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Dyes are colors which can be applied to armor, clothing, or shields at any Dye Station. Dye can also be applied to costumes and hats with ESO Plus or Dye Stamps. Dye Stations can be found in most major cities, generally near the Alchemy Stations. There is at least one Dye Station for each zone. Dyes are acquired by unlocking Achievements. Unlocked Dyes are shared across accounts, so multiple characters can use them. This allows, for example, new characters to use Dyes that cannot normally be acquired at their level if they have been unlocked by another character.
Dyeing your armor is free and requires no resources of any kind. You may re-dye the same armor piece as many times as you like. But once an armor piece is dyed once, it is permanently bound to your account, and cannot be traded to other players. It may of course still be sold to NPCs, deconstructed, researched, or destroyed. You can only apply dyes to armor you are currently wearing. Other armor in your inventory is not available in the Dye Station interface. All armor pieces may be dyed, including those received as a quest reward.
Each armor piece can have three different colors applied to it. From left to right on the interface they include a primary color, a trim color, and a secondary color. The primary color will be the most prominent on the armor, while the secondary will be seen on some of the smaller sections. Trim color usually separates the two. This of course depends greatly on the type and style of armor in question. In the Dye Station interface, you may have up to four predefined sets, which can be applied wholesale to a piece of armor, or you can apply colors directly to each piece without using sets. You can also use the Copy Color tool to see what color an armor piece already has, in order to apply it to other slots. You can preview your color choices without committing them, and rotate your character to see them from multiple angles. Once you have chosen the colors you want, you can commit your changes, which will make them permanent.
Standard dyes come in three different rarities and seven different hue sets. Common Dyes are relatively easy to acquire, and can generally be unlocked by any character. Uncommon Dyes require a good bit more work to unlock, and some may require a significant investment in crafting skills, may only be available to Veteran level players, etc. Rare Dyes are much more difficult to get, and only the most dedicated players are likely to see many of them. Uncommon and especially Rare Dyes tend to be more intense and shinier than Common ones. You can sort the available Dyes either by rarity or by hues, which are roughly divided into Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, and Grey. Additionally, you can optionally filter out the Dyes you have unlocked from those you haven't. Rolling over a Dye will show you which achievement is needed to unlock it if you haven't yet, and you can click on the description to be taken to the achievements page to see it in more detail.
In addition to these, Update 17 introduced new multi-colored dyes, which correspond to the un-dyed colors for crafted items at each of the levels of crafting. So if you wanted a Maple Shield to look like Ruby Ash, this became possible. You can unlock these by deconstructing an item (of any type) at each of the various crafting levels. Update 17 also introduced the ability to dye weapons, as part of the Outfit System.
Finally, there are a number of dyes which can only be found in Dye Stamps purchased from the Crown Store, and thus only applied to costumes and not armor. While most Dye Stamps use standard dyes, the ones associated with Holiday Events generally use more vivid colors unique to these events.
- Dye: Apply the selected color to any armor piece slot or set slot.
- Dye All: Apply the selected color to the selected slot for all armor pieces or all sets.
- Clear Color: Remove the color from the selected slot and restore it to original coloring. Note that if you have already committed your color changes and bound the item to your account, you cannot unbind it in this way.
- Copy Color: Copy a color from a selected armor piece slot or set slot.
- Set Fill: Apply the selected color set to an armor piece.
