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Home Settlement Bleakrock Village
Location Trading Hall of Bleakrock
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Farmer

Holsgar is a Nord farmer who can be found in Bleakrock Village. He is the one who found you by the shore and brought you to the village to recover. You will find him near the village square, drinking mead.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

A Beginning at BleakrockEdit

When you speak to Holsgar, he will greet you with familiarity:

"Eh. Good to see you again, mate."
Have we met? / You greeted me as if we'd met.
"You were unconscious at the time. I found you by the shore and brought you back to town. Mathor's been clucking over you since.
So. What happened to you? Shipwreck?"

You can choose to either lie or tell him the truth, as strange as it may sound to him:

Yes. I was shipwrecked. That's it.
"Lousy luck. Could be worse, though. You did wash up before you froze to death in the sea.
We have a sailing caravel, maybe you can take work on it. If it comes back."
I don't think you'd believe me if I told you.
"I've been drinking stout all day. If you told me you were Akatosh come to grant my wishes, I might just believe it.
We have a sailing caravel. If it comes back, you can take it back to the mainland."
I was in Oblivion. Molag Bal stole my soul.
"You seem spry for a soulless corpse. What does that mean? We don't need our souls?
Aw, stout always gets me philosophical. I should stick to mead."
What do you think I should do?
"Ha! I should know? Follow your heart and keep off the skooma, I suppose.
Seriously, I'd get your soul back. I bet it's important. Our caravel can take you to the mainland, if it comes back."

Regardless, you can inquire more about the ship in question,

What do you mean, "if it comes back? / I didn't notice you had a caravel here."
"Some hours ago the garrison spotted a ship sailing east. That young Dark Elf, Captain Rana, loaded up most troops in the caravel and sent them to take a look."
It hasn't been seen since?
"That ship's a wallowing merchantman, not a warship. Like as not they're all in the teeth of the ocean now.
Which leaves this a fort without a garrison. No good comes of that, I says."

Optionally, you can also ask Holsgar what he does around the village,

What do you do? / Are you a miller?
"I'm the miller. The big windmill yonder? Mine. Not that I often have work. Nothing much grows here.
Every month or so we load our caravel with fish and trade them for grain in Solitude. It's not efficient to mill it here, but it is cheap."

The Missing of BleakrockEdit

After you completed the quest, he will stay tuned of the village's plan to evacuate:

"Getting out while the getting's good, eh?
I'm not arguing. Just wish Maesa would put down her tools and join us. My wife's stubborn—she'll be the last to go."

Sparking the FlameEdit

After lighting the signal fire, the invasion on the village begins. Holsgar will be found dead near the windmill.