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< Elder Scrolls Online: Traits(Redirected from Online:Dawn-Prism)

Triune is a trait added in Update 18 which can only be found on jewelry. Jewelry with this trait does not drop normally, but may be obtained by completing daily board quests in Cyrodiil, or by acquiring them from another player. Once learned, items with this trait may be crafted using ON-icon-trait material-Dawn-Prism.png Dawn-Prism, which may be purchased from War Researchers. Items with the Triune trait will increase your Maximum Health, Magicka and Stamina by an amount dependent on the level and quality of the item.

Item Type Level Maximum Health Maximum Magicka and Stamina
Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary
Pewter 1 11 38 49 66 82 10 35 45 60 75
4 33 55 66 82 99 30 50 60 75 90
6 44 66 77 85 110 40 60 70 93 100
8 55 77 88 104 121 50 70 80 95 110
10 77 88 99 115 132 70 80 90 105 120
12 88 99 110 126 143 80 90 100 115 130
14 88 110 121 137 154 80 100 110 124 140
16 99 121 132 148 165 90 110 120 135 150
18 110 132 143 159 176 100 120 130 145 160
20 132 143 154 170 187 120 130 140 155 170
22 143 154 165 181 198 130 140 150 165 180
24 143 165 176 192 209 130 150 160 175 190
Copper 26 154 176 187 203 220 140 160 170 185 200
28 165 187 198 214 231 150 170 180 195 210
30 187 198 209 220 242 170 180 190 205 220
32 198 209 220 236 253 180 190 200 215 230
34 198 220 231 247 264 180 200 210 225 240
36 209 231 242 258 275 190 210 220 235 250
38 220 242 253 269 286 200 220 230 245 260
40 231 253 264 280 297 210 230 240 255 270
42 242 264 275 291 308 220 240 250 265 280
44 253 275 286 302 319 230 250 260 275 290
46 264 286 297 313 330 240 260 270 285 300
48 275 297 308 324 341 250 270 280 295 310
50 286 308 319 335 352 260 280 290 305 320
Silver Champion Points10 297 308 330 346 357 270 280 300 315 325
Champion Points20 308 319 341 357 368 280 290 310 325 335
Champion Points30 313 324 346 363 374 285 295 315 330 340
Champion Points40 324 335 357 374 385 295 305 325 340 350
Champion Points50 330 341 363 379 390 300 310 330 345 355
Champion Points60 341 352 374 390 401 310 320 340 355 365
Champion Points70 346 357 379 396 407 315 325 345 360 370
Electrum Champion Points80 357 368 390 407 418 325 335 355 370 380
Champion Points90 363 374 396 412 423 330 340 360 375 385
Champion Points100 374 385 407 423 434 340 350 370 385 395
Champion Points110 379 390 412 429 440 345 355 375 390 400
Champion Points120 390 401 423 440 451 355 360 385 400 410
Champion Points130 396 407 429 445 456 360 370 390 405 415
Champion Points140 407 423 440 456 467 370 385 400 415 425
Platinum Champion Points150 412 423 445 456 473 375 385 405 415 430
Champion Points160 418 429 451 467 478 380 390 410 425 435