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Online:Lakorrah the Matron

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Lakorrah the Matron
Location Fearfangs Cavern
Species Giant Scorpion
Health 133,844 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Lakorrah the Matron

Lakorrah the Matron is a giant scorpion matron found inside Fearfangs Cavern in Upper Craglorn. She needs to be defeated during the related quest, and must be killed along with Sepilisk to clear the delve.

Outside of summoning the occasional scorpion to assist her in combat, she uses all of the same abilities as standard giant scorpions.

She is being used by the Scaled Court to collect large quantities of giant scorpion eggs for their mantikora breeding project.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Lakorrah the Matron attacks with a pincer, dealing minor physical damage.
Lakorrah the Matron attacks with her tail, dealing minor direct physical damage and minor poison damage over 8 seconds.
Blurred Strike
Lakorrah the Matron attacks twice with her pincers, dealing minor physical damage with each strike. This can be blocked to stagger Lakorrah the Matron.
Lakorrah the Matron canalizes an attack with her tail, dealing low physical damage and snaring for 7 seconds. This can be interrupted to stagger Lakorrah the Matron.
Hardened Carapace
Lakorrah the Matron glows slightly, reducing her damage taken.
Summon Giant Scorpion
Lakorrah the Matron periodically summons a scorpion to fight for her.


There is one achievement associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
   Fearfangs Cavern Explorer 10 Explore and clear Fearfangs Cavern.


  • After being defeated the first time and then every two times, she will respawn extremely fast (about 45 seconds instead of the usual 5 minutes).