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The Imperial Legion is the main army of the Empire of Cyrodiil, or what remains of it. They are loyal to the one who sits on the Ruby Throne, which is currently Clivia Tharn, though Mannimarco is secretly the one from which their orders come from. Another Tharn, Septima, is the Magus-General of the Seventh Legion, which is currently on a campaign to conquer Bangkorai.
During the Interregnum, the Empire fell into disarray and the Imperial Legion gradually lost control of its provinces. As a result, a large Imperial military presence can only be found in various camps throughout Cyrodiil.
Owners of the Imperial Edition of the game can play as the Imperial race. However, you will not be a member of the Imperial Legion and must join any of the three Alliances during character creation.
For more information, see the main lore article.
Known LegionsEdit
- Legion of the West Weald — An Imperial Legion from Colovia tasked with securing the recently-annexed South Weald for the Colovian Estates.
- Legion Zero — A traitorous Imperial Legion within the Imperial City that has sworn fealty to Molag Bal, becoming Mind-Shriven.
- Second Legion — Accompanied Varen Aquilarios during the Colovian Revolt, and headquartered in peacetime in the vicinity of Bruma. The Imperial War Mastiff is their mascot and symbol.
- Fourth Legion — Quintia Rullus worked in the engineering auxiliary of this legion, operating trebuchets, before deserting.
- Fifth Legion — Led by Captain Lampronius, who was training new recruits. The Fifth Legion Porter is named for them.
- Sixth Legion — Little is known of the Sixth Legion, but member Antonia Gratas mentions it by name in her dialogue.
- Seventh Legion — One of the Imperial Legions, they have taken control of Southern Bangkorai.
- Ninth Legion — Part of the first group of Imperial troops sent to Black Marsh, the legion was lost in a cave in Murkmire.
- Shields of Senchal — (formerly the Thirteenth Legion) An Imperial Legion sent to help restore order after the Knahaten Flu had ravaged the area, defending the Khajiit as they rebuilt and formed a city council alongside them.
- Cygnus Irregulars — A Legion grudgingly helping the Euraxians before defecting.
Additionally, several groups of soldiers with unknown legion affiliations can be encountered throughout Tamriel.
- Cheydinhal — A city in eastern Cyrodiil, southeast of Arrius Keep. (map)
- Several camps in Cyrodiil
- Dragonstar Arena — A group-based arena in Upper Craglorn. (map)
- The Dread Cellar — A group dungeon in northern Blackwood. (map)
- Forsaken Citadel — A ruined fortress in Southern Elsweyr, located north of Senchal containing undead soldiers. (map)
- Imperial City Prison — A group dungeon found northeast of the Imperial City's Memorial District. (map)
- Nobles District — The western district of the Imperial City. (map)
- Rawl'kha Temple — A temple in eastern Rawl'kha, dedicated to Two-Moons Dance. (Physical Projections)
- Senchal — A city in Southern Elsweyr. (map)
- Sixth Legion Surplus — A merchant stall found near the Mountain Overlook Wayshrine in Craglorn. (map)
- Tsofeer Cavern — A delve in Murkmire, located southwest of Dead-Water Village, containing swamp wildlife. (map) (Historically)
Related QuestsEdit
- A Debt Come Due: Kill an Imperial lieutenant in Cheydinhal.
- The First Step: Help the Lunar Champions in their first trial.
- The Imperial Standard : Defend a garrison from the forces of Molag Bal.
- The Lifeblood of an Empire : Rescue Imperial citizens from the Daedra.
- The Lock and the Legion : Liaise with an Imperial captain who has infiltrated Legion Zero.
- Quaking Dread : Assist a contingent of Imperial Battlemages sent to investigate Daedric activity within an abandoned prison.
- Speaking For The Dead : Create an undead spy network to keep an eye on the Worm Cultists.