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Online:Dame Gwynnifer

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Dame Gwynnifer
HomeĀ Settlement Bangkorai Garrison
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Noble
Other Information
Faction(s) Knights of Saint Pelin
Dame Gwynnifer

Dame Gwynnifer is a Breton noble and member of the Knights of Saint Pelin found at the Bangkorai Garrison after the garrison is retaken.


Her dialogue differs depending on what you have already done in Bangkorai. If you have already completed Heart of Evil, then she will say:

"I thought I recognized you! You were right in the middle of those Imperial bastards.
And, hey ā€¦ didn't you also kill that hag back in Jackdaw Cove? By Stendarr's shield, I'm talking to a legend!"

If Heart of Evil hasn't been completed, then:

"I thought I recognized you! You were right in the middle of those Imperial bastards. Well done, comrade. Stendarr protect you."