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Online:Councilor Sophus

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Councilor Sophus
Location North of Councilor Sophus's House
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 0 (Dead)
Other Information
Faction(s) Elder Council
Councilor Velan Sophus

Councilor Velan Sophus is an Imperial and former member of the Elder Council. He owns a house near Leyawiin, where he resides with his wife Lunia Sophus and their dog Chaero.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

After failing to reach Councilor Jirich before she was mortally wounded, you will need to find Councilors Faleria and Sophus to warn them about an assassination threat. After meeting and speaking with Lunia, you will learn that he went out walking their dog in the woods. Up the hill near the stairs to Telepe, you find Chaero who leads you to Sophus' body, which has a note with the Black Hand mark next to it.

Lunia will soon arrive and when you talk with her she will hand you Sophus's Sealed Scroll which you will need to bring to Councilor Lovidicus.