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Online:Lieutenant Mervial

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Lieutenant Mervial
Home City Kvatch
Race Imperial Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Order of the Hour
Lieutenant Mervial

Lieutenant Mervial is an Imperial lieutenant of the Order of the Hour found in Kvatch. She appears when you are spreading blasphemy around the city, and will escort you for judgment at the Tower of Judgement.

Later on you will meet Mervial again at the shrine of Akatosh located north of Hrota Cave, where she is waiting to ambush you - she is now hostile, thus you can optionally deal with her before proceeding with the quest.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

After you annoy the last of the initiates, the Lieutenant will reach her limit and summon you:

Lieutenant Mervial : "That's enough blasphemy out of you for one day! The Grand Chanter wants to have a word with you."
"Your foul words have consequences, heretic. The Grand Chanter has ordered you to appear before him."
Is there a problem?
"Problem? Yes, there's a problem! You're preaching Boethiah's lies to the faithful initiates of the Society of the Dragon! The Grand Chanter won't stand for that, and neither will I.
He orders you to appear before him in the Chamber of Penance."
You're obviously dangerous, so I suppose I have no choice.
"Well … that's right, I am dangerous. Now march!
If you're lucky, the Grand Chanter's justice will take the form of a simple fine for all the trouble you caused. If you resist or continue to disturb the initiates, I can't guarantee your safety."
Let's go see the Grand Chanter.
Why does the Grand Chanter fear the words of Boethiah?
"The Grand Chanter fears nothing, least of all a pathetic Daedra who pales in comparison to the mighty Dragon God!
Now go see the Grand Chanter and face your judgment or I'll gut you here and now.
Very well, let's go see the Grand Chanter.
Help! Someone! They're going to make me disappear!
"No righteous citizen of Kvatch will raise a finger to help a Daedra worshiper!
Now march! If you cause further trouble, I can't guarantee your safety.
Oh, very well. Let's go see the Grand Chanter.

After being taken hostage by Lieutenant Mervial, you'll find yourself inside the Tower of Judgement standing trial in front of the Grand Chanter, the Lieutenant, the initiates you harassed earlier, and an initiate you have not met before, Initiate Josseline:

Grand Chanter Surus : "Lieutenant, how has this heretic transgressed against the Dragon God?"
Lieutenant Mervial : "By spreading the word of Boethiah to the initiates."
Grand Chanter Surus : "There's only one punishment for blasphemy. Behead them!"
Initiate Josseline : "What? Isn't that a little extreme?"
Grand Chanter Surus : "You dare question the will of Akatosh?"
Initiate Josseline : "It doesn't say anything about beheadings in the Book of Akatosh."
Grand Chanter Surus : "Silence, initiate! Lieutenant, deliver Akatosh's justice."
Crafty Lerisa : "Is this the life you hoped for, Josseline?"
Initiate Josseline : "Lerisa? I should have known! I'm leaving."
Crafty Lerisa : "I like the sound of that. Time to go."
Lieutenant Mervial
Location Akatosh shrine north of Hrota Cave
Race Imperial Gender Female
Health 133,800 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile Class Nullifier
Other Information
Faction(s) Order of the Hour
"I knew I would find you here, blasphemer! Die!"

Later while searching for Josseline, you'll encounter a hostile Mervial at a Shrine of Akatosh:

Lieutenant Mervial : "I knew I would find you here, blasphemer! Die!"

Mervial will fight with a greatsword, and you must defeat her.

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