Name | Hue | H | S | L | Rarity | Achievement | |
Faded Dwemer Scholar Red | Red | 5.4° | 34.4% | 61.8% | Common | Dwarven Secrets Gatherer | |
Forge Ember Red | Red | 0° | 34.4% | 61.8% | Common | Apprentice Deconstructor | |
Aspect Red | Red | 2.9° | 17.5% | 47.1% | Common | Aspect | |
Oblivion Vermilion | Red | 0° | 18.4% | 51% | Common | Oblivion Shard Gatherer | |
Mudcrab Maroon | Red | 351.4° | 18.1% | 37.8% | Common | Chitin Accumulator | |
Fighters Guild Red | Red | 5.3° | 17.7% | 37.6% | Common | Associate of the Fighters Guild | |
Dragonknights' Blood | Red | 6.3° | 16.2% | 22.9% | Common | Grand Dragonknight Slayer | |
Quester Yellow | Yellow | 54.8° | 31.2% | 63.5% | Common | Quester | |
Master Gold | Yellow | 33.1° | 31.2% | 63.5% | Common | Level 50 Hero | |
Templars' Last Dawn | Yellow | 33.3° | 17.9% | 49.2% | Common | Grand Templar Slayer | |
Automaton Bronze | Yellow | 34.3° | 16.8% | 24.5% | Common | Dwarven Construct Slayer | |
Restorative Gold | Yellow | 56.6° | 18.1% | 37.8% | Common | Greater Dungeon Healer | |
Dragonthorn Yellow | Yellow | 54.5° | 17.9% | 48.2% | Common | Apprentice Crafting Harvester | |
Essence Green | Green | 91° | 31.2% | 63.5% | Common | Essence | |
Explorer Green | Green | 139.6° | 27.7% | 65.3% | Common | Explorer | |
Spriggan Green | Green | 144.5° | 17.6% | 49% | Common | Nature Collector | |
Battaglir Green | Green | 138.3° | 18.4% | 51% | Common | Recipe Card | |
Jute Green | Green | 145.7° | 18.1% | 37.8% | Common | Expert Crafting Harvester | |
Corporal's Green | Green | 60° | 16.3% | 25.3% | Common | Alliance War Corporal | |
Gangrene Green | Green | 88.6° | 16.3% | 25.3% | Common | Undead Hoarder | |
Hunter Green | Green | 140° | 16.3% | 25.3% | Common | Nature Slayer | |
Woodsman Green | Green | 142.1° | 17.4% | 21.4% | Common | Certified Jack-of-All-Trades | |
Warden's Moss Green | Green | 91.6° | 13.5% | 27.6% | Common | Grand Warden Slayer | |
Guardian Blue | Blue | 205.7° | 16.3% | 25.3% | Common | Greater Dungeon Blocker | |
Dungeon Victor Turquoise | Blue | 174.2° | 17.9% | 33.9% | Common | Dungeon Annihilator | |
Apprentice Blue | Blue | 204° | 18.1% | 37.8% | Common | Level 20 Hero | |
Mages Guild Blue | Blue | 195.4° | 18.1% | 37.8% | Common | Student of the Mages Guild | |
Motif Pattern Blue | Blue | 197° | 18.4% | 51% | Common | Alliance Style Master | |
Potency Blue | Blue | 246.5° | 18.4% | 51% | Common | Potency | |
Bugloss Blue | Blue | 216° | 18.1% | 37.8% | Common | Apprentice of Refinement | |
Nightblades' Indigo | Blue | 220° | 16.3% | 25.3% | Common | Grand Nightblade Slayer | |
Dolmen Deep Blue | Blue | 245.7° | 16.3% | 25.3% | Common | Anchor Destroyer | |
Spectral Blue | Blue | 245.6° | 66.7% | 81.2% | Common | Grand Necromancer Slayer | |
Sorcerers'-Bane Violet | Purple | 280.4° | 27.7% | 65.3% | Common | Grand Sorcerer Slayer | |
Soul Gem Purple | Purple | 281.1° | 18.1% | 37.8% | Common | Chasing Shadows | |
Amethyst Violet | Purple | 248.6° | 18.1% | 37.8% | Common | Learn a Trait | |
Hyacinth Pink | Purple | 336.2° | 31.2% | 63.5% | Common | Journeyman Crafting Harvester | |
Adept Purple | Purple | 300° | 18.1% | 37.8% | Common | Level 30 Hero | |
Beast Collector Violet | Purple | 280° | 16.3% | 25.3% | Common | Tamriel Beast Collector | |
Shein Violet | Purple | 333° | 15.6% | 25.1% | Common | Recipe Book | |
Captain's Violet | Purple | 0° | 16.1% | 24.3% | Common | Alliance War Captain | |
Yokudan Cod Tan | Brown | 23.8° | 31.2% | 63.5% | Common | Craglorn Angler | |
Novice Tan | Brown | 19.6° | 25% | 59.2% | Common | Level 10 Hero | |
