Atronach Wolf)
After years of conjuring, Peregrine Direnni sought a new Daedra to compel to be her mount. She took an immediate liking to the Cold-Flame Atronach, found in the Daedric realm of Takubar. Summoning it in the form of a wolf just added extra flair.
Cold Flame Atronach Wolf
ON-icon-mount-Cold Flame Atronach Wolf.png
Cold Flame Atronach Wolf
Type Canine
Default Name Blueflame
Acquired From Flame Atronach Crate
Reward Level Radiant Apex
Price 016001,600 Crown Gems
1600016,000 Seals of Endeavor
Category Mounts (Canines)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Cold Flame Atronach Wolf is a canine mount in the form of a blue Cold-Flame Atronach wolf. It is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in the Flame Atronach Crown Crates. Its default name is "Blueflame".


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