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Online:Darvasa Thalas

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Darvasa Thalas
HomeĀ Settlement Dusktown
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Bitterblade Mining Consortium
Darvasa Thalas

Darvasa Thalas is a Dark Elf who can be found in Dusktown, talking with Pleasant-Sapper.


Their dialogue changes as you progress through certain quests.

After completing Digging Up Trouble:

Darvasa Thalas: "All this time, the overseer was working with a vampire? I knew there was something unpleasant about him!"
Pleasant-Sapper: "All those people disappeared and the overseer was behind it all along? That's terrible!"

Speaking with her:

"Secret deals with witches and vampires? What's this world coming to?"

After completing Dark Clouds Over Solitude, she will have the following conversation with Pleasant-Sapper:

Darvasa Thalas: "Those new arrivals. They didn't stop in Dusktown. Went straight for those Dwarven ruins."
Pleasant-Sapper: "I thought we were trying to keep this place a secret? And they sure didn't look like miners to me."

When talked to, she will say:

"I swear, people come down here and go crazy. First those witches start planting weird sticks in the ground, then everyone goes running into the Dwarven ruins near town. If there's a quicker way to die, I don't know it."

After completing The Vampire Scholar, they will instead talk about the howling they once heard:

Darvasa Thalas: "Those howls we used to hear. Turns out they were werewolves!"
Pleasant-Sapper: "Down here? They sounded like caged dogs. I hope someone set them free."

She will be sympathetic towards the werewolves.

"Werewolves. I always thought they were monsters. But down here, it's hard not to pity the poor sods. The shadows are the only place they can be themselves.
Until some vampire puts them in a cage."

After completing Greymoor Rising:

Darvasa Thalas: "Those tremors and shakes, I heard it was a vampire ritual of some sort in the northern caverns."
Pleasant-Sapper: "That's it! As soon as I can get out of this contract, I'm leaving this place!"

Speaking with her:

"I can't believe it. We came here to take advantage of virgin mines and get caught up in vampire schemes that almost brought the entire place down on our heads! Thank Vivec it's over now!
It is over, right?"