Raw Hide Tan | Brown | 14.5° | 31.2% | 63.5% | Common | Master Crafting Harvester | |
Centurion Metal | Brown | 18.3° | 18.4% | 51% | Common | Alliance War Centurion | |
Dried Blood Brown | Brown | 22.2° | 18.4% | 51% | Common | Recruit of the Undaunted | |
Heartlands Umber | Brown | 12.6° | 17.7% | 47.6% | Common | Support the Fight | |
Book Cover Brown | Brown | 24° | 18.1% | 37.8% | Common | Racial Style Learned | |
Trolls Fur Brown | Brown | 19.4° | 17.9% | 33.9% | Common | Monstrous Component Collector | |
Bandit Brown | Brown | 17.1° | 18.1% | 37.8% | Common | Humanoid Slayer | |
Wolf's Fur Brown | Brown | 14.3° | 16.3% | 25.3% | Common | Lycanthropy | |
Boss Butcher Brown | Brown | 20° | 16.3% | 25.3% | Common | Dungeon Lord | |
Birch White | Grey | N/A | 0% | 74.9% | Common | Expert of Refinement | |
Volunteer's Iron | Grey | N/A | 0% | 69.4% | Common | Alliance War Volunteer | |
Boethiah Gray | Grey | N/A | 0% | 40% | Common | Daedra Slayer | |
Obsidian Black | Grey | N/A | 0% | 27.8% | Common | Expert Deconstructor | |
Mort Flesh White | Grey | 189.5° | 12.9% | 71.2% | Common | Undead Slayer | |
Expert Gray | Grey | 187.5° | 9.3% | 66.3% | Common | Level 40 Hero | |
Tombstone Gray | Grey | 190.9° | 5.7% | 37.8% | Common | Dungeon Damage Dispenser | |
Noxophilic Black | Grey | 200° | 4.9% | 23.9% | Common | Vampirism | |
Elemental White | Grey | 15.8° | 12.9% | 71.2% | Common | Atronach Element Collector | |
Legionary's Lead | Grey | 22.5° | 9.3% | 66.3% | Common | Alliance War Legionary | |
Soul Shriven Gray | Grey | 16.4° | 5.7% | 37.8% | Common | Soul Shriven in Coldharbour | |
Sergeant's Charcoal | Grey | 10° | 4.9% | 23.9% | Common | Alliance War Sergeant | |
Khenarthi Red | Red | 0° | 37.3% | 32.5% | Uncommon | Khenarthi's Roost Pathfinder | |
Pact Fisher Red | Red | 0° | 45.1% | 54.3% | Uncommon | Pact Fisherman | |
Strangler Maw Red | Red | 0° | 48.2% | 43.9% | Uncommon | Shadowfen Master Explorer | |
Kresh Flower Red | Red | 5.4° | 48.5% | 40.4% | Uncommon | Grand Master Crafting Harvester | |
Flame-Knight Light Red | Red | 4.9° | 38.5% | 43.3% | Uncommon | Stormhaven Master Explorer | |
Riften Copper | Red | 19.8° | 38.5% | 43.3% | Uncommon | Shattered Remnants | |
Deceit Orange | Red | 19.6° | 43% | 42% | Uncommon | Easy as Pie | |
Senche-Tiger Orange | Red | 18.9° | 54.5% | 38.8% | Uncommon | Hallowed Moons | |
Marshnettle Titian | Red | 19.8° | 80.4% | 48% | Uncommon | Savior of Blackwood | |
Enchanter Tangerine | Red | 18.5° | 54.4% | 29.2% | Uncommon | Master Enchanter | |
Champion Red | Red | 4.9° | 60.6% | 27.8% | Uncommon | Fighters Guild Veteran | |
Jode Red | Red | 351.6° | 60.6% | 27.8% | Uncommon | Reaper's March Master Explorer | |
Red Diamond Red | Red | 0° | 60.6% | 27.8% | Uncommon | The Valley of Blades | |
Regicide Red | Red | 0° | 38.9% | 21.2% | Uncommon | Emperor Slayer | |
Pact Conqueror Red | Red | 0° | 59.6% | 18.4% | Uncommon | Ebonheart Pact Conqueror | |
Craglorn Crimson | Red | 352.2° | 60% | 17.6% | Uncommon | Lower Craglorn Master Explorer | |
Somber Cerise | Red | 345.2° | 46.7% | 32.4% | Uncommon | Imperial City Warlord | |
Fire Drake's Flame | Red | 0° | 71.9% | 33.5% | Uncommon | Pit Hero | |
Starlight Gold | Yellow | 39.8° | 34.7% | 53.1% | Uncommon | Dawn of a Champion | |
Hlaalu Gold | Yellow | 33.8° | 34.2% | 44.7% | Uncommon | Plague Eater | |
Evermore Gold | Yellow | 34.1° | 42.6% | 56.3% | Uncommon | End of Empire | |
Mastic Yellow | Yellow | 34° | 52.6% | 57.8% | Uncommon | Legendary Woodworker | |
Craftmaster Gold | Yellow | 33.9° | 37.3% | 32.5% | Uncommon | Master Deconstructor | |
Hunding Gold | Yellow | 35.7° | 38.9% | 21.2% | Uncommon | Stros M'kai and Betnikh Explorer | |
Sulfur Pools Yellow | Yellow | 56° | 45.1% | 54.3% | Uncommon | Eastmarch Master Explorer | |
Dominion Fisher Yellow | Yellow | 55.8° | 60.5% | 46.7% | Uncommon | Dominion Fisherman | |
Woodworker Yellow | Yellow | 55.8° | 38.5% | 43.3% | Uncommon | Master Woodworker | |
Alchemist Bilious | Yellow | 56.5° | 60.6% | 27.8% | Uncommon | Master Alchemist | |
Dominion Conqueror Yellow | Yellow | 56.8° | 59.6% | 18.4% | Uncommon | Aldmeri Dominion Conqueror | |
Antique Brass | Yellow | 34.3° | 60.3% | 45.5% | Uncommon | The Sublime Protector | |
Anequina Sunrise | Yellow | 27.4° | 100% | 52.7% | Uncommon | Savior of Elsweyr | |
Doomcrag Verdigris | Green | 175.2° | 37.3% | 32.5% | Uncommon | Curse Breaker | |
Dominion Vanquisher Green | Green | 144.2° | 37.3% | 32.5% | Uncommon | Vanquisher of the Dominion | |
Falinesti Green | Green | 139.8° | 61.2% | 26.3% | Uncommon | Matchmaker | |
Vine Green | Green | 138.9° | 45.1% | 54.3% | Uncommon | Glenumbra Master Explorer | |
Glenbridge Green | Green | 113.1° | 24.7% | 48.4% | Uncommon | Rockgrove Vanquisher | |
Nibenay Trout Green | Green | 90.4° | 38.5% | 43.3% | Uncommon | Cyrodiil Angler | |
Hist Green | Green | 91.3° | 60.2% | 37.5% | Uncommon | Egg and Root | |
Forest Footpad Green | Green | 92.3° | 33% | 38.6% | Uncommon | Sneak Thief Extraordinaire | |
Arc Master Moss | Green | 60° | 71.2% | 20.4% | Uncommon | Arcing Onward(?) | |
Wyrd Tree Green | Green | 55.9° | 29.7% | 29% | Uncommon | Ritual Destruction | |
Silvenar Green | Green | 90° | 38.9% | 21.2% | Uncommon | Malabal Tor Master Explorer | |
Pit Daemon's Poison | Green | 90° | 14.8% | 23.9% | Uncommon | Grand Relic Hunter | |
Mora's Mauve | Green | 94.8° | 88.7% | 41.6% | Uncommon | Grand Arcanist Slayer | |
Welkynd Blue | Blue | 174.2° | 60.5% | 46.7% | Uncommon | Spirit of the Bosmer | |
Eyevea Blue | Blue | 196° | 60.6% | 27.8% | Uncommon | Arch-Mage | |
Smith Steel Blue | Blue | 204.3° | 38.9% | 21.2% | Uncommon | Master Blacksmith | |
Ransacker Blue | Blue | 217.1° | 38.9% | 21.2% | Uncommon | Superior Ransacker | |
Covenant Conqueror Blue | Blue | 218.1° | 59.1% | 17.3% | Uncommon | Daggerfall Covenant Conqueror | |
Netch Jelly Blue | Blue | 197.1° | 45.1% | 54.3% | Uncommon | Bleakrock and Bal Foyen Explorer | |
Wisp Blue | Blue | 206.3° | 45.1% | 54.3% | Uncommon | Bangkorai Master Explorer | |
Covenant Fisher Blue | Blue | 216.8° | 49.2% | 50.6% | Uncommon | Covenant Fisherman | |
Alik'r Lapis | Blue | 217.6° | 37.1% | 31.2% | Uncommon | Consecrated Ground | |
Indoril Blue | Blue | 217° | 60.6% | 27.8% | Uncommon | Deshaan Master Explorer | |
Tainted Turquoise | Blue | 215.5° | 69.8% | 24.7% | Uncommon | Imperial Transgressions | |
New Life Cerulean | Blue | 225.4° | 39.4% | 63.1% | Uncommon | New Life Celebrant | |
Shrike Blue | Blue | 221.4° | 78.7% | 63.1% | Uncommon | Savior of Summerset | |
Scholarium Cerulean | Blue | 194.8° | 80.9% | 43.1% | Uncommon | Pen is Mightier than the Sword | |
Lucentshard Azure | Blue | 174.9° | 80.5% | 34.1% | Uncommon | Lucent Citadel Vanquisher | |
Wayrest Royal Purple | Purple | 246.8° | 37.3% | 32.5% | Uncommon | Rude Awakening | |
Ironweed Violet | Purple | 300.8° | 33.9% | 53.7% | Uncommon | Legendary Clothier | |
Haunted Moor Mauve | Purple | 280° | 45.1% | 54.3% | Uncommon | Rivenspire Master Explorer | |
Covenant Vanquisher Violet | Purple | 279.7° | 37.3% | 32.5% | Uncommon | Vanquisher of the Covenant | |
Pillager Purple | Purple | 300° | 39% | 20.6% | Uncommon | Epic Acquirer | |
Dibella's Blush | Purple | 335.3° | 38.5% | 43.3% | Uncommon | Greenshade Master Explorer | |
Master Adventurer Purple | Purple | 336.2° | 37.2% | 30.6% | Uncommon | Master Adventurer | |
Clothier Purple | Purple | 335.4° | 59.6% | 18.4% | Uncommon | Master Clothier | |
Nightshade Purple | Purple | 300° | 52.8% | 17.5% | Uncommon | Chainbreaker | |
Stormlord's Lightning | Purple | 283.8° | 31.6% | 29.8% | Uncommon | Grand Standard-Bearer | |
Telvanni Brown | Brown | 22.3° | 37.3% | 32.5% | Uncommon | Stonefalls Master Explorer | |
Murder Mahogany | Brown | 22.6° | 38.5% | 43.3% | Uncommon | Kill a Grand Overlord | |
Mammoth Fur Brown | Brown | 23.9° | 52.6% | 57.8% | Uncommon | The Rift Master Explorer | |
Provisioner Brown | Brown | 14.6° | 46.7% | 55.1% | Uncommon | Master Provisioner | |
Graht-Bark Brown | Brown | 22.4° | 41.5% | 24.1% | Uncommon | Grahtwood Master Explorer | |
Adventurer Brown | Brown | 16° | 37.5% | 31.4% | Uncommon | Adventurer | |
Pact Vanquisher Brown | Brown | 14.7° | 60.6% | 27.8% | Uncommon | Vanquisher of the Pact | |
Brewer's Ale Brown | Brown | 15° | 60.5% | 16.9% | Uncommon | Master Chef | |
Colovian Deep Brown | Brown | 23.3° | 52.7% | 18.2% | Uncommon | Cyrodiil Cave Delver | |
Dusky Bronze | Brown | 21.9° | 38.2% | 26.7% | Uncommon | Horror of Horrors | |
Telvanni Walnut | Brown | 15° | 59.6% | 18.4% | Uncommon | Hero of Necrom | |
Polished Steel Gray | Grey | N/A | 0% | 54.5% | Uncommon | Master of Refinement | |
Windhelm Steel | Grey | N/A | 0% | 34.5% | Uncommon | Blood Feud | |
Prefect's Gray | Grey | N/A | 0% | 29.4% | Uncommon | Alliance War Prefect | |
Thalmor Black | Grey | N/A | 0% | 16.9% | Uncommon | Iconoclast | |
Stendarr White | Grey | 189.8° | 36.1% | 76.7% | Uncommon | Master Monster Slayer | |
Moonstone White | Grey | 189.7° | 23.3% | 73.9% | Uncommon | Trait Master | |
Earthforge Iron Gray | Grey | 188.8° | 13.9% | 47.8% | Uncommon | Legendary Blacksmith | |
Tribune's Steel | Grey | 184.3° | 10.3% | 26.7% | Uncommon | Alliance War Tribune | |
Maormer-Eyes Gray | Grey | 186.7° | 11.7% | 15.1% | Uncommon | Auridon Master Explorer | |
Varla White | Grey | 19.4° | 23% | 73.5% | Uncommon | A Rule Unquestioned | |
Ashland Gray | Grey | 17.4° | 12.7% | 52% | Uncommon | Hearts of Darkness | |
Ash'abah Hood Gray | Grey | 20° | 10.8% | 49.2% | Uncommon | Alik'r Desert Master Explorer | |
Shadowfoot Gray | Grey | 13.8° | 8% | 32% | Uncommon | Felonious Recompense | |
Tower White-Gold | Grey | 210° | 2% | 60% | Uncommon | Blockbuster | |
Soul Shriven Pale | Grey | 22.9° | 30.9% | 78.4% | Uncommon | Coldharbour Master Explorer | |
Antique Silver | Mixed | 50.4° | 28.1% | 82.5% | Uncommon | Master Jewelry Crafter | |
Chivalric Silver | Mixed | 206.3° | 9.4% | 33.3% | Uncommon | Savior of High Isle | |
West Weald Autumnal Orange | Iridescent | 39° | 81.1% | 49.8% | Uncommon | Hero of the Gold Road | |
Dragonstar Red | Red | 350° | 55.3% | 29.8% | Rare | Time Trial: Hel Ra Citadel | |
Syffim Red | Red | 5.2° | 43.3% | 36.7% | Rare | Fighters Guild Skill Master | |
General's Gold | Red | 18.9° | 59.7% | 30.2% | Rare | Alliance War General | |
Sigil Orange | Red | 18.8° | 67.5% | 32.5% | Rare | City of Ash II Conqueror | |
Pact Blood Red | Red | 0° | 48.9% | 26.1% | Rare | Hero of the Ebonheart Pact | |
Warlord's Red | Red | 4.4° | 47% | 22.9% | Rare | Alliance War Warlord | |
Ruby Throne Red | Red | 0° | 66% | 19.6% | Rare | Emperor! | |
Nirncrux Red | Red | 0° | 47.4% | 18.6% | Rare | Learn the Nirnhoned Trait | |
Daedric Red | Red | 0° | 55.6% | 12.4% | Rare | General Executioner | |
Magnus Setting Red | Red | 2.4° | 65.3% | 29.4% | Rare | Veteran White-Gold Tower | |
Bloodroot Wine | Red | 9.9° | 83.3% | 39.8% | Rare | Horns of the Reach Delver | |
Apricot Outrage | Red | 14.6° | 84.3% | 24.9% | Rare | Blackrose Prison Vanquisher | |
Scintillating Scarlet | Red | 4.9° | 94.5% | 35.7% | Rare | Flames of Ambition Delver | |
Cardsharp Crimson | Red | 0° | 87.5% | 9.4% | Rare | Roister's Club Master | |
Artifact-Hunter Amber | Red | 357.4° | 82.1% | 11% | Rare | Retribution Takes Time | |
Dominion Yellow | Yellow | 34.4° | 53.3% | 32.7% | Rare | Hero of the Aldmeri Dominion | |
Grand Overlord's Brass | Yellow | 33.3° | 42.9% | 41.2% | Rare | Alliance War Grand Overlord | |
Ayleid Gold | Yellow | 36° | 49.5% | 21.8% | Rare | Aldmeri Master Explorer | |
Dwarven Brass | Yellow | 29.5° | 53.4% | 20.2% | Rare | Dwemer Style Master | |
Akatosh's Scales Gold | Yellow | 61.8° | 33.3% | 61.2% | Rare | Complete All Speed Challenges | |
Colossus Brass | Yellow | 34.2° | 48% | 43.7% | Rare | Halls of Fabrication Completed | |
Glacial Topaz | Yellow | 37.2° | 68.7% | 26.3% | Rare | Wrathstone Delver | |
Patron's Gold | Yellow | 42.6° | 84.9% | 39% | Rare | Tales of Tribute Master | |
Aurora Green | Green | 155° | 60.7% | 34.9% | Rare | Time Trial: Aetherian Archive | |
Orichalc Green | Green | 57.3° | 21.2% | 20.4% | Rare | Daggerfall Master Explorer | |
Ophidian Jade | Green | 144.5° | 55% | 15.7% | Rare | Sanctum Ophidia Completed | |
Putrid Flesh Teal | Green | 145.1° | 36.3% | 40% | Rare | Veteran Imperial City Prison | |
Viridian Venom | Green | 98.8° | 41.5% | 8% | Rare | Toxicologist | |
Hazardous Chartreuse | Green | 79.2° | 79.9% | 70.8% | Rare | Stonethorn Delver | |
Darkstorm Emerald | Green | 161.3° | 100% | 18.8% | Rare | Savior of the Reach | |
Sunforge Patina | Green | 72.6° | 88.1% | 70.4% | Rare | Hero of Fargrave | |
Drowned Cobalt | Green | 120° | 87.5% | 9.4% | Rare | Ascending Tide Delver | |
Roister's Cerulean | Green | 161.2° | 77% | 17.1% | Rare | Tales of Travel | |
Brightfern Green | Green | 124.1° | 88% | 16.3% | Rare | Lost Depths Delver | |
Necromancer Blue | Blue | 176.3° | 21.2% | 55.7% | Rare | Radiant Champion | |
Aetherial Blue | Blue | 189.6° | 33.3% | 47.6% | Rare | Tamriel Skyshard Hunter | |
Entoloma Blue | Blue | 175.7° | 29.1% | 46.5% | Rare | Truly Legendary | |
Arcane Blue | Blue | 200° | 49.6% | 22.5% | Rare | Mages Guild Skill Master | |
Mundus Blue | Blue | 219.7° | 25.8% | 55.1% | Rare | Weekly Trial Complete | |
Covenant Blue | Blue | 229.2° | 42.4% | 23.1% | Rare | Hero of the Daggerfall Covenant | |
Superior Blue | Blue | 217.5° | 32% | 19.6% | Rare | Superior Attire | |
Stalhrim Chrome | Blue | 174.1° | 83.7% | 40.8% | Rare | Wolfhunter Delver | |
Abyssal Beryl | Blue | 198.6° | 56.8% | 49% | Rare | Maw of Lorkhaj Completed | |
Vehk's Mystic Blue | Blue | 203.4° | 81.6% | 36.3% | Rare | Champion of Vivec | |
Blackreach Blue | Blue | 218.2° | 73.3% | 41.2% | Rare | Savior of Western Skyrim | |
Scrivener's Ultramarine | Blue | 197.6° | 100% | 10% | Rare | Scribes of Fate Delver | |
Celestial Violet | Purple | 286.2° | 10.9% | 46.7% | Rare | Time Trial: Weekly | |
Indomitable Violet | Purple | 303.5° | 11.1% | 30% | Rare | Indomitable Adventurer | |
Grand Warlord's Violet | Purple | 240° | 32.7% | 20.4% | Rare | Alliance War Grand Warlord | |
Contraband Violet | Purple | 273.7° | 74% | 30.2% | Rare | Black Market Mogul | |
Voidstone Violet | Purple | 243.5° | 53.1% | 12.5% | Rare | Complete All Death Challenges | |
Slaughterfish Flesh Pink | Purple | 326.3° | 20.2% | 53.3% | Rare | Master Fisher | |
Epic Violet | Purple | 320° | 37.5% | 15.7% | Rare | Epic Attire | |
Overlord's Purple | Purple | 300° | 73.1% | 10.2% | Rare | Alliance War Overlord | |
Transliminal Violet | Purple | 247.9° | 37.8% | 35.3% | Rare | Imperial Lightbringer | |
Blademaster's Mauve | Purple | 268.4° | 36.3% | 40% | Rare | Maelstrom Arena Champion | |
Nacreous Purple | Purple | 284.2° | 16.1% | 46.3% | Rare | Dragon Bones Delver | |
Bedlam Purple | Purple | 250.7° | 51.7% | 17.1% | Rare | Cloudrest Conqueror | |
Moonshadow Orchid | Purple | 275.2° | 17.4% | 67.3% | Rare | Waking Flame Delver | |
Pyandonean Purple | Purple | 300° | 74.1% | 28.8% | Rare | Dreadsail Reef Vanquisher | |
King Orgnum's Wine | Purple | 302.4° | 30.4% | 31.6% | Rare | Savior of Galen | |
Sanity's Orchid | Purple | 302.4° | 30.4% | 31.6% | Rare | Sanity's Edge Vanquisher | |
Scaled Court Brown | Brown | 4.9° | 16.4% | 55.9% | Rare | Time Trial: Sanctum Ophidia | |
Undaunted Bronze | Brown | 22.3° | 37.6% | 36.5% | Rare | Undaunted Skill Master | |
Atmoran Bronze | Brown | 21.5° | 55.7% | 27.5% | Rare | Ebonheart Master Explorer | |
Motif Master Brown | Brown | 28.3° | 47.4% | 14.9% | Rare | Rare Style Master | |
Julianos White | Grey | N/A | 0% | 80% | Rare | Aetherian Archive Completed | |
Lamae's White | Grey | N/A | 0% | 69% | Rare | Vampirism Master | |
Lycanthrope Gray | Grey | N/A | 0% | 48.6% | Rare | Lycanthropy Master | |
Legate's Black | Grey | 180° | 4.2% | 9.4% | Rare | Alliance War Legate | |
Adamantine Silver | Grey | 191.5° | 13.7% | 62.7% | Rare | Dragonstar Arena Conqueror | |
Cyrodilic Steel | Grey | 198.3° | 14.6% | 30.8% | Rare | Cyrodiil Champion | |
Warrior's Steel | Grey | 250.9° | 9.7% | 22.2% | Rare | Hel Ra Citadel Completed | |
Palatine's White | Grey | 21.8° | 26.4% | 75.5% | Rare | Alliance War Palatine | |
Liar's Linen | Grey | 22.5° | 8.7% | 63.9% | Rare | I Like M'aiq | |
Nirnroot Gray | Grey | 22.5° | 10.7% | 56.1% | Rare | Botanist | |
Coldharbour Ash Black | Grey | 20° | 9.4% | 12.5% | Rare | The God of Schemes | |
Marble White | Grey | 276° | 100% | 97.1% | Rare | Excavation Virtuoso | |
Void Pitch | Grey | N/A | 0% | 0% | Rare | Honor to the Spiritblood | |
Rank 1 Materials | Mixed | 210° | 15.8% | 29.8% | Material | Rank 1 Deconstruction Analyst | |
Rank 2 Materials | Mixed | N/A | 0% | 40.4% | Material | Rank 2 Deconstruction Analyst | |
Rank 3 Materials | Mixed | 67.3° | 26% | 24.9% | Material | Rank 3 Deconstruction Analyst | |
Rank 4 Materials | Mixed | 35.2° | 46.6% | 31.6% | Material | Rank 4 Deconstruction Analyst | |
Rank 5 Materials | Mixed | 198.9° | 9.5% | 39% | Material | Rank 5 Deconstruction Analyst | |
Rank 6 Materials | Mixed | 32.3° | 30.6% | 33.3% | Material | Rank 6 Deconstruction Analyst | |
Rank 7 Materials | Mixed | 26.7° | 42.9% | 20.6% | Material | Rank 7 Deconstruction Analyst | |
Rank 8 Materials | Mixed | 165.6° | 17.2% | 28.4% | Material | Rank 8 Deconstruction Analyst | |
Rank 9 Materials | Mixed | 336° | 62.5% | 9.4% | Material | Rank 9 Deconstruction Analyst | |
Rank 10 Materials | Mixed | 2° | 80% | 21.6% | Material | Rank 10 Deconstruction Analyst | |
Divine Gold | Mixed | 44° | 62.9% | 56.7% | Rare | Legendary Jewelry Crafter | |
Blood Gold | Iridescent | 3° | 47.3% | 74.7% | Rare | Queenmaker | |
Hollowfang Cruor | Iridescent | 2.7° | 88.2% | 10% | Rare | Scalebreaker Delver | |
Pellitine Coral | Iridescent | 352.6° | 54.3% | 43.7% | Rare | Return of the Dragonguard | |
Frozen Blood | Iridescent | 17.5° | 21.4% | 78% | Rare | Harrowstorm Delver | |
Alik'r Sand | Yellow | 52.5° | 53.8% | 53.3% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Avocado Green | Green | 126.4° | 81% | 22.7% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Baked Ash Yam Orange | Red | 30° | 93.3% | 46.7% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Black is the Darkest Gray | Grey | 272.6° | 95.8% | 9.4% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Bunny Nose Pink | Purple | 1.7° | 100% | 93.1% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Butterscotch Ale | Yellow | 37.4° | 68.6% | 53.7% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Chorrol Cheddar | Yellow | 47° | 93.8% | 55.7% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Clover Lawn | Green | 106.5° | 41% | 33.9% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Comberry Crimson | Red | 358° | 91.5% | 32.4% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Crown Gold | Yellow | 47.1° | 90% | 31.4% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Elven Gore Red | Red | 0° | 83.1% | 34.9% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Frostfroth Gray | Grey | 184° | 33.3% | 91.2% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Gilt-y Pleasure | Yellow | 48° | 38% | 63.9% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Guar Tongue Pink | Purple | 310.7° | 72% | 81.8% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Harlequin Heliotrope | Purple | 260.8° | 52.2% | 27.1% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Hint of Mint | Grey | 126.9° | 72.2% | 92.9% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Hundred Pumpkin Orange | Red | 15.2° | 69.6% | 49% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Iliac Bay Blue | Blue | 228.7° | 45.7% | 70.4% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Immaculate White | Grey | N/A | 0% | 100% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Jolly Aubergine | Purple | 272.8° | 38.1% | 44.3% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Karth Ivy Green | Green | 121.6° | 88.9% | 24.7% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Lil' Peep Yellow | Yellow | 59.5° | 79.2% | 71.8% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Pale Pink Gray | Purple | 310.9° | 57.9% | 96.3% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Pastel Sky | Blue | 192.9° | 71.8% | 84.7% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Patriots' Blood | Red | 2.8° | 92.5% | 36.5% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Red Sangria | Red | 2° | 62.2% | 28% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Roasted Yellow Squash | Yellow | 50° | 84.7% | 66.7% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Star-Made Gold | Yellow | 49.7° | 87% | 60.8% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Surilie Wine | Purple | 310.6° | 55.7% | 39.8% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
True Blue | Blue | 235.5° | 83.1% | 34.9% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Week-Old Bruise Purple | Purple | 272.4° | 84.7% | 25.7% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Cranberry Red | Red | 0° | 79.7% | 29% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only | |
Recipe Reaper Red | Red | 352.2° | 38.5% | 43.3% | Dye Stamp | Dye Stamps only |
- These images show how different clothing and armor materials take various dye colors.
- All of the colors in the "Grey" hue set use the spelling "Gray" instead, a minor inconsistency.